Recently, I updated my homepage (which is a never-ending project). I created a
dreamy links page and checked
that all of the links were current. Then I did a net search on dreams and as a
result, found DrmDoc Dream Translation Page,
DD: Hi Victoria,
I've heard the phrase electric dreams, perhaps in a song. I have also
experienced electric shock in a dream.
Never, have I turned away an inquirer's questions. I'd be delighted. Also, I
sincerely appreciate your kind inclusion of my web page at your site.
VQ: Would you categorise yourself primarily as a lucid dreamer?
DD: I would categorize myself as a explorer of consciousness through dreams
and dreaming.
VQ: About how long have you been online?
DD: Less than 6 months.
VQ: Had you worked much with dreams before that?
DD: I've made a personal study of dreams for nearly 20 years.
VQ: One more question I can think of is, do you work more with your own or
With other people's dreams?
DD: I work with mine and other people's dreams using my dreams as a kind of
Rosetta Stone. It seems to work extremely well.
Victoria 8*)
