Over the next few months I will be including some descriptions of playing
cards that have been developed for dreamwork. Each article will include
two or three decks. Many thanks to Jill Gregory and the Dream Library and
Archive for allowing me time there to research these cards.

The Lucid Dreaming Kit: How to Awaken Within, Control and use our Dreams
Paul Devereux & Charla Devereux
$22.95 Journey Editions 1998
Actually there is only one 5" x 7" card in this package, a visualization
card that has a stone archway and receding hallway. The kit contains a
book on lucid dreams, a cassette and 5ml of Clary Sage in Grapeseed Oil.
OK, not much of a review, but then there was only one card!

Carla Houle's Angels in the Light
Angelic/Animal/Dream Cards
Carla was instructed on how to create these cards on a vision quest from
her angel guide Keeno. The cards come in five colors in a net bag. There
are black ink drawings on both sides, the back is a sketch of an angel. The
art is spontaneous, loose, childlike.
The other side of the cards each have a theme, a color coding and an
affirmation. For example, the Butterfly card is part of the Cosmic Five
series and states that it is about affirmation and change. "I am born to a
new time each day. I break out and emerge from my cocoon as a better being,
spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. I feel free and joyously happy. I
transcend to my higher self as I change and grow , emerging to new heights"
Small decorations and tokens are drawn in black ink.
64 cards, cardboard stock, flat. $26.00 + shipping
5244 Scandia Trail North
Forest Lke, MN, USA 55025

Dream Deck: 50 Cards to Interpret and Inspire Your Dreams
Duncan Baird Publisher 2002
Hardcover: ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.20 x 4.98 x 4.42
Publisher: Chronicle Books; ISBN: 0811831418; Cards edition (April 2002)
50 Cards, (3 x 7) slightly varnished.
Boxed in heavy stock and includes fold out card instructions
Price:$ 13.95
The cards have drawings and paintings on one side, and information about
the image as symbol on the other side. The art is very uneven, some cards
(like the Giving and Receiving card) having fairly rich and colorful
pictures others like the fish card have simple monochromatic drawings. I
personally didn't quite get why. I could see a Desert card or Air or
something like that being simplified to fit the symbol, but there isn't a
rhythm here I could detect. It felt like a lot of attention went into some
images, and little to others.
Dream Cue Cards - incubation
Diving into the deep - The healing place. Battling and the dragon.
Uncovering inspiration. Clearing the air. Arranging a dream rendezvous and
setting up mutual dreaming. How to make dreams reveal hidden aspects of the
Flying Card: The DESIRE to rise into the air unaided is one of the central
themes of human fantasy, embodied through the ages in characters from the
winged go Mercury to the fictional hero Superman.
Flying is one of the most exhilarating dream experiences, and the sense of
elation that it brings can affect the dream's outlook for a long time after
the dream.
Embrace your flying dream. It is a reminder of your infinite spiritual and
psychological potential. If you can fly, then nothing is out of your reach.
I really liked the heavy duty but compact box the deck came in, which is
very heavy cardboard, with a dark blue and moon theme, opens at the top
instead of the typical face lift.
See amazon.com for flying card and deck

Do you have a set of dream cards you would like reviewed?
Send them to Richard Wilkerson with a note at :
4644 Geary Blvd, PMB 171, San Francisco, CA 94118
