SM: Hello--I just read your section in the newsletter for Electric Dreams. I
wrote the book "Your Dream of Recovery" (Dream Interpretation and the
12 steps). I would like to be an interviewee to let people know that work with
the 12 steps and dreams.... there are a lot of us out there but finding them is
sometimes difficult.
Is this the sort of thing you had in mind?
You can read more about me at and go to the
section on my publications to see my book.
Thanks, Shelly
Anyway, some further questions:
VQ: I see that the book is dedicated to an Elsie Sechrist.Have you met her in
SM: Unfortunately, no, I wish I could, even in ,my dreams!!
VQ: When did you read her book "Dreams: Your Magic Mirror"?
SM: I read it in 1969, the first year I found recovery from drugs and
Her introduction to dreams was so clear and beautiful to my muddle mind that
I believe She helped save my soul. It was a combination of her system of dream
work and the 12 steps that laid the foundation for my life.
VQ In the dedication, you also mention your mother introducing you to the
works of Edgar Cayce.
SM: Ah my mother, if it weren't for her, I would be dead. She introduced me
to dream Interpretation and Edgar Cayce about 2 months before I got sober and
she brought me to the 12 step program which she herself uses.
VQ: 12 steps originates with "Alcoholics Anonymous" and recovery.
SM: Yes it does. As you read, I wrote about the history of this in Chapter
One. I would be glad to forward it to any interested readers.
VQ: Can you isolate a time or dream that melded dreams with the 12 STEPS for
SM: Well, dreams are about our spiritual growth and the twelve steps are too.
Dreamwork is a tool to apply the 12 steps in a more meaningful way. I remember
one dream in early recovery where I had red teased hair and If I would just comb
it down I would be more attractive. After waking up, I could see it was talking
about my temper (red hair-wild) and If I'd calm (comb) down, I'd be more
attractive. This was dealing with my character defect, which is what the program
is all about. I was amazed at how my dreams were working my 12 steps with/ for
me. Another one was me hammering tresses, joining three white houses together.
This represented me building and joining, body, mind and spirit.
It also represents steps 1, 2, 3.
Step one is the body(admitting we have a disease).
Step two is mental, (we make a decision to believe a higher power can help us).
And the third is spiritual (we decide to let our higher power do it)
VQ: What would you most like to share with readers about your book?
SM: Well, I believe that my dream glossary is the best in the world. The book
is a great guide to spiritual growth -- but the dream glossary is
superb.Naturally it is designed for a person to design their own--but it gives
the foundation for a complete personal glossary like no other. It gives
universal meanings to words in a category, suggests cultural interpretations,
gives positive as well as negative connotations to be aware of, and gives
societal idioms that our subconscious is likely to draw on.
There are 12 categories including colors, numbers, behavior, health, plants--
etc. Again, if anyone were interested, I'd be glad to forward (by e-mail
attachment in "Works") the introduction to this and "The Four
Elements: Earth, Water, Air and Fire". You'll have to buy the book for the
VQ: Apart from checking your website, have you any suggestions about finding
others who work with the 12 step program?
SM: You can get to anywhere in recovery from my recommended sites. But going
to an AA central office in your community and asking for what you want will
help. Or, you can call the American Self-Help Clearinghouse at 201 625 7101 in
the US or 613 728 1865 in Canada. In other countries, I would suggest AA again.
light and peace
Shelly from Soberspace
Victoria 8*)
