Collected below are some of the dreams sent in to Electric Dreams over the last
couple of months about the World Trade Center, about anthrax, about high
jacking, kidnapping, torture and terrorism. Some offer hope and alternatives to
the dreamer, others find endless horror. - Richard
Source: Robert Moss
Dream Pilots
Source: Electric Dreams
Terrorists had kidnapped me and were planning to kidnap CEO's
Source: Electric Dreams
Dream Title Same Nightmare Different Pictures - TONI Date of Dream
Source: Electric Dreams
Dream My Nightmare - I dreamt this at 4.30 am
Australia time, Sunday, September 2nd, 2001
Source: Electric Dreams
Dream Title The day before--Smylee
Date of Dream 9/10 or 9/11
Source: alt.dreams
6 dreams by Android 16
Dubya by Android 16
Holocaust by Android 16
Two things fly above me Android 16
Where are we headed? Android 16
Aggressive Black Cat Android 16
Source Electric Dreams:
Dream Title Prophetic Disaster Dream by Emily VanLaeys
Date of Dream July 1999
Source: Electric Dreams
Dream Title Four Planes
Source Electric Dreams
Hateful is Bin Laden by Kimberly
Source Electric Dreams
Nightmares by andreams
Source: Electric Dreams
World Trade Centre. by James
Source: Electric Dreams
Twin Towers Attacked by anonymous
Source Electric Dreams
Ground Zero, Looking In the Future
Pen Name: Maria
Source Electric Dreams
Golden Gate in flames - by Astra
Source Electric Dreams
Airplanes by Amanda
Oct 24-25, 1996
Dream Pilots Organize Resistance to the Taliban
A small group of dream journeyers has been established. We are fighter pilots
in multidimensional reality. We have an operations center a kind of Space Café
that is a permanent base for some, can be visited at any time by others, but is
accessible to physicals from Earth only under special circumstances. Dreamers
from my personal circle are in the group. So are people with names like
Skyfighter. I am the leader.
We are organizing resistance to the Taliban. The word is sometimes pronounced
like Talibian ; this term is used for authoritarian, oppressive forces that are
active in several dimensions.
Returning to the base area, I see a man wearing Light shields that form
convex planes around his body and an impenetrable sphere around his head.
For the part-time dream pilots, interdimensional travel can be facilitated by
many things, even by a certain kind of shamanic snoring . I approve any and all
techniques that add to our numbers.
We can certainly use more "dream pilots"!
Robert Moss
Dream Title Same Nightmare Different Pictures - TONI Date of Dream Sunday,
September 2nd, 2001. 4.30am Australia
Dream My Nightmare - I dreamt this at 4.30 am
Australia time, Sunday, September 2nd, 2001
I felt as though I were in water - maybe a river, I couldn't be sure. There
was a young boy in trouble, I felt as though he were going to drown. There was a
man with short dark hair, dark eyes, olive skin and unshaven, he was in the
water. I could feel the man wanted to hurt the boy - the man wanted the boy to
die. I swam to the boy very very fast and pushed him over to the edge of the
river bank, but at the edge there wasn't dirt or mud, rather there was a very
high cement wall. In the center of the cement wall was a ladder leading up, I
pushed the boy over to the ladder as the man came closer and after the boy
started to climb up the ladder I turned and looked at the man and he died. There
was an explosion and it came from some central point inside the man and it was
as if there was a bomb inside him and he just blew up - exploded. I climbed up
the ladder and realised all these people were making their way to higher ground,
running to somewhere that was safe, among these people were faces I knew.
There were people of many different nationalities. I had a feeling of urgency
to get to higher ground. Everyone was moving to higher ground and safety. When I
reached the top of a hill I was standing at a place which seemed like a big
grassy field and I was surrounded by buildings all around me. Whilst standing
there I suddenly noticed I couldn't see anymore people, it was very eerie and
quiet and still, I felt a feeling of puzzlement, where I stood was very
beautiful and although I felt a kind of peace feeling inside I knew I had to
keep moving. The next thing I realized I was inside a building, it felt like a
house or a big open-air country guest house. I couldn't see my daughter but
could feel her presence somewhere over to my left hand side. I saw my
ex-husband, he walked out from a room into a hall and I spoke to him. I asked
him if he had seen my younger sister and he said 'she has gone ahead'. I told
him that I had just spoken with her and she was still here. He said 'no, she's
gone ahead'. We turned to the right, walked down the hall to the landing outside
the back verandah of the house where I live now. When standing out there I
looked up to the clear blue sky and saw what looked like a ball of fire / meteor
burst through the earths atmosphere, as it burst through I heard a loud crack
that echoed out across the whole planet. This ball of fire/meteor sped toward
the earth and I saw it hit over near the east coast. I then saw another one and
heard the same loud crack noise which was almost deafening. I watched as this
second ball of fire/meteor impacted right beside the first one but a little
south of it. Then I saw a third ball of fire/meteor race toward the earth and as
I watched this I realised it was not heading in the same direction as the first
two and I was screaming in my head while I watched all this happening "oh
no, dear God, please please please don't let this happen". I saw it hit a
very large body of water some distance away to the west but a little south. When
this hit I saw an enormous mushroom rise up from the earth toward the sky and
the water rose up thousands of feet and it spread out over the earth in all
directions covering mles. As I stood there and watched the flooding water moving
toward me I knew this wasn't happening to me it was happening to the whole
planet, it was a global feeling. I stood in a circle holding hands with my
ex-husband and my daughter and we watched as it came closer devouring everything
in its path - I thought of material things I owned then buildings and cars, then
people, acquaintances, work mates, friends, family, people I loved. I felt death
coming. I felt death coming, it was so enormous I could notcomprehend how large.
I felt helpless. I looked up at the sky and although I did not see them, I
had a knowing that there were two more fireballs/meteors. I had a feeling about
these other two fireballs/meteors that they were different somehow. I
knew/heard? (heard in my head) the word 'diversion' - somehow I felt
'diversion/distraction/interception'?. I didn't understand this because although
I knew the other two fireballs/meteors were there, I could not see them, I could
not hear the crack noise, but they were there - I felt them. I looked back at
the water coming and could still see the huge mushroom in the sky, I felt an
overwhelming hysterical panic. As I stood in a circle holding hands, my daughter
on my left, my ex-husband on my right, I looked at him searching his eyes for
something, he said there's nothing we can do". I felt the physical material
attachment to everything and everyone drop away. I felt the fear and panic leave
I felt a stillness. I felt something like a wave wash over us. It was not a
wave of water - it was a wave of protection and safety and comfort. I felt a
sense of order and a feeling of very very deep peace like I've never known
before. Seconds later we were hit. I woke up crying. (The moment I saw the live
news broadcast from the USA - I knew - same nightmare, different pictures.
Seconds later my phone rang, it was my friend from the USA.)
Comments by Dreamer I don't know how it relates to my life.
Dream Title The day before--Smylee
Date of Dream 9/10 or 9/11
Dream The night before the 9/11 attacks I dreamed I was in a large plane. For
some reason the plane started heading for a crash landing in the ocean. We hit
the water and everything closed in around me. I was suffocating in the water and
fireballs were all around. I could not breathe. From below me a diver swam up
grabbed me and started heading up. It seemed to take forever because of all the
kelp that was in the way. Finally we surfaced and I took a huge breath of air. I
didn't wake up; I just went on to another dream.
Comments by Dreamer I haven't traveled recently nor do I have any plans to.
Normally I sleep with the radio or TV on, but for some reason it was bothering
me so I turned it off. I was on my way to work by 6AM PST and I started hearing
the events unfolding. When I got to work I called my mother and she turned on
the TV. I was online and she was updating me as it happened. It was such a
strange feeling after such an intense experience in sleep just a short while
Source: alt.dreams
6 dreams
Dubya by Anonymous
6/1/01--2. My father and I work behind the scenes for the White House...sorta.
Our job is to set up firecrackers/rockets on a tall building as Pres. George W.
Bush makes a speech, and when a climactic part of his speech occurs, we are to
set off the firecrackers/rockets. They'd shoot off into the sky and explode into
many colors, therefore making his point even more emphatic. We did so once and
(or at least my father did) and it was very effective. The crowd listening to
Dubya's speech seems to love it when the firecrackers go off as he's making an
important point. My father gets tired and then leaves the rest of the work to
me. I remember going up this huge flight of steps, brimming with anticipation of
my "job", to get to the top of a building, which is probably no more
than a couple inches wide! Even though I know the building was very tall, I can
barely fit both feet on the top along with the firecrackers. Weird dream
perspective. As I'm going up, I'm so excited that I could do this, work like
this behind the scenes for someone as well known as Dubya. It really doesn't
seem to matter at all that I totally disagree with 90% of his policy in real
life, I'm just thrilled to be a part of the action....It's hard to explain. It
just feels that what I'm doing has the utmost importance and is a great honor.
I'm sticking the firecrackers/rockets into the ground, waiting for the next cue
to light the fuses as the dream ends.
NOTES: The odd thing about this dream was, as I posted
already, WHY I would feel so happy supporting George Bush, Jr. when, like I
said, I disagree with like 90% of his policies. However, it came to pass, and
now I fully support him in the Taliban mess we're in now.
by anonymous
11/20/00--It started off that I was in Mommom's (my
grandmother's) place on Chestnut Street. I was vacuuming and the TV reporter was
on saying that there would be a nuclear holocaust at either 9:15 or 9:30. I
thought I better drop everything and start praying, but I continued to vacuum.
Finally I felt too much drawn to prayer to continue to vacuum and I whispered to
my mom (she was there too) "I need to pray now." I leave and it turns
into the parlor in the old house. So I start praying and as I stand there, I see
a bright green light out the window.
I think, "It's here."
The holocaust has started. The TV and all the lights go out. I am standing there
in the pitch dark living room at night with my arms out and hands up. I close my
eyes waiting for the nuclear explosion to melt my body and everything else.
Terrifying. Absolutely terrifying.
NOTES: That was one of the scariest dreams I've ever had. Also, this one was
the day before I had a prophetic dream about getting fired from work :)
Then there was this one.
Two things fly above me
9/6/01--1. I'm going into an underground tunnel/parking garage
type thing. Two things fly above me.
NOTES: I was in a car driving into a tunnel-like structure. I clearly saw the
two flying objects as airplanes, but the airplanes in the dream didn't make any
sense, so I didn't write a full description of it.
The morning of the 10th I dreamed.....
Where are we headed?
9/10/01--1. Walking around with my mom in a storm, horrible
rain, thunder, dangerous lightning, we're trying to find shelter before the
lightning can hit us.
Where do I think we're headed now? I think I had a dream about
bin Laden recently...
Aggressive Black Cat
9/21/01--1. I'm in the living room of my childhood home. There
a horrible-tempered cat in the room with me....the cat looks like a big tabby,
it's got black, dark brown and just a very slight touch of light brown colored
fur. This cat is aggressive and dangerous, but also it's just a weakling because
most of the things it does is a lot of talk. The cat is trying to intimidate me.
In the room also are light switch covers (the plastic things with the holes that
cover the light switch hardware by screws). I own the light switch covers, and
they're colored very similarly to the cat....opaque dark brown and blackish
plastic. The cat tries to intimidate me by clawing apart one of the lightswitch
covers, and I verbally insult it back, not exactly with an insult, but with a
very witty reply, and this is in opposition to what it really wants. This drives
the cat crazy that I'm not bothered by it's attitude. I have another light
switch cover of the same dark opaque plastic, and I'm holding one up to the cat
that has an angel in silver and gold engraved on it. The cat scares me at this
point because this engraved plate is very important to me, but I also know the
cat doesn't dare touch it for some reason.
NOTES: I think bin Laden is represented by this cat. He knows NOW he hasn't
scared anyone. HE is on the run. The US is not intimidated by the actions of
Sept. 11th and he knows it. And he knows people are after him. But like this
cat, he is wily and wild and will use any means he can to try and get control
again. It's a clear power struggle. I think somehow the cat, bin Laden, doesn't
dare do anything he can be directly liked to....yet.
But that's my interpretation, and it could be wishful thinking.
Source: Electric Dreams
Terrorists had kidnapped me and were planning to kidnap CEO's
Dream Title Terrorists had kidnapped me and were planning
to kidnap CEO's
Date of Dream 9/15/01 about 3 a.m.
Dream The dream was 3 days after the Sept. 11 attacks, and was very real and
terrifying. In it a small group of Islamic terrorists had kidnapped me and I
overhead them planning to kidnap high-raking executives, CEO's, and other
officials from major American corporations. I woke up while in the middle of an
attempted escape from them that seemed to be working. The dream scared me bad
enough that i was awake for about an hour thinking about what I had experienced
in the dream.
Comments by Dreamer I read a news article a day or 2 later that indicated that
the sort of plot in my dream was a very real terrorist type tactic which has in
the past and could now happen.
Source: Electric Dreams
Dream Title Prophetic Disaster Dream by Emily VanLaeys
Date of Dream July 1999
Dream The following dream appears on page 154 of my book, DREAM WEAVING: USING
2001: I was lying in bed while a woman, a nurse, watched over me. She said it
made her sleepy to watch me sleep! I stayed in bed, because it was so dark out
that I assumed it was night. Then I looked at my clock and saw that it was 9:00
a.m., so I got up and went outside. The sky was a predawn gray. Someone told me
there had been a disaster in New York City that had created a lot of dust that
was blocking the sun. My thought was that this was one of the planetary
disasters that had been predicted for the new millennium. I got down on my
knees, bowed my head to the ground, and prayed.
Comments by Dreamer I had interpreted this dream in light of major changes
occurring in my personal life. Now I realize that some of my dreams may have a
larger context and I see the importance of paying close attention to the
messages that may come through dreams -not just for the dreamer, but for the
Permission to Comment yes_share_comments
Permission Comments Since this dream already appears in a published book you
have permission to include my name - Emily L.
Source: Electric Dreams
Dream Title Four Planes
Date of Dream September 8, 2001
Dream About four days before the attacks on America, I had a dream that woke me,
and worried me the whole day. In the dream, I was looking into a passenger
plane, and was yelling "Do not get on this plane! Get off this plane
now!" No one looked at me, they just ignored me. Throughout the whole
dream, the number four was running through my mind. I woke up after the plane
took off. Comments by Dreamer I believe this dream was really a prophetic dream
about the attacks on America.
Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2001 20:55:40 -0700
From: Kimberly
Subject: Hateful is Bin Laden
Dream Title Hateful is Bin Laden
Date of Dream 10-18-01/11:00am
Dream I don't know why i had this dream but i know that night before i went to
bed i told myself i wish i could do something to help the people that were
involved in the bombings that have occurred. In my dream i was in a spaceship
for some reason and we were doing something like trying to fix something before
time ran out we got it done just at the last minute. My younger sis next to me
name Kelly was there beside me as we looked out the window and we could see
earth just like it looks in outer space on TV then we heard a big boom and as we
looked out the window we could see part of earth on fire. Then Kelly my sister
said "they just bombed america!" I was like "what!" Then
Kelly said maybe every ones dead including my little sister Kathy. As we got
closer to the ground i was like maybe we should stay in the air but a lady who i
didn't know with short cut hair and looked just like Amilia Airheart said we
have no more fluid. So i turned and looked back out the wind ow and i saw people
running and screaming and crying. Some were lying there helpless, some dying,
and some dead. I started feeling overwhelmed with pain emotionally i felt like
crying i wanted to but didn't. I got out and looked up and saw balls of fire
falling they looked like three shooting stars on fire as they hit the parking
lot not far from where i was it blew up catching some people. Then another ball
of fire started in the air but this tiem it split into 3 separate shooting stars
of fire and they looked as if they were coming toward me so i ran as hard as i
could then for some reason i paused to see if i could measure in my head the
distance it would fall, as it got closer i started running cause i knew and i
felt deep in my heart that if i didn't it was going to hit near me. When it did
hit it was like a mile away from me but i didn't hurt me because they were
weaker than the first one.As i stopped my legs felt tight and they were really
aching from running. Then once again another bomb was coming just as i was about
to run forward i decided to run back the opposite way instead because deep in my
heart i felt if i didn't it would have gotten me, it was like my body was beign
guided by these feelings. I looked around and wanted to do something about all
of this and for some reason everyone stared to call me captain planet they all
looked at me in a weird way and it was like they knew i wanted to do something
about it. Then the scenery switched and i ended up at home with my family i
couldn't see any of the house in the dream just a window so i looked out the
window the window was raised open and i saw my oldest sisters fiancé's Granny
looking at me right there in front of the window she asked me if my family was
doing ok i told her yes then she smiled and told me to come visit her and i told
her ok and i asked where do you live and she said "over there", and
where she pointed made me think of her house where she really lived i felt deep
in my heart that it was. Then she turned away and as she walked of she whispered
"NEW YORK". She was dressed in an all black dress with pearls around
her neck tide into a not because they were so long. And also in this dream a few
times i saw visions of Bin Laden. After i woke up the weirdest thing occurred to
me and that is that my sisters fiancé's granny just died recently and in a
picture i saw hanging on her wall before she had on a black dress with notted
Comments by Dreamer i would really love to know what this dream ment ive had
another one just like it and i've had visions i think it is telling me
From: andreams
Subject: nightmares
Dream Title nightmares by andreams
Date of Dream 29th October at about 3 in the morning
Dream I had a very vivid and frightening dream afew nights ago, and that is why
I have found your website. It contained myself in a dingy boat, and firstly
being nearly sank by a huge QE2 sized ship. Ihe dream then flashed to a room
where I was being held captive by Osama Bin Laden and his followers. They made
me clean away all the cobwebs in the room and I had to put all the spiders into
glass jars. Well as you can imagine, I hate spiders, even little ones. Next the
dream switched to being in a little room with Osama Bin Laden and a group of
photographers and news people. I was forced to say that they were treating me
very well and that nobody should worry about me.
Date: Wed, 07 Nov 2001 15:16:47 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: World Trade Centre
Dream Title World Trade Centre. James
Date of Dream 4th september 2001
Dream I had this dream about 7 days before the attack on the World Trade Centre,
and still don't know whether it had anything to do with it or not. so Im writing
here to see if you can help. I don't usually have dreams that are prophetic.
The dream started with me and my mother outside my house in Australia one
night, saying good-bye to her friend when we seen a really big plane in the sky,
but it was sort of shaped like a pyramid. The next thing I know I'm standing
between all these buildings. I can't say that I recognized it to be New York or
the World Trade Centre but I was defiantly in a very big city.
So I started to walk around when I noticed this funny shaped plane again (I
don't know why the plane would be shaped like this.) and it was heading straight
into the building. so I started running and there was a huge explosion, and when
I looked up rubble was falling every where. When I finally got out of harms way
I turned to a man in a business suit and glasses and asked him what todays date
is, and he said SEPTEMBER 11.
Straight after that I woke up and felt very strange like I have never felt
after a dream before, and I have never asked anyone the date while dreaming
before this time. I told my parents about it the next day and what date it was
going to happen, but we just joked about it until it happened.
I feel within myself that it was prophetic but the only doubt I have is that
I couldn't tell where it was, or why I would have the dream when I have never
had any like this before, and I couldn't do anything about it.
Dream Title Twin Towers Attacked
Date of Dream sept.25th 2001
Dream My dream starts out, It is years later after the Twin Towers were
attacked. The year is unclear to me but I seem to recall it either being in the
yr. 2012 or 2020. The rest of this dream is so vivid I can remember every
I was on a field trip with a group of children with other mothers to take a
class of first graders to the Twin Towers site to "Re-Imprint" the
land with the energy of the children's, joyful innocent loving energy. We get to
the site, which was now, just an open field of overgrown grass and weeds. No
structures were left except for big chunks of cement here and there.
I sit down to prepare the children's picnic that we had brought along. As I
am dishing up their food, the children are playing in front of me in this field.
Some are playing tag some are gathering in a circle and start to dance around
holding hands. I could hear them and see them out of the corner of my eye but
kept to my serving. When they started dancing in this circle they started
singing the Nursery Rhyme "London Bridges."
The song triggered something in me. Everything started to appear in slow
motion. When I looked up to look at them, they said the verse, "Ashes,
ashes, they all fall down." As soon as they said that, I started getting
hit by huge flashes of white light, hitting me like lightning. Every time it
flashed, I could see I was in one of the Towers and with each flash, the vision
became clearer and more like I was right there at that time. I started seeing
that I was observing what was in front of me, smelling an overwhelming smell of
Jet fuel and smoke, mixed with a horrific smell of burning flesh. I could then
see people on fire running some lay dead on the floor, and some were by the
windows jumping out. It was total and complete chaos and panic. I could hear
loud screams and the roar of the fire and the sound of twisting metal. The
vision was so real I could even taste the dust and smoke in my mouth, and feel
the heat from the fire. I came out of the vision just for a brief second only to
see the plate of food that I was serving tumble to the ground as I got up to run
away. I woke up screaming.
Comments by Dreamer I am not sure how it relates to my life. I have never been
to New York. I have a son but he's 16 and do not work with children.This dream
has stayed with me and still has that disturbing feeling that is always present
when I think of it.
Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2001 09:43:17 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Ground Zero, Looking In the Future
Title of Dream: Ground Zero, Looking In the Future Pen Name: Maria
My dream starts out, It is years later after the Twin Towers were attacked.
The year is unclear to me but I seem to recall it either being in the yr. 2012
or 2020. The rest of this dream is so vivid I can remember every detail.
I was on a field trip with a group of children with other mothers to take a
class of first graders to the Twin Towers site to "Re-Imprint" the
land with the energy of the children's, joyful innocent loving energy. We get to
the site, which was now, just an open field of overgrown grass and weeds. No
structures were left except for big chunks of cement here and there. I sit down
to prepare the children's picnic that we had brought along. As I am dishing up
their food, the children are playing in front of me in this field. Some are
playing tag some are gathering in a circle and start to dance around holding
hands. I could hear them and see them out of the corner of my eye but kept to my
serving. When they started dancing in this circle they started singing the
Nursery Rhyme "London Bridges."
The song triggered something in me. Everything started to appear in slow
motion. When I looked up to look at them, they said the verse, "Ashes,
ashes, they all fall down." As soon as they said that, I started getting
hit by huge flashes of white light, hitting me like lightning. Every time it
flashed, I could see I was in one of the Towers and with each flash, the vision
became clearer and more like I was right there at that time. I started seeing
that I was observing what was in front of me, smelling an overwhelming smell of
Jet fuel and smoke, mixed with a horrific smell of burning flesh. I could then
see people on fire running some lay dead on the floor, and some were by the
windows jumping out. It was total and complete chaos and panic. I could hear
loud screams and the roar of the fire and the sound of twisting metal. The
vision was so real I could even taste the dust and smoke in my mouth, and feel
the heat from the fire. I came out of the vision just for a brief second only to
see the plate of food that I was serving tumble to the ground as I got up to run
away. I woke up screaming.
Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2001 18:34:52 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Golden Gate in flames - Astra
Dream Title Golden Gate in flames - Astra
Date of Dream 11/10/2001 2:00 AM
Dream After the September 11th attack and the terrorist threat to the California
bridges I had a vivid hypnagogic experience of the Golden Gate bridge in San
Francisco in flames. A plane had hit the bridge, causing a disaster. I was
flying over the bridge in the night. The moon was full and bright, illuminating
the tragic scene. A few hours later, I was still flying and saw a skyscraper in
San Francisco going up in flames.
Comments by Dreamer I am upset about terrorist attacks. My father died only a
few weeks ago and I feel confused and in need for protection, not war.
Dream Title Airplanes by Amanda
Date of Dream
Dream For years now, every time I dream of an airplane, it crashes. I have
dreamed of being in a plane as it crashes and of witnessing dozens of crashes. I
am so used to it now, that if I dream of a plane, I stand watching it, waiting
for the explosion. I cannot come up with any explanation for the reccuring dream
- I have never had a bad travel experience, and these dreams were happening long
before Sept 11th.
END TERRORIST DREAMS====================================
