Electric Dreams

Dreams of Terror, Dreams of Healing

Robert Moss

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Moss, Robert (2001 Dec). Dreams of Terror, Dreams of Healing. Electric Dreams 8(12). Retrieved December 28, 2001 from Electric Dreams on the World Wide Web: http://www.dreamgate.com/electric-dreams  

Moss, Robert (2001). Dreams of Terror, Dreams of Healing. © Robert Moss 2001. All rights reserved. [Online] Available:
Permission to reprint in Electric Dreams forums

One of the lessons of the horror on September 11, 2001 is that we need to rely on human intuition more, and technology less, to safeguard our liberties and our loved ones. Especially the intuitions that come through in dreams. Within 24 hours of the terror attacks, dreamers from around the world shared dozens of dreams with me that appeared to contain highly specific previews of the disasters; several of the most specific dreams had actually been shared by email over the month before the calamity, so there was no doubt about the accuracy of the reporting.

The urgency of developing a discipline of dreaming - to identify and clarify possible precognitive messages in dreams, and to share the information in a helpful and timely way - is now abundantly clear. We also need to steer our society towards a greater respect for dreams and dreamers. In this way, we will not only construct a powerful first-line defense against future assaults; we will open profound ways of healing our wounds, as individuals, families and nations.

Dream Warnings of the Terror Attacks

The horror may have been foreseen, not by intelligence agencies but by the intelligence of dreams.

Less than two weeks before the terror attacks, a Los Angeles woman called Katy dreamed that four planes crashed in a single night. Here is Katy's dream report as she shared it by email with her dream circle on the morning of August 30:

Four Planes Crash in One Night

I'm in a house that is near an airport runway. I'm horrified and fascinated as I realize plane after plane takes off and doesn't make it. They get up in the air and either explode or crash somewhere. I'm aware of it but not sure if I am hearing about it on the news later or 'just know' that three planes have gone down one right after the other.

I go outside where I can see the runway and I see the silhouette of a fourth plane. I'm looking at its underbelly as it goes straight up to the sky. It's going too slow and I realize it is going to tip over and land on its back right there in front of me and crash on the ground.

I call 911. It takes several minutes to get through. I realize this is the small airport in Concord, NH because my mom and dad are in the house with me. My mom says I should hang up because "they must know about it already". I'm screaming at my parents to go outside and look! They are like zombies, side by side in the bathroom brushing their teeth getting ready for bed. At last, the 911 people take my call and it turns out I am the first one to report the tragedy.

By the time I go outside, the plane is totally incinerated. Nearby someone has made a huge mound of ashes/sand. People have gathered and stuck mementoes and flowers and scraps of debris belonging to the passengers onto the mound so it is a memorial. I see sticks of incense stuck in the mound everywhere, wafting smoke up to the night sky. I go and kneel by the memorial heap and I find myself crying for the enormous loss.

There are some remarkable correspondences between Katy's dream and the events of September 11. She has three planes that "explode or crash somewhere" and one that hits the ground, like the fourth hijacked plane that went down in Pennsylvania. She calls 911, like the passenger on the fourth plane who made a 911 call from the restroom. "911" may also be the date of the disaster - 9/11. Katy's dream location is an airport in New England near Boston; Concord is 50 miles from Logan, where two of the planes were hijacked. The smoking heap of ashes closely resembled the scenes Katy witnessed on TV on the day of the disaster.

Some of the dream previews of the disaster date from long before the terror attacks.

A Massachusetts man called Mike, who grew up in lower Manhattan, realized, to his horror, that he had dreamed the disaster 18 months before it took place - from the perspective of a victim. In the spring of 2000, Mike dreamed he was killed by an airplane engine falling from the Trade Center. Here is part of his own account:

Killed by airplane engine falling from World Trade Center

In my dream, I am walking with business colleagues from Boston out of the New York City World Trade Center towers, into the plaza area on a bright sunny day. We are in a jovial mood and decide to take a lunch break at an outdoor café.

Suddenly the tranquil scene is destroyed by a horrible boom. People are screaming and running, and I notice that debris is falling onto the street around me and into the river behind it. Within moments I realize that pieces from an airplane are raining down upon us.

I tell my associates to run as fast as they can. They flee, and I look up to dodge the falling pieces. Chunks of metal are crashing around me. I escape many of them. One comes screaming down toward me, and I recognize it to be a turbofan engine. I try to get out of the way, but then realize the inevitable. As the engine descends upon me, I have a surge of immense grief about missing my children. I surrender and the grief is replaced by a wave of calm acceptance. Suddenly everything goes black.

Mike woke from this dream deeply shaken. He shared his dream with his wife, and she recounted it to some close friends.

A few months later in waking life, Mike was with two business colleagues in Lower Manhattan on our way to a meeting. They started to take a shortcut through an area cordoned off with police tape. An officer waved them through. Mike thanked him and asked why the area was off-limits. The officer told him it was because of loose debris falling from a building. He told close friends about the synchronicity and assumed that his dream had now been played out

On September 11th , the day of the terror attacks, Mike was in Boston with the same business colleagues who had accompanied him on his walk near the World Trade Center, watching CNN accounts of the airplanes striking the towers. One of the images from the news footage showed the burnt remains of a jet engine on the ground. Recognizing the full and lethal manifestation of his dream, Mike began to shake.

Soon after, Mike discovered that a relative and childhood friend his own age (the husband and father of two small children), was in his office at the WTC during the tragedy. He was trapped on the 104th floor of the South Tower when the plane hit the 70th floor, speaking with his sister and parents during his last moments on a cell phone. That was the last time he was heard from; he was presumed dead.

Intuitive defense against future terror

The dream warnings that were missed or not acted upon before the terror attacks are a wake-up call for all of us to pay closer attention to dreams and intuition, get the messages clear, and pass them along in helpful and timely ways.

More than a few of the dreamers who glimpsed disaster before the planes hit the World Trade Center and the Pentagon had an uneasy feeling that this was not the end of it and that some of the scenes they dreamed had still to be played out.

How can we know what sense to make of our dreams of the future before events, perhaps terrible events, catch up with them? How can we clarify our waking intuitions and distinguish objective data from subjective projection? By an everyday dream practice that involves

--Recording dreams as clearly and completely as possible.

--Scanning all dream material for possible precognitive elements - and asking when and where the events seen in the dream might possibly take place.

--Learning to go back inside dreams to develop further information and clarify details such as the dream locale and the possible timing of events foreseen in dream. This is accomplished through the technique of dream reentry, which is explained in my books and tapes, and is central to my workshops.

--Sharing dreams on a regular basis with partners and dream groups.

--Enlisting the help of other practiced dreamers to enter the same dream space and bring back their own perceptions. This is accomplished through tracking, another core technique of Active Dreaming.

Dream Help for the Departed

Through the days of rage and grief, and far beyond them, dreaming will be vitally important to healing the wounds in our collective psyche as well as our own souls.

Dreamwork is soulwork. Providing means of communication and guidance for the thousands of victims of mass murder who were savagely ripped from their bodies will be a critical aspect of this work. Active dreamers know that communication with the departed is perfectly natural in dreams and that it can become a source of deep healing and soul guidance. In dreams, we all have a direct line to the other side.

Dreams shared with me by many people in all walks of life in the immediate aftermath of the terror attacks suggested that many of those who had been murdered would need gentle guidance in understanding their circumstances, conveying messages to survivors, dealing with unfinished business, and embarking on their afterlife journeys.

Some of the departed encountered in dreams and intuitive visions were still trying to reach their families on the phone, or finish up some office work. Some of the emergency workers who were killed in the collapse of the second tower appeared to be still bent on carrying out their rescue missions, as if their trucks and their bodies had not been buried under the rubble. Some of us found ourselves guided to approach these brave souls and innocent victims to help them as best we were able.

I felt that I spent the whole of the second night after the terror attacks in the realm of the recently departed. I entered a ghostly version of the World Trade Center, where people who had recently died were going on with their lives and their business as if they had not been killed. I met firefighters still bent on their rescue work, not realizing they had been killed in the collapse of the second tower. It was very tough, trying gently to guide these brave souls to an understanding of their actual situation. I was guided to direct them to an emergency briefing session at a new crisis center, presented to them as something like a military base suddenly created in Manhattan. I saw ways opening up for all the departed to pursue their journeys of spirit, when they were ready to release and move on. For some, the passage would seem like going to take the subway home at the end of their work. For others, a passage like a skyway, leading from upper stories of the ghost buildings, would open up. I felt deep gratitude as I realized that hosts of angelic helpers - each available in a form the departed person could recognize and relate to - were hovering around the whole scene, ready to help.

My prayer is that in the challenging times ahead, we will use the gifts of dreaming to safeguard our way of life, rescue souls on both sides of death and move from war into healing.

© Robert Moss 2001. All rights reserved.

Robert Moss is a world-renowned dream explorer, a best-selling novelist and a former foreign correspondent and professor of ancient history. His many books include Conscious Dreaming, Dreamgates and Dreaming True: How to Dream Your Future and Change Your Life for the Better. He is also the author of the popular Sounds True audio series Dream Gates: A Journey into Active Dreaming. Visit Robertos website, www.mossdreams.com


Copyright Robert Moss 2001



Electric Dreams issn # 1080 4284
Edited from first publications, August 2000 by Jennifer Fraser
Copyrights © held by individual authors, all rights reserved
For reprint information contact the publisher,
Richard Wilkerson, E-mail: rcwilk@dreamgate.com

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