For more articles on computer dreams see list at bottom
Fill out the online survey form on computer dreams:
Digital Dreams
March 2001 - April 2001
Data collected in March and April of 2001. Many of the fields have been left
out. Researchers interested in the raw data can contact Richard Wilkerson
Sam had downloaded a virus, but animals were working to fix his computer.
Sally has a chat conversation, then the next day finds herself in the same
conversation in waking life. Sam is being stalked by his old computer. Randy
marries someone he met who can talk printers and fax machines, but it turns out
to be a computer. Fate was sucked into a giant back hole through her monitor.
These are not dreams we would have had a generation ago. Some feel they
reflect the changes occurring in our waking life. That is, as computers are more
of a concern and part of our daily life, they will also inhabit more of our
nocturnal life. But is there a one-to-one correspondence between how concerned
we are with computers and how often they show up in our dreams? Is there a one
to one correspondence between how much of our waking life is filled with these
objects or is there a delay in their entry into our dreamworld? The statistics
are still out, but the dreams are here for you to see and enjoy.
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = I was searching for dirt and I came into this house
and there was this computer there, and I couldn't take my eyes off of it. I
would do anything to be near it. It was a gray computer. It was dimly lit, and
it was like foggy, like one of those movies that is foggy the whole way through
Dream Title = Dirt
Dream date = Last night, (March 15, 2001)
Dreamers name = Sam
-- start dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = I had a dream I had downloaded a virus on to my
computer. There were little rats and other animals that were in my computer
monitor trying to restore my computer. While the bigger animals including ravens
worked savagly at destroying my C drive on my computer. The larger animals
worked like crazy to fix my computer. The smaller animals talked happily to one
another. I felt comforted when my computer screen blacked out because them
little guys were either working or sleeping on the job. There were mountains
inside my computer screen and it all looked digital, real.
Dream Title = Animals in the screen.
Dream date = A while ago
Dreamers name = Stephanie
Dreamers Computer Dream = I keep dreaming about this computer game called
moo-shu tiles. I don't know why I just dream I'm playing the game.
Dream Title = Moo-shu Tiles
Dream date = A few times
Dreamers name = The Red Head
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = when i was chatting online with friends and the
next day i remember saying and having the same conversation . its like i could
predict what the other person was gonna say.
Dream Title = anonymous
Dream date = 2 days ago
Dreamers name = sally1
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = i have dreams about combining my wife with my
computer to get the best of both worlds.
i also dream about playing the games i play online.
Dream Title = sex
Dream date = alot
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = from time to time i have somewhat strong
dream-experiences. my old computer (a 386, my first one)kept following me the
whole night. I saw it in my living room, the kitchen, my bedroom, an even in my
dream-garden(it was quite different from my regular garden, a lot of pigs and
oversized flowers with oversized insects). the computer did not really do
anything, it just stood there, watching me. in the end of the dream i urinated
on it and woke up.
a good dream, i realy liked the garden.
Dream Title = the stalker
Dream date = last christmas
Dreamers name = Sam1
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = I was in somekind of it-company (information
technology.) I got feeling that it was located underground. There I saw the most
beautifull _keyboard_ I have ever seen. Ofcourse it was ergonomically shaped but
it had one unique feature in it: it had an build in lcd-monitor in it. I don't
know what use could it have, I just saw it. The dream went on, but the keyboard
hadn't any role in it.
Dream Title = lcd-keyboard
Dream date = march 3, 2001
Dreamers name = chmod100
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = I was surfing in someones homepage. There I saw
really nice script (I thought it was a js) that made a light shape move around
the screen and lighted the areas as it moved over, just like some disco lamp or
what so ever...thought it was cool.
Dream Title = Light-script
Dream date = late 2000
Dreamers name = chmod100
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = In one of my dreams I was somewhere trying to learn
how to program. There was some teacher also. I didn't feel any comfortable, coz
I had some troubles learning. I think the language was C. In other programming
dream I surfed into some guys homepage which discussed about assembler
programming, but the dream was quite blurry and I can't remember much of it.
Dream Title = programming
Dream date = late 2000/early 2001
Dreamers name = chmod100
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = I was in the computer (compaq2000) but i was also
the person typing on the computer. Then when is was on the computer(typing) i
tried to kill myself(in the computer). but i had gotten away and started going
into other computers but always saw myself on the other side. I felt scared and
i was shaking a lot. When i was in the computer everything was glow in the dark
or black but i could hardly see what i was looking at except my other self. And
all i could hear were whispers but i couldn't tell what they said.
Dream Title = My Other Self
Dream date = 2 weeks ago
Dreamers name = sam2
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = i was working late one night at the office and i
was getting lonely. then all of a sudden, i decided to get on the internet and
chat with some people. we chatted about printers and fax machines. then, a month
later, i met the person that i was chatting with over coffee at starbucks. we
got married the next day. it turns out that i was marrying a computer. i became
mrs. ibm.
Dream Title = mrs. ibm
Dream date = tomorrow
Dreamers name = randy
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = i was all alone in a room with only a computer,
monitor and key board and no door. The computer had a strange smell coming from
it. I couldn't get out. I was screaming then i realized the smell was toxic and
almost died then i woke up.
Dream Title = the nasty smell
Dream date = last week. Thurs.
Dreamers name = sam3
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = I was sitting at my computer doing nothing then I
got sucked into a giant black hole that opened up in the
monitor. Then I woke up.
Dream Title = Computer black hole
Dream date = March 19, 2001
Dreamers name = Fate_girl
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = dreamed i was staring at a large F on the screen on
instant messenger. between the top two horizontal lines was written "fuck
you". I think i saw the F because i was playing with the fonts on instant
messenger right before bed. I'm really not sure where the "fuck you"
came from. I thought it was funny and weird at the same time, and woke up.
Dream Title = letter F
Dream date = April, 2000
Dreamers name = Sam4
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = A bearded man, who is staying at my house, wants
information on global positioning systems in Mexico. I tell him I did a search
for John (a friend's husband) on this once; I'll ask him. He may remember the
information I have forgotten, because it was important to him. Or, if he can get
me a little more information on what he wants, to narrow down the search
possibilities, I will do a new search for him.
I'm sitting at the computer. I am trying to screen capture a pink panther for
something. I'm obsessing over it, spending lots of time. Then I look up GPS and
go to the page. It's telling us what to do.
Ick!!! It's tells how to build a GPS model and the description is long,
filled with icky stuff, and it's gruesome like a horror gore flick. I show it to
him. He thinks he'll do it. Then no, he says he's no good on the computer; I
have to do it. I tell him, "If I barf, it's your fault!"
I start making it and John helps. He's like a surgeon's assistant, holding
the tools as I tell him which ones I need. He's on one side and the bearded guy
is on the other, both assisting.
The floor of what we're making is weird, and this makes it hard for us to
continue. It requires big tile things, which we have. It's kind of like a Lego
Then I accidentally hit the reset button and oops, it's all gone.
Dream Title = Making an icky GPS system with the Bearded Man
Dream date = July
Dreamers name = DreamerLyn
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = Several people and I are trying to find the source
of mechanical people we know are being manufactured. We are investigating a
beach house where the key people of the manufacturing company are staying. It
may not actually be on the beach, but it has the open, airy feeling and
expensive but laid-back look of a celebrity's beach home. We believe only one or
two of them are the culprits in the conspiracy.
It looks like it all began when this very good looking guy (if he isn't Brad
Pitt, he sure looks a lot like him) moved in and became part of the company. We
believe one of the women fell for him and he used his wiles to convince her to
take part in this scheme. They are the two we are after. We have pictures of
everyone. In all of Brad's pictures he looks absolutely breathtaking, allowing
his hair to fall over his eye and smiling boyishly.
I am trying to break the code on Brad's computer. His is the only one that's
password protected, which makes us reasonably sure our theory is right -- he's
the culprit, and the information we need is on his computer. The others have
given up, but I'm still working at it. Finally I break it! I used one my dad's
prescription numbers, because I believe these prescriptions are part of the
Wait, there's another password behind that one! I don't even know where to
begin with this one. I give up too.
Dream Title = Investigating the Mechanical People
Dream date = August
Dreamers name = DreamerLyn
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = I'm somewhere with my computer and Kevan (my
boss)'s laptop all hooked up. I'm sleeping. Kevan calls and wants to know where
the hell I am! I was supposed to take him to the airport! It's 2:00 in the
afternoon and I have simply overslept. I feel so bad! My mind is overwhelmed
with the thought, "I WANT TO BE DEPENDABLE!!" I ask him if it can be
fixed. I have the strangest feeling that he was not just Kevan with his wife
Bridget, he was also my dad and Chris (my dad's wife).
I'm talking to my dad, who is ill (as in real life)and I need to do something
and Chris can't help. Maybe she's ill too. Or is it Kevan and Bridget? It's all
very confusing trying to figure out what if anything can be done.
Kevan arrives where I am, and I need to do something with the computers. I've
been trying to do it for a while. Now I have to shut them down so we can go.
Someone offers to help and they have trouble with the laptop. They keep trying
to get it to shut off. I'm running over there going, "No, I'll do it! I'll
do it!" It turns out they did shut it off, only they didn't recognize when
it was off.
Dream Title = Oversleeping
Dream date = November, 2000
Dreamers name = DreamerLyn
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = I work in a basement doing some kind of computer
programming or computer work. I have just organized some kind of scientific
information into a program that makes it more accessible and easier to
understand. I'm really proud of what I've created. There are lots of helpful
features and menus. I show it to my friend Joanie, but she won't use it. I say,
"But this makes it all clear though!" I'm distressed, disappointed. I
want her to know this information, and here it is laid out so clearly for her
and she won't even look.
Dream Title = Creating an Accessible Program
Dream date = December, 2000
Dreamers name = DreamerLyn
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = I'm sending an email to a bunch of people, inviting
them to have a philosophical discussion. I also send it to a philosopher I saw
at Price Club, a clean cut man in his late twenties with dark hair. I describe
the discussion as informal, where all of us can freely talk about out
I get an email back from the philosopher saying that he doesn't mind
listening to confused prattling for a while. I'm surprised. I didn't expect him
to feel above it, but to take part and add to it. He seems to feel he is the
purpose of our meeting, the centering attraction, rather than an interesting
participant as I'd intended. He goes on to say that he tried all of the things
we were trying and they didn't work for him. He also adds that all of the
"awake people" he knows say that there are a few things that are
better since they woke up -- they sleep better and other small things like that.
This shows he's not awake then, but feels he's closer the rest of us are.
Suddenly I want to ask, how did he know those people were awake? If their lives
only change in these small ways, how does he know they're really awake? Do they
glow from the inside? Are they living good lives, what?
I want to know!
Dream Title = Emailing the Philosopher
Dream date = January, 2001
Dreamers name = DreamerLyn
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = I'm in a room on my computer. I accomplish
something and then the computer is making this terrible beeping sound. I can't
get it to stop. (In real life this is my alarm going off. It went off for almost
an hour before I woke up!) There are other people here, and I think they are
wondering why I don't just shut the computer off. My reason is that I want to
end the program properly so as not to lose what I accomplished. This may be
partly an excuse for some kind of compulsion though, as I'm not sure it's
actually necessary to end the program normally in order to save my stuff.
Dream Title = Beeping Computer
Dream date = 2/23/2001
Dreamers name = DreamerLyn
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = it was about a dream house and my family had just
won the was an amazing dream.shame it wasn't true though.The colours
were light and dreamy and the emotions were very happy and fun.The characters
were my dad sister and me and my 3 cats.
Dream Title = Jemmas Dream
Dream date = In my bedroom, in my bed.
Dreamers name =
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = i dream of the people i meet in chat. but in real
life i never meet them. my lover an i r fighting and well i dream of use making
love. in a hotel with red bed sheets, red and white rose petals. and a blue
condom. i feel the condom was stressed in this dream i dont know why.
Dream Title = sex
Dream date = last night
Dreamers name = anonymous
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = i was at work and I recieve the new that my mother
die and my brother whom i don't speak to came to comfort me but i was till
crying and then i went in to my boss office and she said don't worry and look on
the bright side your name is behind the door and i woke up crying
Dream Title =
Dream date =
Dreamers name = anonymous
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = (in real life,)I was afflicted with a severe case
of Neurological Lyme Disease for many years. Often times i found that, the
unhealthier I was, the more I would dream that I was in a computer game. When I
started to regain my health, I would be less- and-less in the game and more and
more just playing the game. Now that I am completely healthy, I do not dream
about computer games at all. The games would almost always be of the fantasy
genre, and sometimes would be like Myst or the Zork series, particularly Zork
Nemesis. That was my favorite game for a long, long time, and it may have
ingrained itself into my subconscious or someting, but I am not an expert. Okay,
so here is what I remember of specific dreams:
In one I had recently, I was in a 3-d adventure game set in a cave/mine/
dungeon type setting. I was the man from Quest For Glory, and I had to run to
escape a wizard guy. His minions were all around the dungeon, and like the more
nervous I got, the more enemies there would be. THAT is the really wierd part. I
take Effexor XR, and that augments the wierdness of the dreams. Like, there were
a lot of marroon-reds, and earth tones. There were big round temple of doom
boulders that would roll after me, then i would click my mouse on a door and
escape to another room. But I never fought the minions. (i am spontaneously
using that word, minions. sounds like minced onion. it means bad guys.)
Some of my dreams have had the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen
anywhere. That is so psychological... I have never seen these beautiful things
that appear in my dreams, like, in one, i was in this temple that obviously was
influenced by my trip to the mormon tabernacle in '97. The architecture of the
building again... it was a roughly round building, about 150'
in diameter, with
an 8-10 foot wide red carpeted spiral staircase all around the edge. as I
climbed the staircase, nuns from the temple/tabernacle chased me slowly. they
were wearing pearl-colored robes, and there were marbles somehow. like marbles
had a role in the dream. it was a computer game, but i was healthy when i had
the dream, so there were only faint traces of being in the game. i was mostly
playing it, basically.
Dream Title = Computer game dreams and Lyme disease
Dream date = 1999-2001
Dreamers name = BC
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = The dream I had was many years ago when I first
started University (1995-6). I had been introduced to the internet and emailing
by a friend the summer previous and had only rlegated myself to simple searches
and emails. However, in the Spring of 1996, I was introduced to IRC along with
another friend and the concept took off on me like wildfire. I was using the
computer 12 hours a day sitting and chatting with whomever would come my way. I
did meet someone on there that I had affections for, as she did for me.
Anyways, when I went home to sleep the first few nights after I had started
using ICQ I had very stress inducing dreams that made me feel like had actually
not gone to sleep. Instead what I had found was that I was in some etherial
place, adrift in space, with algorithms, domains and voices/text (mixtures)
floating all about me. At times, the voices/text would surround me like water
and would impede my progress at trying to contact the girl whom I had met
online. I could sense that she was there in the stream somewhere, as were others
that I knew. But I was insistent on chatting with this girl and would not let
anything deter me from chatting with her. I can remember having to sift through
other people's typed messages (which there were a lot of) and try to find the
message she was trying to send me.
I would wake up wondering where I was, and there were times where I would wake
up typing and talking to whomever I was chatting to online.
As a side note, this was also a time when I was very new and into Chi
Gung/Meditation, so this could have been an actual latent ability to tap into
the (Electronic) Akashic Records.
Dream Title = Waves of Text Voices
Dream date = 1996
Dreamers name = anonymous
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = in my dream i was sitting in front of my computer
like always just typing away when all of a sudden a message came up on my screen
saying " Virus detected" then all of a sudden i was transported into
what kinda looked like a cave where i was fighting a dragon which probably was
meant to represent the virus. Anyway I was throwing these fire balls at it and
way dodging the dragons attacks.
Anyway in the end i lost, woke up in a cold sweat and a week later a virus
trashed my computer.
Dream Title = Fighting the Dragon
Dream date = 4 years ago
Dreamers name = anonymous
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = I was in English Class, and the computer in the
class was on(or atleast I thought it was on), and my friend clint was on, on his
screen name which was Lantene and I wanted to respond because he was constantly
calling my name and I wasn't able to respond and then AJ from the Backstreet
Boys was in my class and he asked me what's wrong and I told him "my friend
is online and I can't talk to him" AJ was like "what are you talking
about the computer is not even on" This dream was very weird what can it
possibly mean? In this dream I was frustrated because I couldn't even talk to
Clint online and sad too because at the time I hardly spoke to him since he was
busy, or see him because he lives 1500 miles away.
Dream Title = Couldn't talk to him.
Dream date = Maybe 2-3 months ago but not sure.
Dreamers name = anonymous
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = i was playing my computer then something said
WARNING! i was then shot and stabbed several times then the computer said behind
you. then i woke up
Dream Title = computer warning
Dream date = march 26, 2001
Dreamers name = anonymous
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = I dremed of a lady I met online. We were walking
across the US. We crossed the great divide. Her name and apparence was nothing
like the actual picture I have seen of her.
It was unusually vivid. In fact it was a drem within a dream.
Dream Title = Dream Girl
Dream date = March 27, 2001
Dreamers name = jax
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = I have found myself with flashes (ie a brief image)
of message boards I regularly visit (digital kawaii message board, linked from, however, the list of administrators has a name not usually
on it.
Dream Title = DigiKawaii Admin Dream
Dream date = recently
Dreamers name = Jeff Anonymous
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = I've had too many dreams to recall at the moment (I
dream almost nightly!) but I ran across this site and thought I might as well
mention the first one that came to mind. A few years ago, when my current
boyfriend was still only a friend and crush, I dreamed that the two of us were
hanging out at school in the art room (a daily happening at the time) chatting
and laughing and looking at humor websites on the computer in the room (also a
common occurence). Time passed, the scene shifted slightly so that we were
hanging out in the main part of the room again, I went to go see if any of my
friends in my favorite chat room were online and my guy friend followed me.
Grinning and horsing around, I tried to push him away from the computer and he
wrestled back, eventually picking me up around the waist, holding me over his
shoulder and walking out the door to our next class since the bell had rung. I
think my dream was showing how I wished I could play around with him more like
that since in real life (at the time) I was still extremely shy about being
close. Not sure how much this helps especially since the computer wasn't a huge
focus in it, but it was important to me since it happened at a time when we were
still getting to be better friends, and looking at common interests online while
waiting for the bell to ring was a favorite pasttime.
Dream Title = Art Room Antics
Dream date = Spring (?) 1997 or 1998
Dreamers name = anonymous
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = many dreams about trying to do something like fix a
meal but in code.
So i'm coding and expecting another thing to happen. Very strange
Dream Title = coding dreams
Dream date = many times - twice a month
Dreamers name = anonymous
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = i dreamed that i never had to leave my computer and
could play earth2025 for ever. - also porno
Dream Title = scary
Dream date = when i was 165 years of age
Dreamers name = vasil
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = I have several different "flavors" of
these dreams; some are in html, in others there are only interludes of a unix
command line, and sometimes I am even 'coding' my own dream in c++.
In the first two, images accompany the code. It's as if I can see the
"movie" while the text types over it. I am always aware that I'm
dreaming during these, and they are usually what I would consider to be within
the range of 'normal' dreaming for me except for the code. They most often occur
after I have spent the workday building html files or working within unix.
The c++ dreams are a little stranger in their content. There doesn't seem to
be any waking-life trigger, and there is *no* visual imagery. I'm not aware I'm
dreaming during these. A typical one begins with being inside a program, feeling
part of the code. There is always a quest involved...something I need to or want
to do. It's just blackness, with tiny white command-line characters, and I
manipulate these until I have built the 'program' that will do whatever it is
I'm trying to do. When I ask the program to run, I immediatly wake up. The
interesting thing about these dreams is that I work in html, unix, and java. My
c++ knowledge only extends to having built simple calculator programs several
years ago; in other words, I only know enough of the language to recognize it
within the dream...not to be coding entire programs using it.
Dream Title = c++ dreams
Dream date = I have it every 3-4 months
Dreamers name = chimera
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = I have often had dreams where I was controlling my
dream with my keyboard. Also I've dreamed of threats coming through instant
messengers with names i didn't recognize. The ones where I direct with my
keyboard are the most puzzling.
Dream Title = keyboard director
Dream date = approx. 8 months ago
Dreamers name = anonymous
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = i was surfing the net when this horrible ghost
climbed out of the computer. it was dressed in black with a hood and carried a
box in it's right hand. i'vh heard of haunted cyber cafes but this was
ridiculous. it was dressed like the ghost that takes away your soul otr
something like that with that "hammer" or something...
Then it tried to strangle mi . so i grabbed the box it was carrying from it and
ripped it open. it screamed nooo!!! and disappeared then i woke up..wierd huh...
Dream Title = The Ghastly haunted computer
Dream date = about a week ago.
Dreamers name = Icegal
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = i keep dreaming that i still on my laptop long
after i have put it away! i will wake up with a pillow in my my
laptop..or i will think that my alarmclock (when it goes off) is really someone
sending me email or instant messageing me...when i have this dream i always
"think" i am tired in the dream and never wake up feeling like i have
slept at all
Dream Title = ayb
Dream date = 2 days ago..
Dreamers name = anonymous
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = I have had many dreams about computers. They have
evolved over time. I dream about the organization of folders and subsequent
categorizing of relationships with everything. When I'm thinking about people
sometimes I will categorize what I'm thinking about them, why I am thinking such
thoughts and how that makes me feel. I think like a consious person a lot in my
dreams. I love dreaming. Since the computer is an extension of the brain, I am
very interested in organizing my thoughts much in the same way I organize files
and folders. I recently dreamt about someone I knew in my youth. This person is
destined to be vey successful. I dreamt not about talking to her, but rather I
visualized files which were all under the sub-category of this person. When I
had certain feelings, they went into a specific folder. The same with certain
thoughts. Somtimes feelings and thoughts would correspond and their folders
would be linked.
Dream Title = The hyperlinked mainframe that was my brain
Dream date = not last night but the night before
Dreamers name = Misgnomer9
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = I dreamed I was part of a huge hacker organization
who were working on a project to translate a human mentality into digital
format, so they could enter the internet and crash the system that threatened
society in reality. The system was Macdonalds food franchise.
Macdonalds was buying up all the land to build shops, and when a shop owner
sold his franchise or just went bankrupt, Macdonalds would just rent out the
land, not sell it. Eventually, they owned half of all the worlds surface.
The industry that boomed the most was the computers, we (the hackers) could
not control business and politics around the world with the "realestate"
all owned by McD's.
I was just a bystander at the beginning. I just did my tasks and didn't ask
questions. Then I found out from my trusted old friend (worked in realestate)
that McD's had made plans to buy up all the computer corporate monsters
too!(like microsoft). I could not speak to my superiors about this, as I had
done something in the past to curb my credibility.
I had to take on the responsibility myself. I felt a heavy pressure upon me.
If I left it, I would regret it later. So I went into the research labs one
night, Only to find Ronald Macdonalds all circling me, like ninja warriors,
ready to pounce.
I felt very anxious and turned around and began to run. I couldn't run far as I
arrived at a blank wall. But just to my right was a case on the wall containing
a Laptop computer. I grabbed it and used it to transform (magically) the clowns
into hamburgers, that scurried around on the floor for a while then disappeared.
I then was suddenly in a dark place, when a light came on and I saw my
father(has been dead for 10 years).
He said nothing but gave me a golden medal with a heart on it and my name
engraved. He vanished and I woke up sweating profusely.
Well thats it. Hope you enjoyed it.
Dream Title = The franchise Fantasmo
Dream date = about one year ago
Dreamers name = anonymous
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = i had a dream that me and my ex-boyfriend were
e-mailing each other the way we felt about each other.
We were going back and forth explanning our fellings, and how much we cared
about each other.
Dream Title = MYSTERY
Dream date = 5 NIGHTS AGO
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = I play first person shooter games alot, and I
usually am in that same game during my dream. The characters are basically my
teamates and enemies, but I never really recognize the faces -- only uniforms.
The only part I can remember which I am able to describe is myself and a few of
my teamates hiding behind some crates and shooting upwards at people in a tower
with paintball guns.
Dream Title = First Person Shooter Games
Dream date = Recurring
Dreamers name = Anonymous
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = when i was playing this computer game for a few
days, i start dreaming about what my next step would be in the game, when i got
stuck i started finding solutions in my dreams.
the game was startrek voyager elite force and you have to find access to
rooms,lifts and doors and that is what i dreamed about.
Dream Title = gaming
Dream date = about januari 2001
Dreamers name = stalin
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = Solving problems and troubleshooting
computer errors and disconnects.
Dream Title = Computer troubleshooting
Dream date = Last month
Dreamers name = Bdbinky
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = o.k., i had this dream awhile ago, but i'll give
you all i've got. i,m walking down the street and there is some sort of
construction going on. it's really noisy and there is a group of kids laughing
and playing. a park actually, or maybe a playground. . . but something like
that. even though the noise is overwhelming i fell kind of peaceful, zen like or
something. then all of a sudden i'm sitting at my computer in my room. ( and
it's actually MY room. which is unusual for my dreams. usually i know the place
i'm in but it's not the same place at all really. if that makes sense.)and there
is a party downstairs. there are windows behind me and even though our house is
noisy it's creepy quiet outside. i don't remember much of what else was going
on. i think there were some people in my room. i was drinking a beer and talking
with them, but mainly i was just concentrating on the computer. i was playing
that game simcity 3000 only it was intense. more inte!
nse. i'm not sure how to explain it. almost like i could reach through the
screen and touch it. only there wasn't really a screen, but there was. or at
least i knew i couldn't touch it if i were to try. i'm concentrating really hard
and all of a sudden it's like i'm watching myself and i realize it's not just a
game. that everything i had seen earlier were things i had created. or maybe
just maintained because i wasn't feeling all that in control. then the me that
was watching me was looking out the window and everything looked a little off.
sureal hazy and i felt like i was just about to remember something important,
and then i woke up. sorry i couldn't give you many visual details but it was
more of the feelings that stuck with me.
Dream Title = Maxis strikes again!
Dream date = end of march or maybe early april
Dreamers name = elle
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = On my porch was my computer, which
was running. I head an AOL Instant Messenger sound of an incoming message, and I
predicted aloud "David", but it turned out to be the main account name
of my sister's household. The box started to appear, then disappeared without my
seeing the message. Then, a message appeared indicating that two messages had
come in at the same time, and I was to follow some instructions on the screen to
see them both. End of dream
This is actually only the tail end of the dream. The rest of the dream had to
do with being at an entrance to a bridge across the Hudson River with a highway
overpass directly above where I was standing (don't recognize this as one of the
three bridges I've used to cross the Hudson). I decided instead to take the
white bus that showed up heading west (I was originally headed east), and then
found myself just down the small hill from my house, and I could see the
computer as I approached.
Dream Title = AOL Instant Messenger moment
Dream date = 10/01/00 at 2 AM
Dreamers name = Anonymous
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = I am constantly sending out emails and when I've
pressed send I realise it shouldn't have gone out for various reasons:
its to the wrong person
its got the wrong information
its full of jokes and I've pressed the 'to everyone' list at work
I've attached some sort of rubbish to it and I know I'm in big trouble
etc. etc.
Last night I dreamt I had a terrible day of all sorts of traumas and
tribulations and as these awful things were happening to me I was mentally
writing the description of it all to send to my 'cyber mate' Roberto in Mexico
(who I have never met!)
Dream Title = Email horrors
Dream date = last night and often
Dreamers name = Anonymous
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = i had a dream of these aliens who had a web site of
their own. They were called Yeerks
Dream Title = Yeerks
Dream date = a year ago
Dreamers name = Anonymous
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = it was the night before my math midterm and i
studied a lot, and that night i had a dream that i could not get my computer to
work because on the screen there was a blinking 2+2 and in order to fix it i had
to type in the right answer and i did not know what it was.
Dream Title = computer frenzy
Dream date = march 2nd 2001
Dreamers name = Anonymous
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = I had a dream where I was on the computer and when
i was typing to a friend, or just sitting there the computer would blow up, and
I would die.
Dream Title = Blow up Computer
Dream date = a while ago
Dreamers name = Nickie86
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = I had a dream about a chat room where everyone was
in the form of themselves talking to each other in different places just as if
you were talking face to face. Instead of regular avatars that are normally used
in some chat rooms these were avatars of the actual people talking the only
difference is that all their words were in a bubble. There were alot of couples
talking and I was looking for my husband and kept seeing him with different
girls throughout the different chat rooms. That was pretty much the whole dream.
Dream Title = chat room?
Dream date = about 3 mos ago
Dreamers name = Anonymous
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = Me being a pro web development dude in the daytime
and a l33t haxx0r at night. Can't remember the details.
Dream Title = Electric dreamz
Dream date = Last year
Dreamers name = Anonymous
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = I was inside a computer and the michien tried to
eat me.
Dream Title = Computer Memory
Dream date = April 9, 2001
Dreamers name = Anonymous
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = I was typing and than I got pulled into the screen
with a tyropical setting. Than I was in Florida, dancing with Bob. I don't know
who he was, but he was a Backstreet Boy.
It was at a party thrown on by my friend Kelly. I was first in my shoes, and
than I was viewing myself.
Dream Title = Dancing Queen
Dream date = Year ago (2000)
Dreamers name = Anonymous
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = I dream about being in video games. I don't get
hurt but i have to run and keep up with the characters. I don't get a very good
nights sleep when I have these dreams.
Dream Title = Video game dreams
Dream date = Every couple of months
Dreamers name = Mel
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = I am sitting at my computer, typing in a web
address for a shopping site.
Instead of taking me to the website, I end up at a very strange website that
I've never seen before. The opening page is black with tiny shooting shreds of
blue, green, red and gold. In bold, white letters, a message appears, that reads
"Enter Now." I click the mouse button to enter, because, for some
reason, I can't seem to fight the urge to continue into this unknown site. I am
afraid to go further, but am somehow drawn into the computer monitor. After
clicking on the white lettering, the screen color becomes a mesmerizing royal
blue with tiny silver droplets. Somewhere, far off, strains of music begin to
play, familiar to me, but at the same time, I'm unable to recall the tune. The
music becomes louder and louder. The colors on the screen begin to slowly twist
into circles, much like that of a kaleidoscope. First there is red, then blue,
green, purple, yellow, pink and orange. As the colors move faster, I'm suddenly
aware that my printer is printing page after page!
of gibberish. I try to move my hand to turn off the printer, but find myself
unable to do so. Now, instead of the random changing of colors, I begin seeing
pages of 0's and 1's, none of it making any sort of sense at all. The characters
on the screen are all different colors and the music begins to play very fast,
but very softly. The dream ends with a small blue box that says
"America online has performed an illegal error and will be shut down."
There is a red exclamation point on the box, along with two buttons. I click on
the "close" button and the screen goes dark red. In small white
letters, the message, "FATAL DISK ERROR." I wake up from the dream a
short time later.
Dream Title = Computer Rainbow Gibberish
Dream date = About two weeks ago
Dreamers name = Anonymous
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = i was sitting at my computer with my three brothers
and i looked at my mom and i got up and i killed a littile baby with my
keyboard. the little baby i think was one of my brother. andi didn't want my mom
to have more kids so i killed this one.
Dream Title = Me
Dream date = April. 10th 2001
Dreamers name = Anonymous
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = i was sitting at my computer with my three brothers
and i looked at my mom and i got up and i killed a littile baby with my
keyboard. the little baby i think was one of my brother. andi didn't want my mom
to have more kids so i killed this one.
Dream Title = Me
Dream date = April. 10th 2001
Dreamers name = Anonymous
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = im talking to my friend via the internet and she
tells me that she doesnt want to talk to me ever again, her text is
multicoloured and mine is black. i go to a webpage which was full of morbid
colors and scary pictures and it describes everything that we had talked about
on there. all the personal and secret stuff. i felt upset and scared and i felt
Dream Title = betrayal
Dream date = at least once a week, re-acurring
Dreamers name = Amy
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = im talking to my friend via the internet and she
tells me that she doesnt want to talk to me ever again, her text is
multicoloured and mine is black. i go to a webpage which was full of morbid
colors and scary pictures and it describes everything that we had talked about
on there. all the personal and secret stuff. i felt upset and scared and i felt
Dream Title = betrayal
Dream date = at least once a week, re-acurring
Dreamers name = Amy
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = well i was once at the computer and something wierd
happened i was not intoxicated with anyhting, i just went through a break up
with my g/f so perhaps my emotions were stirred a bit and i was deeply hurt, but
i was at my computer and then all of a sudden i felt as if every thing had been
turned up side down, then so i got up wen in my room and fell asleep in the
middle of my room on the floor, my dad said that when he got up he saw me and i
was he said the i would exhale wait about 30 secs then in hale the repeat the
process, so he thought this was unusual so he tried wakeing me up and i
wouldn't, i was into obe's around the too so i he thought i just achieved it was
what he said, but i don't recall being out of my body at any time during the
Dream Title = after i broke up with my g/f i had a computer expierence
Dream date = about mid july of 2000
Dreamers name = London
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = I work for Directory Assistance and I frequently
dream about looking up numbers on the computer. I frequently dream about doing
my job and working on the computer to find numbers for clients. Every night, I
do have different dreams, but they usually have some part of them to do with my
job of looking up numbers on the computer... specifically on the program we have
at work. Our program is unique, and totally different from the internet access
anyone can use, and it's hard to explain, but it is part of my dream sequences
almost every night.
Dream Title = directory assistance
Dream date = part of almost every dream almost every night
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = I work for Directory Assistance and I frequently
dream about looking up numbers on the computer. I frequently dream about doing
my job and working on the computer to find numbers for clients. Every night, I
do have different dreams, but they usually have some part of them to do with my
job of looking up numbers on the computer... specifically on the program we have
at work. Our program is unique, and totally different from the internet access
anyone can use, and it's hard to explain, but it is part of my dream sequences
almost every night.
Dream Title = directory assistance
Dream date = part of almost every dream almost every night
Dreamers name = subarur
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = i,ninbabe,was in a chat room and i saw a
name,nindude, i never saw in there before and i started to talk to him. the next
day when i got up i got on this chat room and i saw this guy's name and he
started to talk to me.
Dream Title = ninguy
Dream date = a week ago
Dreamers name = anonymous
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = i always dream about im nick carter of the
backstreetboys. we talk and get realy personal. i alreasy e-mail him in real
life, but in my dreams nicky loves me. i dream about what to say to him on the
Dream Title = nick
Dream date = i've been having it for a few weeks now,
Dreamers name = jamie
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = i always dream about im nick carter of the
backstreetboys. we talk and get realy personal. i alreasy e-mail him in real
life, but in my dreams nicky loves me. i dream about what to say to him on the
Dream Title = nick
Dream date = i've been having it for a few weeks now,
Dreamers name = jamie
-- start new dream --
Dreamers Computer Dream = I'm at my aunt's house and she shows
me her new computer. In another recurring
dream, she shows me her new TV.
Dream Title = aunt's new computer
Dream date = I have no idea
Dreamers name = shamanwarrior
Note: All dreams will be published anonymously unless you would like credit.
*Very* clear about the personal information you would like included, otherwise
your personal info will be removed and a pen-name assigned to the dream.
Feel free to send in articles and comments as well. Electric Dreams is a
service network and can not offer you money for your articles or dreams, but we
can get your ideas and dreams out to the public.
Please send in computer dreams and keep the digital dreaming research project
OR use the survey form:
Other articles:
Wilkerson, Richard Catlett (1999 August). Research Request:
Computer's in Dreams : Pre and Post Internet Perceptions. Electric Dreams &
Part I Pre-Net Electric Dreams 6(8). Retrieved October 30, 2000 from Electric
Dreams on the World Wide Web:
Wilkerson, Richard Catlett (2000 March). Digital Dreams: The
changing (inter)face of dreams in the twenty-first century. Electric Dreams
7(3). Retrieved October 30, 2000 from Electric Dreams on the World Wide Web:
Wilkerson, Richard Catlett (2000 July). Digital Dreaming Series: Computer Dreams
II : The changing (inter)face of dream texts. Electric Dreams 7(7). Retrieved
October 30, 2000 from Electric Dreams on the World Wide Web:
Wilkerson, Richard Catlett (2000 November). Digital Dreaming
Series: Computer Dreams III :: The Digital Shift in Culture. Electric Dreams
7(11). Retrieved October 30, 2000 from Electric Dreams on the World Wide Web:
Wilkerson, Richard Catlett (2001 January). Digital Dreaming
Series: Computer Dreams IV :: Dream Code and Decoded Flows. Electric Dreams
8(1). Retrieved December 31, 2000 from Electric Dreams on the World Wide Web:
Wilkerson, Richard Catlett (2001 May). Digital Dreaming
Series: Computer Dreams V :: Emergence of Digital Imagery in Analog Dreamers.
Electric Dreams 8(5). Retrieved May 1, 2001 from Electric Dreams on the World
Wide Web:
Richard Catlett (2001 June). Digital Dreaming Series: Computer Dreams VI ::
Digital Dreaming: Emergence or Replacement Imagery? Electric Dreams 8(6). Retrieved
July 7, 2001 from
Electric Dreams on the World Wide Web:
Wilkerson, Richard Catlett (2001 August). Digital Dreaming
Series: Digital Dreaming Research Project: Project Goals and Considerations.
Electric Dreams 8(9). Retrieved August 26, 2001 from Electric Dreams on the
World Wide Web:
Richard Catlett (2001 August). Digital Dreaming Series: (7b) Digital Dreams from
March 2001 through April 2001. Electric Dreams 8(9). Retrieved August 26, 2001 from
Electric Dreams on the World Wide Web:
