For more articles on computer dreams see list at bottom
Fill out the online survey form on computer dreams:
The Data and Research
Computer Dream Survey was started in 1999 and we have been collecting dreams
about computers, the Internet and digital objects ever since.
Generally the posts requesting dreams are pretty simple. Here is a
you having dreams about robots, cyborgs, androids, Borgs, robots or animated
machines? Are you having dreams of computers, programs that take on a life of
their own, dream experiences with keyboards and monitors, printers or wires? How
about dreams of the Internet, surfing, chatting, interacting with others or
online bots?
so, we would like to have your digital dreams for our research project examining
the shift in culture from man to machine, organic human to augmented humanoid,
analog thinking to digitally mediated virtual reality."
some requests have been worked in with more speculative and analytic papers,
which are listed at the end of this article, and all are available online at the
survey site.
below are the collections from July of 2001 through September 11, 2001.
The 9-11 is such a strong psychological cleft in the collective
consciousness, I thought this date would be an appropriate cut-off, through post
9-11 dreams are also going to be significant and I will publish those in a later
that I am just listing the dreams here, without the extra survey information.
The raw data is available upon request, and includes information such as age,
sex, political beliefs, how participants spend time off and on the computer and
other information, which you can get from looking at the survey.
Computer Dream = I dreamt I was chatting in the chatroom I usually visit with
the boy I usually meet there when I was suddenly with him in our own p2p world
like a grassy plain nestled near a dark forest. I dream like I'm watching tv. I
see myself disconnected and I was on the computer screen with him. It was so
cool and I wasn't shocked in the least...what does this mean?
Title = chat
date = resently, a few nights ago
name = Anonymous
Computer Dream = dreams about computers, explaining programs and finding tasks
difficult. The dreams are frustrating and I wake up feeling frustrated and
upset. The characters in my dreams that I am explaining computers to, and who I
am unable to explain them to, are the people I work with. Everything is in
colour, but the atmosphere is sticky. The computers are old CTXs and slow. I am
in the computer room I work in and I never see anybody I socialise with in these
dreams, just my colleagues.
Title = Frustrating Computer Dreams
date = For three weeks, practically every night
name = Elizabeth
Computer Dream = Talking to aman with my brother present about which ISP he
should use, me being more in tune with the internet that my older brother.
Title = Internet Dream
date = A few days ago
name = Anonymous
Computer Dream = I remember sitting at my computer, it seemed all very normal.
For some reason my screensaver came on, even though I was surfing a Dave
Matthews Band site. The screensaver
was the blackhole one on the 60s theme of Win98.
At first it was weird, the screen kept falling into the hole the
screensaver made. Everything was
pulled into a certain point that moved all around the screen.
I felt my conscience get sucked into the blackhole and I remember
reorienting myself onstage at a Dave Matthews concert.
All fear aside I took up a guitar onstage.
I remember pure satisfaction and joy when I started to play and get
cheers from the crowd. Those
feeliings multiplied a 100 times over when the whole band came out and we had
one huge jam session. The dream
ended as the jam ended. I woke up
wide awake and still felt the satisfaction and joy.
I've never had a dream so complete and vivid.
Title = Dream Jam
date = in April 2001
name = Rusty
Computer Dream = I had a dream that I was already sleeping. I woke up and
quickly jumped out of bed. I hurried to my computer, which I always leave on,
and checked my email. I got a letter from someone special and was extremely
happy. It's happened twice and the emails were from different people in each
dream. It's weird but it's really the only computer dream I've ever had.
Title = e-mail dreams
date = about a month ago
name = Anonymous
Computer Dream = When i had this dream I was awake , it was like "the
Matrix" last scene the green numbers and black background was all around me seemed like a drem because was too real to be true my roommate had the
same visions
Title = The Matrix
date = 02/20001
name = Anonymous
Computer Dream = I am a lucid dreamer, and have had many
dreams that I'm in a video game. I consider this like a computer dream because
for all I know I could have been on CD rom in the game. Usually it's just like a
normal life situation with real people and settings, but my goals are to avoid
people chasing me, getting attacked by large bugs, or just to survive.
One example would be when I drempt I was in this lady's house. It was a
two story home and I was in the bedroom at the time. It was sort of old
fashioned with pale pink coloring. I was trying to hide from the members of the
house, particularly the mom and trying to get out. I was afraid of being caught,
not necessarily of being there but because large wasps (bigger than my head
buzzing outside the window) and scary plants (which were leafy, but the leaves
were as rigid and sharp as razors) were outside. I escaped through a window on
the second floor to join 3 other players.
We had to avoid being stung, carnivorous plants and things. Our goal was
to reach either the river to take us to freedom and the next level or to reach
the safety of this large rock shrine surrounded by large stone tiling in a big
circle and around that about a 3 foot stone wall. It was all light brown stone
with deep carvings of things. This was like the escape, if we reached it, it
would end the game. We all reached the river, but they were swept off struggling
in the tides and I got scared and climbed to shore.
More people after me still, the daughters of the house found me (the one
had dark brown hair and in a white flowing night gown and younger than myself),
so I started running to the stone monument. The hard part was that it turned
into a giant sort of maze, not big around me, but I had to run along a certain
path in order to get it to work and it kept turning and spinning on me. I was
watching myself and her in a third person view at this time. The girl was as
confused as I was and she was very upset with my progress of course. I finally
reached the center and woke up.
I think a lot of these types had to do with playing Maniac Mansion on
Nintendo. The game was fun and challenging but it was scary at the time too. But
now I equated my life with how I felt playing that game.
Sometimes I dream I'm in my own house and I have to avoid obstacles for
points, or obviously, if I get killed I only have so many lives, but my goal is
to live and get the heck OUT of the game. So usually I have to run down the
street to a certain point, but it's dificult to get there.
I have a lot of dreams that I'm in a war too, and I have to survive and
get rid of the enemy, but it seems to go in stages, one I was in a trench and
the next I had to clear a train of enemies so I could ride to another area and
that's pretty scary. That's usually only after I play Delta Force Land Warrior
too many times.
I hate these dreams though, I wake up and they seem so pointless, like I
feel very unocomplished and wish I had a deeper more meaningful dream. Since the
time of these dreams I have been on my own and going to College for Massage
Therapy and so I must have overcome some of those obstacles my dream suggested.
Title = My Life Is A Game
date = I'd say it's been about a year since the last one
name = Anonymous
Computer Dream = A dream about computers? Or how about a dream of future films.
Our movies today, how dramatic. Tomorrow our movies what will they be displaying
then? The screen locks the mind, the thoughts. Technology advancements will show
concentration, complete. A movie is a real dream. Its when you want to know how
its all going to turn out. A movie displays yourself, all movies display what we
want, what we are thinking. How about a movie from all of us, a pure movie of
the mind, knowledge of One. What is this knowledge, it is always this anwser.
You want to see a movie where everything is true to the exact point to where we
are today, you will see this movie, after death. After complete where-abouts of
yourself. Where are you? Its in the movie. Who is this 'love'? Its in the movie.
Only watch the movie.
dream was one only in the future. It was a high tec, HIGH CONCENTRATED film.
Nothing else existed but the truth of our movie. Our movie was of today, of our
complete reality, our complete love.
Title = This Was My Dream
date = 7-30-01
name = Anonymous
Computer Dream = i dreamt somebody was emailing very
and discusting emails over the internet!! i couldn't stop them... one day they
found out where i lived and murdered me
Title = scary dream
date = last night
name = Anonymous
Computer Dream = In my dreams, everything is in HTML code, there are no images
except of this code, and there is no screen, it seems to be floating around me
(in this case, "me" is just my consciousness, I dont actually see
myself), on a white surface like there is nothing else behind it, the code comes
in different colours: blue, light blue, yellow, pink, red, green, but most of it
is dark blue. in my dream I seem to know that what Im seeing is the design of
the page I´ve been working on, and Im also making the code somehow...
Title = suenhodeagua
date = all july 2001, alsmot daily
name = angelica
Computer Dream = i was surfing the net and then everything become orange (color)
then a flower bloomed from the monitor...
then it wrote u are hacked... hahaha.. ( laughing)
was really a dream..
sometimes i really do not understand that it was really happenning or not!!
example while chatting, sometimes i read something and continue on that issue
but the day after when i look at the history part there is nothing about that
really do not understand..
Title = orange hack
date = 5 months ago
name = E.angel
Computer Dream = once i was dreaming that i talk on ICQ with a friend of mine. i
definitely remember some of the phrases which are of no significance, though.
just a small talk. this and that. been there done that. but then suddenly i sat
in my bed, fully awake, and stared into the black monitor of my computer and
thought "how the HELL can i chat on ICQ when my comp is switched off?"
and it happened three or for times in one night. i realized i dreamed the whole
thing about ICQ but hell it was so GODDANM real!
Title = talk on ICQ
date = several times
name = NIque
Computer Dream = I dreamed I was sitting at my computer and flashes of light
like a ligtening bolt went across the screen.
Title = Lightening
date = month ago Tue, 7 Aug 2001 15:07:39 -0400 (EDT)
name = Anonymous
Computer Dream = A while ago when I used to play counterstrike alot and then go
to bed. I had a dream about playing the computer game. I thought that was pretty
funny... At least it wasnt as if i was in the game and it wasnt scary...
dont remember any details really...
Title = Counterstrike
date = A while ago....
name = BenJamer
Computer Dream = The dream started out and I was at my old house, and my mom was
like "Hank is missing" (hank is my brother).
And she pointed to like, the backyard and it was like that's where he had
been taken or something. So then
all of a sudden he was back home and we were in our house that we live in now,
but he wouldn't tell us where he had been.
Then, I saw the place that Hank and a lot of other kids got taken to.
It was very bright. (i
didn't actually GO to the place, i just saw it in my mind in the dream or
something) So then, Hank is missing again and I somehow knew of this message
board where these people hung out and they were the people who knew about the
place where the kids went. So i
logged onto the message board and I started reading some of the messages to try
to find out what was going on and then I got booted off the message board (haha).
So then I was looking around my desk and i saw light blue floppy disks
that had the label in the bottom !
hand corner. Everything in my room
was normal except for the floppies and well, getting booted from the message
board was kind of odd, too. Then,
after going to the bathroom to pee and drink some water (in my dream), I woke
up. I was very very very scared
when I woke up and I was worried someone was in my room and going to kill me.
Title = my brother is missing
date = a couple of days ago Thu, 9
Aug 2001 21
name = Anonymous
Computer Dream = my dream was with an older computer.
had flimed the switch on the
moniter and an image of Jesus appeard
me. it seems as if he tried to converse with me. he tried to connect me with a
dead loved one i belive. any idea what this means?
Title = the man upstairs
date = two nights ago - Fri, 10 Aug 2001
name = Anonymous
Computer Dream = I had a dream about the future of mankind.
It was very interesting. The
dream showed that computers would completely replace us someday.
We would become obsolete. The
computers could do everything we do, even reproduce. The dream was not disturbing, but it made sense in a weird
way. I woke up wondering if the
world would be more peaceful.Nation
Title = Nation of Machinnes
date = about a year ago -2001
name = nonymous
Computer Dream = I dreamed I was using a computer to change the DNA inside an
embryo. I felt very powerful
because I knew how to make the embryo code for a mermaid.
In the dream, my fiance was begging me not to do it.
Title = Genetic manipulation: mermaid
date = January 2001
name = Anonymous
Computer Dream = I dream about the type of chat I do: graphical program called
palace. In
my real 'online' avatar collection, I use mermaids.
In my dreams, I'm really in this universe as a mermaid. I change colors
and shapes but I always have a tail. In
the dreams, I don't know the ppl I chat with, and don't recall too clearly what
we talk about. I'm usually just admiring my own form so much that I don't notice
the other "avatars" or
people. Everything else seems
"normal" except that I know I am not really a mermaid.
In the real chat program, everything is in 2-D, flat.
In the dream, everything is 100% real, most of all, my actual mermaid
swim around in a swirl of shapes and colors, and am just plain fascinated
with the way I can move. I've
been chatting in palace as a mermaid now for years,
and dreaming that it's real seems required.
Title = Digital mermaid
date = recurring, mostly when I can't really chat.
name = Anonymous
Computer Dream = I had a dream about just waking up in the middle of the night
in my bed, and their right in my face was a monitor screen with a blue border
just hovering just above my waist. On the screen was white words and symbols
that were shooting down the screen like in the matrix but for some strange
reason I my mind felt as though it knew what it was displaying and the
information was directed right to me.
Title = Hovering Screen
date = 9 months ago
name = Poysen
Computer Dream = it was a dream whioch contained a various amount of boys which
i hav fancied in the past
wiv the guy i'm currently besotted wiv. the guy i currently fancy i met on a
school residential bout a month ago we did kiss and share beds and i miss him
and hav bin thinking about him sinsce the residential.i havn't been intouch with
this guy because he lives in america and i live in,london.
was in my dream last night and he was in bed with me and the other guys
that i had previously fancied were sitting in the same hotel room where
me and i guy i currently like were in bed together and they weren't saying or
doing anything just sitting there surrounding me and the guy i was in bed with
whilst we were kissing passionatelt
Title = romance being watched over
date = yesterday 16/08/01
name = suki
Computer Dream = Someday I dream about I was in future 25 years ahead in a
school. I was pushed to that time or was beeing sleeping till there.
building, all natural, with wooden chair and desks, but we used
with microprocessor and a polymer pad that simulates a desktop
monitor. It rolls in watch as a button when we close it.
Title = 25 years in future with a watch computer
date = in beginning of this year maybe february
name = Ayorius
Computer Dream = I once dreamed I was in a game of StarCraft. I still controlled
the game but as a general would his troops, issuing orders to individuals. We
were Protoss, or at least they were. I'm not certain what I was to them, an
entity to be obeyed unquestionably. We won the battle against the Zerg.
the scenario, they had the high ground, an excellent tachtical advantage. They
also outnumbered us, three broods to my one army.
it's because my almost omnipotent role, being able to look at the battle from a
far and zoom in on individual troops, that won us the battle.
don't recall 'feeling' anything. Just a sence that I must win and loose as
little as possible.
Title = StarCraft
date = Midday, a years ago.
name = Anonymous
Computer Dream = As a fragment of a larger dream, I
picked up a TV remote control. I
noticed a small video screen at the top, like a calculator.
I pushed one of the buttons and the remote unfolded into a small
computer, with arms and sections of keyboard and screen sliding out from the
back. I realized that some
unidentified secret admirer (sort of a stalker, but not really scary) had come
into my apartment and modified the remote into a computer.
I was annoyed that my space had been invaded, yet excited about the
remote/computer, because it was really a nifty little gadget.
Japanese anime-porn began scrolling across the screen, which I found a
little distasteful, since my stalker had put it there, yet it was titillating,
Title = Remote Control/Computer
date = about 4 months ago
name = Noel
Computer Dream = Am dreaming that I am trying to go to sleep but can't until I
shut down the computer. It keeps
telling me that the system is busy and can't end task/shut down. I "push
any key" to return and am very very tired and want to go to sleep....but it
never will let me shut it down.
Title = can't log off
date = month or so ago...
name = kim
Computer Dream = The dream consisted of me attempting to program a glass of milk
in a reality form. My methods of doing this were not clear. All I remember
pondering about the program was would the milk return a value or be a void()
function. I woke up screaming and in tears and sweat.
Title = void or return
date = around 3 years ago
name = Anonymous
Computer Dream = dear sir
i have a big dream to learn c as a language i don't know any programing
language i would like to learn the c language i tried to learn it i bought the
visual c++ i find explain the language in english a little hard for me but i
tried but i failed can u help me i need need need very much to learn this
programing language help me please
Title = c/c++ visual c++
date = a long time
name = hassan
Computer Dream = I was sucked inside the monitor.I went into the molecular level
and traveled out into space,among the stars.i couldnt find my star again. I was
lost in space,drifting.
Title = the computer sucks
date = after eating a peyote button last night
name = Anonymous
Computer Dream = I dreamt that I was talking to "my grandfather" on
tha computer. And he spoke in
native american language, he spoke in oglala lakota.
Which is not the tribe that we are from, and I dont speak it, but I
understood what he was saying to me though. He told me in lakota to beware of
certain white people.
Title = lakota
date = about a month ago
name = Anonymous
Computer Dream = I recently dreamt that I was swiming underwater in a very
dark,remote lake.I was swiming alone in the very early hours of the A.M. I kept
seeming to notice some sort of illumination coming from deeper sections of the
lake.As I would swim deeper in the lake to investigate I would absolutely loose
my sense of direction,not knowing if I were going up, or down?I began to panic
thinking I could very possibly drown. In my hysterical,confused state I began to
swim towards a flourescent,soft light.As i eventually arrived at the light I
discovered that the face of Yoda from STAR WARS on a monitor.Yoda was trying to
explain to me the conection between the ancient sumarians and aliens????
Title = union-carbide reunion
date = 9-4-01 {9:45 A.M.}
name = Phil Van fleet
Computer Dream = "Before I went to sleep I had thoughts about the waste of
time sitting at the computer during graduate school."
I dreamt that I was at my computer working on my master's thesis and I
lost a very important piece of work, chapter 6.
This chapter being the synthesis of all my research.
I was in a total panic. I
kept searching in different places and it would not come up.
Suddenly my screen turned into this panoramic view of a mountain and
valley. I entered the screen.
I was somewhere in Europe and in another time.
I headed toward town. I was
on a dusty dirt road. I knew this
place! I became excited, the
learning center was here! I began
to run down the street asking the citizens "Where is the learning
center?" I came upon the
learning center, which had giant red-clay pillars out in front.
Title = Learning Center
date = 1993
name = DreamTime
Computer Dream = I had a dream that I walked in to my boyfriends office and saw
a scripture from the Bible in big bold flashing letters on his Desk Top.
It said 1st Corinthians ch.6.
I woke up I looked up the scripture and it seemed to be bit of advise for some
issues that were going on at that time in real life.
Title = Flashing Message
date = one month ago.
name = Josie
Computer Dream = I can hear high pitched frequencies, mind you, I don't dream,
haven't for years (they say it's dangerous, and can make you schizophrenic or
some other such nonsense). I do however sometimes have a sort of daydream when
I'm waking up, my imagination sort of run's away with itself (damn it for having
an affair with itself!!) and I have the closest thing to a dream as I can get.
So, the reason I told you I can hear high pitched frequencies. One night I'd
gone to bed and left my PC on, well, later that night I woke up, and as I was
waking up my little not a dream occurred. I was in a building and I heard this
piercing sound, but no matter how well I covered my ears I could still hear it.
It was MADDENING, and nothing could make it stop. The building was grey and
dark, and there wasn't another soul for miles. A few of the windows were broken
I think, and I began to run. The noise was an alarm of some sort, something of a
warning. It had something to do wit!
computers, IN the not a dream. Something about crashing, and their were
computers in an office that I ran by. I came completely out of it when my feet
slipped on the railing and i fell hard on my behind. Note, I have a VERY strong
imagination! If I imagine falling, or flying, or moving my body will jerk,
violently sometimes. It's even happened during day-dreams at school. If I
imagine say...punching someone (I box), my arm will jerk. So I woke up and the
noise was coming from computer. I'd never noticed it before since I usually have
music playing when I'm at my PC. I just thought it was interesting. I'd heard of
people dreaming their alarm clock was a phone or something else, but I didn't
think this would happen in something that wasn't even a dream. ::shrugs::
Perhaps not dreaming does something to oneself after all.
Title = The not a dream dream
date = Um...a long time ago
name = Amberlay
Computer Dream = I dream that my consciousness is like an operating system and
applications (like Word, Excel, etc., are like states of mind or ways of dealing
with outer reality. Most people use
Microsoft Word but there are many programs available to use.
They are ways of experiencing the world.
I have variations of this dream frequently.
Title = Mind As Operating System
date = 2001
Computer Dream = I often dream about downloading & saving files, but in
dreams, such thingsare often difficult...
quite nightmares, but close...
Title = File: Frustration
date = often
name = Anonymous
Please send in computer dreams and keep the digital dreaming research project
OR use the survey form:
Other articles:
Wilkerson, Richard Catlett (1999 August). Research Request:
Computer's in Dreams : Pre and Post Internet Perceptions. Electric Dreams &
Part I Pre-Net Electric Dreams 6(8). Retrieved October 30, 2000 from Electric
Dreams on the World Wide Web:
Wilkerson, Richard Catlett (2000 March). Digital Dreams: The
changing (inter)face of dreams in the twenty-first century. Electric Dreams
7(3). Retrieved October 30, 2000 from Electric Dreams on the World Wide Web:
Wilkerson, Richard Catlett (2000 July). Digital Dreaming Series: Computer Dreams
II : The changing (inter)face of dream texts. Electric Dreams 7(7). Retrieved
October 30, 2000 from Electric Dreams on the World Wide Web:
Wilkerson, Richard Catlett (2000 November). Digital Dreaming
Series: Computer Dreams III :: The Digital Shift in Culture. Electric Dreams
7(11). Retrieved October 30, 2000 from Electric Dreams on the World Wide Web:
Wilkerson, Richard Catlett (2001 January). Digital Dreaming
Series: Computer Dreams IV :: Dream Code and Decoded Flows. Electric Dreams
8(1). Retrieved December 31, 2000 from Electric Dreams on the World Wide Web:
Wilkerson, Richard Catlett (2001 May). Digital Dreaming
Series: Computer Dreams V :: Emergence of Digital Imagery in Analog Dreamers.
Electric Dreams 8(5). Retrieved May 1, 2001 from Electric Dreams on the World
Wide Web:
Richard Catlett (2001 June). Digital Dreaming Series: Computer Dreams VI ::
Digital Dreaming: Emergence or Replacement Imagery? Electric Dreams 8(6). Retrieved
July 7, 2001 from
Electric Dreams on the World Wide Web:
Wilkerson, Richard Catlett (2001 August). Digital Dreaming
Series: Digital Dreaming Research Project: Project Goals and Considerations.
Electric Dreams 8(9). Retrieved August 26, 2001 from Electric Dreams on the
World Wide Web:
Richard Catlett (2001 August). Digital Dreaming Series: (7b) Digital Dreams from
March 2001 through April 2001. Electric Dreams 8(9). Retrieved August 26, 2001 from
Electric Dreams on the World Wide Web:
