John Fitzsimons interview October 97
"An interview with John Fitzsimons, leader/teacher/lecturer/counsellor
of the
"New Age" group called Aspects"
Question the first-
VQ: Do you keep a dream diary?
JF: No
VQ: If so, for how long have you kept one?
VQ: Have you a favourite amulet or symbol?
JF: The ankh.
VQ: Do you always wear one?
JF: No.
VQ: or do you regard it more as a "life" symbol?
JF: Yes.
VQ: Do you use a physical, or imaginary, ankh for your own "psychic
JF : It depends on the degree of protection required. I like to keep
rituals/items to the minimum. If needed then having both would have a cumulative
effect and may be used.
VQ: Is there anything else "Egyptian" that appeals to you,
JF: Most Egyptian things appeal to me.
VQ: Does that tie in with a past life of your own that you are aware of?
JF: More like a number of lives. I worked in spiritual areas then I do so
again now.
VQ: In your work with Aspects:
how significant a role do dreams play?
JF: Only as a means to get answers from one's spirit guides and/or as past
life references. Until a person does spirit communication and/or past life
recall consciously.
VQ: I assume that you work more with others' dreams than your own?
JF: Yes.
VQ : In your work with how
significant a role do dreams play?
JF: Only as a means to get answers from one's spirit guides and/or as past
life references. Until a person does spirit communication and/or past life
recall consciously.
VQ: So if dreams are a "byline",what other techniques do you use to
help people get in touch with their spirit guides?
JF : Prayer, and mediumistic training. Part of that would be doing spirit
guided writing.
VQ: How much dream recall do you use with beginners as opposed to more
"advanced" students?
JF : Everyone is different. If people are used to working with dreams then
they can continue doing so. However the emphasis is placed on getting guidance
from one's guides "consciously" right from the start.
VQ : Does Aspects take a primarily Christian approach to prayer and
JF : Aspects accommodates people's existing belief structure. A belief in a
higher force helps. One could say that the essence of Christianity is emphasized
but not orthodox religious Christianity.
