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Computer Dream Data from April 2001 to June 2001
Dreamers Computer Dream = dreamt that my friend from 8th grade fell for me...
we chat all the time... he typed "i love u"... and i felt the screen
suck me in...
Dream Title = dreams are not reality
Dream date = couple nights ago
Dreamers name = Anonymous
Dreamers Computer Dream = I was sitting in front of the computer looking at the
screen and seeing flashes of bright yellow, orange and purple move across the
screen. I was communicating with dead people who were using the computer as a
means to communicate with me. In real life they are not dead. I was frustrated
because 2 people were trying to send messages at the same time and I could only
read one message at a time.
Dream Title = multicoloured computer communications
Dream date = this morning april 29, 2001
Dreamers name = Nord
Dreamers Computer Dream = Last night I had a dream and in the end of it I was
trying to find someone, using the computer. Strange massages kept coming up on
the monitor and wierd icons and pictures too. I never did find the person, nor
do I know who it was that I was looking for. All I know is it was a male who was
in my dream earlier on. I am actually really frustrated by this dream, because I
have no idea what was going on, really. But at any rate, the computer basically
refused to help me find who I was looking for, and my sister appeared next,
saying she wasn't going to tell me how to find him. Go figure...
Dream Title = The Paegan Ritual, Whiffleball Game and Deadend
Dream date = last night
Dreamers name = Ladibug
Dreamers Computer Dream = Even though I use the puter every day for hours the
only time puters are in my dreams is as a starting point for the dream. I'm
sitting at the pc then something happens and the dream proper begins.
Dream Title = PC as Starting Point
Dream date = a lot
Dreamers name = Anonymous
Dreamers Computer Dream = talking to a fax machine while typing on the computyer
to my b\f
Dream Title = FAx machine
Dream date = yesterday
Dreamers name = hilary
Dreamers Computer Dream = i wake up and go to the computer.i get on Yahoo?! Chat
i talk to my friend and we confess our love to each other the emotions were
flowing and we were typing in different colors.
Dream Title = net love
Dream date = January 29
Dreamers name = Anonymous
Dreamers Computer Dream = I had a dream about being in the middle of a computer
program. There was tons of code all around me and I couldn't get out.
Dream Title = computer program
Dream date = last week
Dreamers name = Anonymous
Dreamers Computer Dream = i was awakened in a dream....and i tried to recollect
what it turned out to be that iw as dreaming about a man ( a friend
really)who was sitting inside my mail box and talking to me when suddenly he was
crushed as if u crush a paper and he was sucked into the screen....and as he
went he waved saying bye bye...
Dream Title = friend in inbox
Dream date = last saturday
Dreamers name = beavis
Dreamers Computer Dream = I was sitting in a gigantic room and Typing on the
internet with a guy named Christian. We meet somewhere and instantly fell in
love and got married.
Dream Title = Christian
Dream date = Febuary 7,2001
Dreamers name = Anonymous
Dreamers Computer Dream = dreams related to faulty components network
bottelnecks puzzeled connections of hubs and switches , a fatal error slow
network trying to solve any problem
Dream Title = shiva's dreams
Dream date = at night while sleeping
Dreamers name = Anonymous
Dreamers Computer Dream = I was completely alone. almost floating in a darkness,
but, eventhough I was suspended without touching anything, me and everything
around me was entirely motionless. (Even though it was dark, I could see
silhouettes) Then a sudden glow, ir reminded me of electricity, the color, the
sound, everything about it, except that it lingered longer than a spark or
current would. I started to feel a surge of energy just (for lack of a better
word) rip through me. It was, at first, a shock of pain, but then it just
subsided into a tingling, not pleasant, but, in no way unbearable. (all this
happened in a matter of seconds, but it was shocking detail. I never had dreams
that i remember so well, so this seems like it had real significance.)
When the pain subsided, I realized that my eyes were closed tight, to the point
that the eyelids hurt. I opened them and saw the circuitry of a computer,
exactly as you would picture it. I flowing slowly through the circuits, a part
of the electrical current. There was a low humming, it sounded like the flow of
power, but much more distant than if I were a part of it. The area directly
surrounding me was contained in a hazy reality, completely silent. I didn't
(emotionally) feel anything, but an acceptance, as if it were my fate to waste
away at the finger tips of some chatroom obsessed, forty year old, three-hundred
pound, pedophile. (yes, this is what I was thinking, although that was probably
a conscious thought of myself more than of this apathy) I was swept out, into a
large band of energy. It was a bright green, glowing, in streaks cluttering the
entire area. There seemed to be a black background, making it feel like a
tube/tunnel that I was flowing through. The color put me in the mind of the old
computers, with only I could feel electricity (kinda like static on bedsheets)
all around me, and I also felt a "wind" so I thought I was moving so
quickly through this place. There was absolutely no sense of time passed, but
soon I was floating, free of the flow in a "pool" of energy. The
darkness burst away from itself, and what was left was bright, silver, gold, and
pastel lights. The lights swam through, around each other, mixing, colors
shifting, the radiance reflecting off of me as I was now more than a conscious
existence. I had taken on human form; looked like myself now, fully clothed
although I couldn't feel the normal weight of the t-shirt or loose jeans. I was
standing, solid on the ground, because I remember the pressure on my legs. It
felt as if gravity were twice the average. The area I was in was spherical in
shape, an invisible floor, which I couldn't actually feel under my feet, cut the
sphere in half. A dark spot fromed on the iridescent dome across from me and
another person that I didn't know (again, for lack of a better word)materialized
across from me. I can't remember anything of what she looked like, just that she
had no distinguishable facial features, but clearly the figure of a woman I
didn't know what I was saying, but I was talking to her. That was the first time
I became aware of an "umbilical chord" of energy, the same glowing
green from before, attached to my spine. She had her back to me, so I couldn't
see if she had one, but more people were "materializing" in the
sphere. Every one who's back was exposed to me had one. We were all talking, but
no one seemed to care- no one spoke with any expression, no movement, no
enthusiasm. It took me awhile to comprehend, but eventually, I caught a few
words on my own. The ones who spoke most often used a lot of chat-room
abbreviations in their speech. Was this what a chatroom was?
As soon as I had reached the realization, I drifted into a deeper sleep-didn't
actually wake up, but just slept for awhile, and through another (unrelated)
dream. I was supposed to remember that dream, but I have no idea why.
Dream Title = Chatroom Core
Dream date = A friday night, nothing had happened unusual except for a deep
sppiritual discussion online.
Dreamers name = Venerated Mendacity
Dreamers Computer Dream = i had a dream that mice and rabbits were coming out of
the computer screen.Later babies came out of it by the hundreds.I made friends
with one of the mice adn carried it everywhere.Than one moring i found one of
the babies on my ironing board and i forgot all about the mouse. Later i found
out that the baby who was on my ironing board was missing and i had to give it
back so i lost in her in the grocery store instead/
Dream Title = ironing board baby
Dream date = MAY 2001
Dreamers name = Mere
Dreamers Computer Dream = It's a short dream. or several dreams. When I first
started taking graphic design courses on comuters, I would go home at night and
dream small dreams of computers with colorful flowers growing out of them.
Dream Title = Flowering computers
Dream date = three years ago
Dreamers name = Anonymous
Dreamers Computer Dream = Dreamt I got sucked through my monitor and was
actually in a chat room where everyone in there wore greet jump suits and
carried torches with blue flames.
They all came at me, and I ran to the corner and sat on the floor. All they
wanted was to give me a torch, but as it turned out, as soon as I touched the
torch, I suddenly had on a green jumpsuit too.
The mother ship was on its way, and we all had to be prepared for that last
final journey through cyber space. When the mother ship approached, it had a big
sign on the back that said "AOL and Budwiser - goes good together"
Imagine my surprise when the GoodYear Blimp flew over the chat room.
By the way - chat rooms don't have ceilings it seems, at least not in my
Dream Title = Blue Torches and Budweiser
Dream date = Friday
Dreamers name = Guenevere
Dreamers Computer Dream = I had a dream where I had sex with a robot. Not
actually a robot, I guess, but a creature made of metal wire and painted knobs.
In my dream, I was a virgin and I was with my friends in a room. They thought
that I wasn't a virgin, though they all were, and I was being wild and talking
about having sex. I think someone dared me, and then went to get someone for me
to do it with. The creature was very nice and I seemed to know him.
"He" was shaped like a ball, made of wires, with balls painted yellow,
red, and blue as appendages. I saw that my own sexual organs were brightly
colored. This creature had a wire coming out of its crotch with a red ball on
the end of it , a penis. I sat on top of him and we were both pretty
comfortable. He whispered to me,"Do you know how to do this?", and I
replied,"No, Don't you?" Then we started and seemed to know by
instinct. This part of the dream was very lucid. I actually felt everything,
including the orgasm, which w!
as very short. I remember at first worrying about whether I looked experienced
to my friends, who were watching, but I eventually forgot about them. I never
remember my dreams, but at the end of the orgasm in this dream, I woke up and
remembered everything very clearly. It all seemed very real, and I was in a
sweat when I woke up, though it was a cold night. I am very puzzled at the
realness of this dream, and wonder at its meaning.
Dream Title = Robot Sex
Dream date = may 11, 2001
Dreamers name = K
Dreamers Computer Dream = I had a dream that a gigantic computer ate me while i
was at work and then when my boss came looking for me the computer threw me up.
While i was inside the computer it was dark and all i kept hearing was that dial
up sound that the make....It was constantly making that sound. It was really
weird. When my boss found me he asked me where i had been and why my computer
was in the floor all i would tell him was i didn't know...I knew he would never
believe that my computer had just eaten me. Then I woke up
Dream Title = Little Cubical of Horrors
Dream date = Around
Dreamers name = Anonymous
Dreamers Computer Dream = a computer virus came on my screen and my conputer
blew up and killed me
Dream Title = computer viris
Dream date = 4 weeks ago
Dreamers name = jocky48
Dreamers Computer Dream = Before we moved to Ft. Lauderdale, while still living
in Baltimore, I had several computer dreams though none were lucid nor lasting;
mostly dealt with commonplace problem solving which I interpreted as being
reflective of my newness in computer usage.
I have not had these dreams recently;
not that I have become more proficient with my computer; perhaps more familiar,
less intimidated or frightened.
Dream Title =
Dream date =
Dreamers name = Anonymous
Dreamers Computer Dream = i found a dog that looked exactly like mine only it
mouth was that of a pug. then there was a younger lion(it was an amazing gold
color; beautiful!) that had half of a main and he was standing in my dogs bed.
it was a beautiful night and the garage door and front door was open. i remember
beaing afraid of something, but i don't remember what, exactly. we got the
look-alike dog from a stranger at the front door, he was nice.
Dream Title = Lion
Dream date = 2 or 3 nights ago
Dreamers name = Anonymous
Dreamers Computer Dream = i found a dog that looked exactly like mine only it
mouth was that of a pug. then there was a younger lion(it was an amizing gold
color; beautiful!) that had half of a main and he was standing in my dogs bed.
it was a beautiful night and the garage door and front door was open. i remember
beaing afraid of something, but i don't remember what, exactly. we got the
look-alike dog from a stranger at the front door, he was nice.
Dream Title = Lion
Dream date = 2 or 3 nights ago
Dreamers name = Anonymous
Dreamers Computer Dream = I'm chating to someone on line noone I know, or recall
to chating to before I'm upset by this wake up feeling I have to get online
right away and wake up talking to myself I'm in a hurry to get on line to see
what's going on their like I'm missing out something lol
Dream Title = Computer Friends
Dream date = about three months ago
Dreamers name = Anonymous
Dreamers Computer Dream = I often have dreams involving people contacting over
the internet using some form of Instant Messaging. I am sitting at a computer,
it's not mine, but I recognize it. The people talking to me express great
urgency, and the basic emotion I am feeling is that something has to be done
right away. Though I rarely remember what the messages say, I always awake with
the need to fulfill something.
Dream Title = Urgent Messages
Dream date = Many times, a few weeks ago is the most recent.
Dreamers name = Vacant
Dreamers Computer Dream = I was sitting at my computer chatting on chathouse
Like I always do. Having a conversation with a friend of mine who I have gotten
to know somewhat well in the last 6 years. His name was Warlock. Another one of
my named Rob came in and they both started to talk to me I got Frustrated cause
I couldn't keep up
With them in the room and started to log out when the screen being to type in
java scrip instead of how it usually works click the button then the next screen
comes up type of thing I didn't know what to do so I stayed logged in and then
typed to Warlock and told him that my screen was doing something funny in his
He replied and said, what do you mean?
I said, my screen is working in java scrip instead of what how it usually works.
He said, Oh well I thought all of our computers we're working like that.
I said, no no this is not right.
He changed the topic on me and said, look behind you.
I said, why? It's not like you are right behind me or anything.
He said, *L* I know but look behind you anyway.
I said, Oh right but I don't know why I'm doing this.
I replied to him again and said there is nothing there ok so now can you help me
out any?
He said, you didn't look behind you now did you?
I said, no like there is going to be anything behind me though scene you are so
far away and and live in a different state across the country.
He said, just look behind you already.
When I looked behind me there was something outside that looked like fire from
where I was at. I went to the window and looked out there was nothing but flames
all over the place. There was a lot of houses on fire and heading towards my
I went back to the computer really fast and said, Oh my got Scott there is fire
all over the place here.
Warlock replied, yes I know you may want to get out of there right now I think.
I said, Yes I know what you mean.
I started to log out but then paused.
I sent another message to him and said, Waite how did you know there was a fire
behind me?
He replied to the first message and said I love you be careful.
The he said cause I live right beside of you.
I replied to him and said, I love you too but you don't live right beside of me.
Warlock Said, yes I know but doesn't matter anymore always, now dose it?
I felt someone's hand touch my back as I jumped and started to turn around I
heard a voice saying what the computer had just wrote. The computer wrote don't
turn around, you never know what is behind you. It could be a killer or it could
be me.
I started to wonder if I should turn around or not. The computer and the person
behind me said I wouldn't move if I was you innless you are going to turn around
to kiss me.
I started to get freaked out as I started to turn around to see that there was a
man who looked like Scott with a head set on talking in a mic holding on to my
shoulder looking down at me.
Warlock sent a message to me and said are you still there?
I looked up at the guy behind me and said who are you?
He said, Don't be scared I'm with the army I was sent here to take everyone out
of this area.
I didn't know what to say I started to get scared even more I grabbed a hold of
his arm and flipped him I started to run out of the room as he grabbed a hold of
me again but he didn't get me in time as some guy tripped me. I fell to the
ground and felt like someone hand just punched me. There were some more army
guys in my house and they all started to live after the guy behind me picked me
up and started out the door. The guy who had his hand on my shoulder, who now
had started to carry me out the door said, If you want to know what is going on
Scott, otherwise known as Scott Picrce to us told us to get you out of here and
take you to his house, before the fire got to wild. Sorry we have to do this but
it's for your own good.
He stuck me in the back of the army truck and they drove me off as I started to
go to sleep.
Dream Title = The computer nightmare
Dream date = Dec. 26, 1999
Dreamers name = DreamerGina
Dreamers Computer Dream = I dreamed that i was in need of a computer disk, so i
traveled to france to visit the home of a family who my french teacher knew. The
house was blue and white and there were many trees nearby. They were not pine
trees, but other sorts. The house was one story, and I could speak perfect
french. The family was a mother, who had reddish-brown hair and was wearing a
blue and white striped t-shirt, and glasses. The father was older, and I cannot
remember much about him. The daughter was named Pauline, and had lighter brown
hair, and was about 7. The house had a wooden porch.
Dream Title = French Disk Dream
Dream date = Early this morning (May 21, 2000)
Dreamers name = Garcon
Dreamers Computer Dream = I dreamt that I pulled the delete key off of my
keyboard and walked around
my house deleting things. I stuck the key onto small household objects and
pressed it to make them disappear.
It was fun. I deleted some doors,chairs, vases, and also a big glass deleted the
wall I lost my delete key and then I found a big plastic airplane and went
flying around in it.. (end)
Dream Title = my spiffy delete key
Dream date = about 5 years ago
Dreamers name = Anonymous
Dream Title = LOOSE TEETH
Dreamers name = CAT
Dreamers Computer Dream = I had a dream once that I was talking online to my
significant other. They are far away for right now. And I remember not being
able to communicate clearly to them because my computer was so slow. And I kept
missing messages and getting answers mixed up.
Dream Title = Online Mayheim
Dream date = a year ago
Dreamers Computer Dream = I often see in, a dream or hypnogogic state,
information scrolling along the screen. Not much detail, more like a replay of
waking time spent staring at the screen.
Dream Title = Scrolling
Dream date = occasionally
Dreamers name = Anonymous
Dreamers Computer Dream = I am working on the computer using programms and
future software.
Dream Title = I'm working all the time
Dream date = May 2001
Dreamers name = Anonymous
Dreamers Computer Dream = i controlled the "matrix"
i read the anatimy of my own human body on a moniter shaped like a trilibyte/spiney
i jumped inside a television and became its anatimy
Dream Title = life on file
Dream date = augest 2000
Dreamers name = marz
Dreamers Computer Dream = I was sitting on the floor in my classroom under the
desk while everyone else was above me sitting in their chairs paying attention
to the instructor. I was in a heavy shadow from my point of view, I know for
certain that the instructor was lecturing on trouble-shooting the hardware of
the computer. I felt that one was aware or bothered at my being under the desk.
I remember trying to pay attention to the instructors fuzzy voice.
Dream Title = underneath the voice of the computer
Dream date = november 00
Dreamers name = Anonymous
Dreamers Computer Dream = I've programmed a revolutionary new tool for object
oriented programming which is basically a utility for converting pseudo code
typed into the program directly into Java code in realtime. I am mostly
impressed by the user interface, a dynamic and fluid animation of abstract
graphical drawers.
Dream Title = Pseudo Code Programming
Dream date = 2/22/01
Dreamers name = stash
Dreamers Computer Dream = In the near future, humanity has discarded the slow,
data-blind biological body for the immortal photon-bodies of digitally conscious
human being emulators.
After the practice of connecting every newly manufactured object to the
world-spanning information network became standard and after digital connections
were at last made with the remaining "legacy matter" (including the
human brain), cyberspace inevitably surpassed phyical reality in information
density. In what was later called "The Six Minute Revolution", every
paradigm in the human system suddenly shifted drastically to the left.
I and my associates live on a virtual island in a virtual sea. We travel
around a room by pointing in that direction. We travel around the planet by
pointing in that direction. I remember a few melodramatic scenes: being trapped
underground in the island with my friend and waiting for someone to free us. A
man's son returns home after a long falling out in the family. When he suddenly
appears from the sky, he and his brother get in a fistfight having not
recognized each other. After some tense words with the father, the son
introduces his wife and children. I beam myself elsewhere and find myself in
front of a large museum-like building. I enter the dark interior.
Dream Title = Digital Domain
Dream date = 5/4/01
Dreamers name = stash
Dreamers Computer Dream = Some dreams per month I play computer strategy games.
Games like Age Of Empires or Red Alert but with totally fictionary world. With
everyday life happenings vowen into them.
Dream Title = Game of Strategy
Dream date = Every month
Dreamers name = theultimatenickname
Dreamers Computer Dream = June 8, 2001
A dream:
It is night.I am sitting (in a street) ,on the ground and in front of the
door of an educational institution.I have a briefcase and some kind of a labtop
computer and I am searching on the Net….
Now I am in the building (in a corridore)sitting behind the door of a room
which I know is a girls' class.I look at the screen and I see a list of
newsgroups .Then they suggest me that I choose a name in order to start my own
group.I choose the name " hopelessly confused" ,(I have no reason for
choosing this strange name unless I have heard it recently in Walter Mondale's
quotation : "If you are sure you understand everything that is going on
,you are hopelessly confused ").
The class is over .Suddenly the door opens and the girls rush out of the
I have to go away from my current location while I am trying to disconnect and
turn off my computer.The briefcase in one hand,the computer in the other and
trying to turn it off,I have a ridiculous position.Eventually,I succeed and I am
relieved.I look up and I see girls and women smiling at me kindly as they go
towards the exit door of the building.I am now trying to get out .A lady(about
40) says to me with a smile : " you go first,please."
Embarrased,I refuse to go out through the door before she does.
Dream Title = hopelessly confused
Dream date = June 8,2001
Dreamers name = Ramteen
Dreamers Computer Dream = I was sitting in front of my computer, about 8 months
ago. And i told my now ex-girlfriend, on msn instant messenger, how i felt about
her. I took my dream seriously, and for 7 months, i had the greatest time of my
life because of that dream.
Dream Title = My Love
Dream date = August 2000
Dreamers name = sLydE
Dreamers Computer Dream = One dream I can recall having was...this.
I was sitting at work trying to get some items done that I hadn't been able
to complete. I was under a big deadline and alot of stress. I kept seeing this
project over and over during the night. There wasn't anyone around me. Just me
sitting in my cube trying to complete my project.
Needless to say I was very stressed waking up the next morning. But
otherwise, I really don't dream about computers.
Dream Title = job is never done!!
Dream date = March 2001
Dreamers name = Anonymous
Dreamers Computer Dream = I once had a nocturnal emmison where i was like,
having sex with this chick online, only she was my computer, it sounds wierd,
buit it was perfectly normal
Dream Title = PCWETDREAM
Dream date = Home
Dreamers name = Anonymous
Dreamers Computer Dream = I often dream of the possible moves in a checker game
often played by me with the computer as my opponent.
Dream Title = Computer checkers
Dream date = Frequently during May, 2001
Dreamers name = Anonymous
Dreamers Computer Dream = Suddenly i was in the middle of a battle champ, an
orchist song was playing in whole the ambient, y flow everywhere and was seeing
a great battle between all the characters in a computer like the arrow mouse, or
keys, or buttons, numbers, the prompt pf DOS, Duke Nukem, elves from Warcraft 2,
dwavens from Blood & Magic, all the weapons of comand & Conquer, icons
of windows, all pictures from the wallpapers.
There wasn´t blood, just a too much dots leaving those characters when were
klumped by an axe or cutted of by the half by a shoot.
The caos was abrumator, the noise was so high. Everything was on vivid color no
numbness or something like that, the keys and symbols was being diminished and a
wave of their rests formed a great black sinuous mountain swallowing all and a
quake shaked to me and again the noise.
so I woke up.
Dream Title = The battle
Dream date = on March 24 from 1995
Dreamers name = Qazar
SO CRAZY...i was talking to a couple friends on the internt i was at my house in
my den where i normally was and it started when 5 dogs came chashing a cat
through there nut i didnt pay any attention to it it was more like i was
watching tv of me at a comp and all this other stuff going on there was a car
driven through the wall and by the end of the dream the house was on fire thats
how it ended like the fire took it away but i never once moved
Dream date = gosh maybe 8 months ago
Dreamers name = Anonymous
Dreamers Computer Dream = I had a dream that i was chatting on the computer with
the guy i like, on MSN Messanger, and he didn't know who i was, the computer was
the kind we have at my school, smaller monitor, the color of the typing was
simple black and white, and i was in a corner
Dream Title = TMSN
Dream date = 06-17-01
Dreamers name = Sayasha
Dreamers Computer Dream = The first recollection of my dream that I have was
waking up in my room. I felt awake, and everything seemed normal to me. So I
went down to my computer such as I normally do every morning to check my email.
I went down stairs, turned on my computer and then turned on my monitor.
Everything was acting as if it was a normal day and nothing was wrong. Except
for one thing my computer screen was only black. This disturbed me so I checked
the connections with the computer to make sure everything was plugged in.
Everything was, then I looked at the screen and in a blink of a eye the screen
had the setting of my friends apartment. It was as if I was watching a DVD. It
was quite peculiar to me so I sat their and watched the screen to see what was
going on. All my friends were there and even I was their. We were all
interacting with each other as we normally do. Yet, as things progressed people
started to get angry with me. For things that I had said, or act!
ions I had done. People were making signs on the walls of nates rooms of all the
bad things that I had done in life to them and to my self. I started to get
scared, yet I couldn't bring myself away from the computer screen. A girl that I
really liked and who I thought was a good friend of mine was the worst towards
me. She just couldn't handle the site of me being there. So she and her friends
left. Leaving just four of my closest friends. We sat there and smoked
cigarettes and talked, they tried comforting me,yet no words that they spoke
made me feel any better. I managed to finally tear myself away from the computer
screen and go back upstairs to bed. I fell to my bed and woke up. the strange
thing is that most of the incidents that were described to me in my dream
occurred two days later.
Dream Title = Premonitions form thy computer screen
Dream date = 2 weeks ago
Dreamers name = Anonymous
Dreamers Computer Dream = The generation of radio waves, and various other
magnetic or ultrasonic waves that, when manipulaed by the mind, manifested
whatever the mind was focused on at the time. This new found ability in
neurologic manipulation had made the computer hardward/software, and anything
technological obsolete. Phones were not even needed, for the waves carried
through telephone lines could now be manipulated through mere concentration.
Dream Title = The Awakening
Dream date = Recently
Dreamers name = Anonymous
Dreamers Computer Dream = I'm sitting in front of a computer, while in my little
office cubicle, that has windows popping up everywhere and I'm not touching a
thing. Then the computer violently crashes and a skull appears on the screen
telling me my computer just died. The orange and black tiger-striped monitor
suddenly fizzles and a stream of smoke comes out then it explodes in a ray of
light and flying pieces of monitor. I panic thinking my boss is going to kill me
and race out of work.
Dream Title = Work related
Dream date = about once a week
Dreamers name = Tiger Rain
Dreamers Computer Dream = I had a few "pre-dream" dreams where I would
see a screen like my computer screen. The first one I recall having was of a
little box popping up in the bottom right corner. One the MSN messenger I use,
this signifies someone has logged in. I remember seeing the name very clearly,
it was "AFFECTION AFFLICTION" in all caps exactly like that. the box
said, "AFFECTION AFFLICTION has signed in". I thought it was very odd,
mainly since I have never been able to actually *read* anything in my dreams at
all. It didn't seem as though I was in the little snippet of the dream at all,
it seemed as though my mind was the monitor.
Dream Title = MSN messenger Screen name.
Dream date = In the midday.
Dreamers name = Puzzledmind
Dreamers Computer Dream = I often have dreams that are game-related. The odd
thing is that I have these dreams when I haven't played any games for a while.
When I program a bit too much I would also have dreams in which I would program.
A lot of the times I wake up with solutions for problems concerning the program
that I was working on.One dream that I had I was in a multiplayer game and while
I was playing I thought of going somewhere else. All of a sudden I was picked up
and flew through the air. The next moment I entered my room and flew into my
body and woke up.
Dream Title = The game
Dream date = 28 June 2001
Dreamers Computer Dream = I play a MUD called Gemstone 3 online. Sometimes I
would play all day withount sleeping. When I finaly got to bed, I would dream in
Dream Title = TEXT DREAM
Dream date = about 3 months ago
Dreamers name = Anonymous
Dreamers Computer Dream = My boyfriend kept stealing my fax and copy machines. I
couldn't get any work done. Everytime I would start to send or copy a page he
would take them away. As soon as I would turn to get another page from the file
I was working on, they would disappear.
Dream Title = Stolen Work
Dream date = February 2001
Dreamers name = Desolate Angel
Dreamers Computer Dream = I dreampt that I was in the shopping center outside
Earth Dreamer a shop that sells crystals and alternative clothes, and products,
and I was talking to a friend of mine,(who is also my cousin and is on icq chat)
but when we talked it came out typed in the air between us.
Although it was weird to see it, my friend replied to me in the same way and it
was like we where talking normally.
Dream Title = Type Talking
Dream date = June, the 6th, 2001
Dreamers name = Shadow Stalker
Dreamers Computer Dream = WEll, I stood in front of a computer.
I was there and a 14 year old.
A really good game or simulation was going on.
I thought that the resolution of the screen was quite fine. First I though it
was a commodore 64 but the resolution was too fine for that.
On the screen I could slso see what was running at the moment.
The possibilitues were c64,x128, s8
Finally, S8 was on.
S8 must be an abbreviation of super 8.
It was a very high quality simulation.
So high that I was part of it.
As if it were the reality itself,
I was flying with a fighter.
We were hit and we ended up in a dangerous , radioactive area.
My father was also there and we together tilted radiactive containers.
The fluid was coming on in the forest of pine trees.
Dream Title =
Dream date =
Dreamers name = VirtualRealityMaker
Dreamers Computer Dream = I keeo having dreams about problems ive been having
with my computer and then in my dreams i get told how to fix them and it works
thats happened more than once and its pretty trippy
Dream Title = Dreaming Fixer
Dream date = 2001
Dreamers name = Jeramiah
Dreamers Computer Dream = More than once I have had dreams about computers.
Nothing fancy, just ordinary gray ones. I am usually in a computer class, in a
big room with other people and computers. So what always happens is: I'm working
on the computer, and suddenly, it won't let me do anything. It has a mind of its
own and only gives me a select few choices of what it will allow me to do. The
screen is colorful, with blues are greens in solid colors. The screen is mostly
colors with a few word, and maybe a few little pictures, and one or two windows
that popped up. Now if this happened in real life, I would be scared half to
death. But in my dreams, I'm not scared. I think it's a little strange, but
don't think much of it.
Dream Title = Scary Computers
Dream date = A month or two ago
Dreamers name = yappy672
Dreamers Computer Dream = I've had many computer dreams, based mainly on
computer games. I'm an avid computer gamer, and play Starcraft, BLack and White,
Tribes 2,and will play very much Warcraft 3 and Neverwinter Nights, when they
come out.
In the star/warcraft dreams, usually when i goto sleep at 7 in the morning
after playing the game (multiplayer or single) the whole night, I dream from the
standpoint of the strategy game (eagles eye), and watch battles and attacks
going through, never usually the process of building or mining resources. I've
had starcraft dreams where i subconciously control the units moving in a
direction, into battle, in where they cast spells and attack like they normally
do. It feels like i am watching, but i know i control the people. i always am
playing the race Terran (the humans), rather than the other races Zerg and
Protoss, which i play a lot too. i am guessing because the terrans are a lot
easier to relate to =/. The colors are dark, and seem related to earth colors,
deep browns, greens, rich blues, and earthy metallic colors for the vehicles. it
looks really like a mix of camo colors. The units are various that are moving,
and most of the time are not too specific in my brain, but!
they move fast and attack well, like each unit is controlling itself with nice
AI (wish it was like that in the game), but it seems more like they are
intelligent, and an actual force that controls itself. The battles end up
usually with me conquering "them" who i dont know who they are, and
that is all i can remember of those dreams. The emotive qualities of the dream i
guess can be described as quick, methodical, practices feelings, like doing a
process that u have repeatedly done, and now do not need to think of the work to
do it, and can zoom past any competition. The battles are not confusing and
hasty, as teh game can seem, but quick, and strong, like each unit is
superpowered. I dont feel angry, or confused in these dreams, i feel more
emotionless than anything.
other dreams i have regarding computer games are ones from black and white,
where u play a god, with the power to perform miracles, and the point is to gain
belief from other villages and be the most powerful deity in the land. in the
dreams, i have the power to cast the miracles, which makes me feel very
powerful, very godly, and almost like a wizard. All i have to do to cast the
miracle, one dream i made a fireball, is to think hard of the miracle, and then
i automatically say the miracle, like "Miracle of Fire!" and then i
can throw the fireball. In the dream i am a person, not a hand of a god (which u
are in the game), but given a few powers. I've had two of those dreams, and both
were very fun. The colors are not to particular in those dreams, but the
emotions of emotions of power, and energy.
Dream Title = Starcraft and BnW
Dream date = In my room, where my bed is on the floor.
Dreamers name = Amperice
Dreamers Computer Dream = I was searching the web. Everywhere.
This was as I was being diagnosed with MS and trying to learn what I could
about my illness. I was trying to learn what treatment/alternative.
Dream Title = Endless roads
Dream date = 1997 (about)
Dreamers name = Nola
Dreamers Computer Dream = Last night I had a dream that I was on icq (a chat
thingy) and I didn't want someone to know I was online, and the mouse and window
stuffed up and wouldn't let me go onto invisable. There was also a large black
and white window on the screen.
I felt frustrated, and mad.
Dream Title = ICQ annoyance.
Dream date = 7/20/01
Dreamers name = Grrrrrrrrrrrr
Dreamers Computer Dream = I'am playing a game on my computer with my family
called myst( i used to play with them all the time it was scary) when evry thing
went dark and my family had dissapered and i was in the game and I didn't know
what to do so I went to the top of the page and went into quit and I got out of
the computer and i was back playing with my was weird but when I was
in the computer i felt at home even though i usuatly find the computer dificult
and hard to use. in the game every thing was black and wight.
Dream Title = the game myst
Dream date = last year in febu
Dreamers name = Anonymous
Please send in computer dreams and keep the digital dreaming research project
OR use the survey form:
Other articles:
Wilkerson, Richard Catlett (1999 August). Research Request:
Computer's in Dreams : Pre and Post Internet Perceptions. Electric Dreams &
Part I Pre-Net Electric Dreams 6(8). Retrieved October 30, 2000 from Electric
Dreams on the World Wide Web:
Wilkerson, Richard Catlett (2000 March). Digital Dreams: The
changing (inter)face of dreams in the twenty-first century. Electric Dreams
7(3). Retrieved October 30, 2000 from Electric Dreams on the World Wide Web:
Wilkerson, Richard Catlett (2000 July). Digital Dreaming Series: Computer Dreams
II : The changing (inter)face of dream texts. Electric Dreams 7(7). Retrieved
October 30, 2000 from Electric Dreams on the World Wide Web:
Wilkerson, Richard Catlett (2000 November). Digital Dreaming
Series: Computer Dreams III :: The Digital Shift in Culture. Electric Dreams
7(11). Retrieved October 30, 2000 from Electric Dreams on the World Wide Web:
Wilkerson, Richard Catlett (2001 January). Digital Dreaming
Series: Computer Dreams IV :: Dream Code and Decoded Flows. Electric Dreams
8(1). Retrieved December 31, 2000 from Electric Dreams on the World Wide Web:
Wilkerson, Richard Catlett (2001 May). Digital Dreaming
Series: Computer Dreams V :: Emergence of Digital Imagery in Analog Dreamers.
Electric Dreams 8(5). Retrieved May 1, 2001 from Electric Dreams on the World
Wide Web:
Richard Catlett (2001 June). Digital Dreaming Series: Computer Dreams VI ::
Digital Dreaming: Emergence or Replacement Imagery? Electric Dreams 8(6). Retrieved
July 7, 2001 from
Electric Dreams on the World Wide Web:
Wilkerson, Richard Catlett (2001 August). Digital Dreaming
Series: Digital Dreaming Research Project: Project Goals and Considerations.
Electric Dreams 8(9). Retrieved August 26, 2001 from Electric Dreams on the
World Wide Web:
Richard Catlett (2001 August). Digital Dreaming Series: (7b) Digital Dreams from
March 2001 through April 2001. Electric Dreams 8(9). Retrieved August 26, 2001 from
Electric Dreams on the World Wide Web:
