In regards to my two dreams submitted to the ED Core, "Revelation" and "Deer Social", I have since had a third dream that seems to relate to my research into comments made by Dr. D. and our compilations following the research of my 'past lives', if you will. The third dream was quite simple.
===Dream: 'Winged Leader' by Nutcracker ===
I had driven to a house. I went inside and found a man. The man was (Dr D as) a Tibetan monk of revered status. We stood at the kitchen window as he dried the dishes. He wore off white clothing. The kitchen too was white. Everything we communicated was done via telepathy. I sensed that he was unhappy with my having material possessions and communicated back to him, "Oh, Winged Leader, the vehicle does not belong to me." I felt he thought I was a braggart for arriving in style. This pained me immensely as the last thing I would want to do is flaunt my possessions in anyone's face. (3/11/98) Mystical
(comments from Nutcracker: As I hadn't actually seen the vehicle I had arrived in, it could have been a deer for all I know).
Before Dr D and I begin our journey, I'd like to say up front that I don't necessarily believe nor disbelieve in reincarnation in regards to my 'Deer Social' dream and comments from the ED core, but I am open and willing to explore the possibilities of past lives (knowledge is power). How else is it possible that so many different cultures over so many eons all come up with the same icons otherwise? The information that I've found to date is very intriguing.
So, the Lord/Goddess of the Stags is going on a treasure hunt with Dr D. Come along, only if you dare!
The Divine Deer Herd Compilations
A friend of mine lent me some of her books on mythology. One is called "The Language of the Goddess" by Marija Gimbutas (Forward by Joseph Campbell) and here are some quotes
1/The Chevron and V as Bird Goddess Symbols
"In this chapter we shall deal with the symbols associated with the primary aspect of this goddess. In these life creating and protecting functions, her animal forms are ram, deer, bear and snake." (pg 3)
"As mistress of animals and of all nature, she was worshipped in the open, on mountain peaks. The Life‑giver also appeared in a zoomorphic form, as a deer and as a bear." (pg 111)
"The deer, sacred animal of the birth‑giving goddess: The transformation of the birth‑giving goddess into a doe is attested to by historical sources and folk memories. According to Pausanais, the stature of Artemis in the temple of Despoina at Arcadia was clothed in deerskin. Artemis and her companion Taygete assumed the form of a deer. She is Elaphaia, "She of the Red deer," and Elaphebolia, "She who strikes or hits the red deer," who at an Attic festival of this name receives a deer sacrifice and honeycakes in the shape of a deer. The Sumerian Goddess of childbirth was also a stag." (pg 113)
"The image of a Deer Goddess is preserved in Scottish and Irish tales. The belief in mortal women who can change into deer and who appear in groups is perhaps a folk memory of deer priestesses. There may have been a ritual in which the priestesses donned and doffed her vestments, a deer hide with antlers (McKay 1932: 144‑74)." (pg 113)
"Stag dances were performed around the New Year in England, Romania and Germany by men dressed as women, suggesting a dance in worship of a female deity. A Minoan seal from Zakros on Crete portrays a probable stag dancer with a huge antler for a head, upraised arms and large breasts. Dancers with stag or deer masks are found in Greek art. (Lawler 1964: 69) (pg 115)
Male Gods and Daimones
"17.1 Master of Animals: animal masked and robed men
"The most interesting and well known in archeological literature are two bison men and the so called 'sorcerer' with the stag antlers from the cave of Les Trois Freres (Ariege) France."
"The three male figures from Les Trois Freres and others from Teyjat and Le Gabillou are shown moving, probably dancing." (page 175)
A Little Mythological Deer History
(Greek) The deer was sacred to the goddesses Artemis, Aphrodite, Athene, and Diana, and to the god Apollo.
(Hindu) The Vedic god of the wind rides a deer.
(Celtic) In some tales, the deer takes the souls of the dead to the otherworld. The goddess, Flidass, has her chariot drawn by deer.
(Amerindian) A totem animal of several tribes.
(Aztec) Mixcoatl, the god of hunting, is accompanied by a two‑headed deer.
(Eskimo) Noesarnak ‑ deer spirit
(Jainism) Neminatha
A few of the Deer Gods/Goddesses
In a picture from Celtic Mysteries, The Ancient Religion by John Sharkey, we see the depiction of Cernunnos as the Horned One. "This stag god is one of the few early animal spirits for whom we have a name, known from a unique inscription: Cernunnos, the Horned One or the Lord of All the Stags (28). In Gallo‑Roman art he became associated with Pan; note the rat which indicates his chthonic power (26). The bag of coins in his lap expresses his perennial function as a provider; he remained a god of prosperity and good fortune, as he had been for the early hunters." (pg 85)
NOTE: What makes this even more interesting is the fact that according to the Chinese calendar, I was born in the Year of the Rat.
He is most notably known for being on the Gundestrup Cauldron. He is typically portrayed as a human figure with the antlers of a deer, seated in a Buddha‑like posture and accompanied by deer and other wild creatures. He is flanked by Apollo and Mercury and on his lap holds a cornucopia with coins pouring out of it. He is a Celtic god of fertility, wealth and the underworld. (from search done on the internet)
"What archaeology (does) provide is a list of 374 god‑names of which 305 have been found only once, while of the remaining 69 the number occurring from 20 to 30 times is fewer than 10. Caesar lists 6 gods: Mercury, Apollo, Mars, Jupiter, Minerva as well as Dispater. Despite his use of Roman names, several lists of equivalents have been assembled. The most commonly agreed one gives Lugh for Mercury, Belinus/Beli for Apollo, Taranis for Mars , Teutatis for Jupiter, Brigid for Minerva and Cernunnos for Dispater......." (Celtic Mythology by Ward Rutherford ‑ pg 82)
"Professor Ross believes the horned‑god Cernunnos to be the character designated as Conall Cernach in several of the Irish epics. In evidence she offers not only the horn‑element, Cern, in both names, but the fact that in 'Tain Bo Froech' Conall Cernach overcomes a snake. This is precisely what the Cernunnos of the Gundestrup Cauldron appears to be doing. He is also recognizable as the 'black giant' in "Owein', where he is described as being surrounded by the animals of the forest whom he rules as lord. Once again the Gundestrup panel provides evidence, for it shows Cernunnos among animals He is described as 'keeper of the forest' and demonstrates his lordship by striking a stag with his cudgel. The roar of pain it emits, serves to summon all the other animals until, so the teller of the story says, there was hardly room for him to stand. At an order from the giant, they bow their heads and worship as 'obedient men do their lord.'" (Celtic Mythology by Ward Rutherford ‑ pg 82, 104 & 105)
The following are a few more extracts from "Celtic Mysteries" by John Sharkey...(pg 84‑85)
"The Stag God is one of the few Animal Spirits for whom we have a name,known from a unique inscription : Cernunnos, the Horned One or the Lord of all the Stags."
Also, a very good relief of Cernunnos, believed to be of the 2nd century AD and exhibited in the Museum of Reims in Marne, France... this time shows the Lord of all the Stags,...(who, the book says, is often associated with the Greco‑Roman PAN who is part of the cortege of Dionysis, on his chariot pulled by Centaurs ‑ although I would be careful with this one because Pan is usually represented as a ram)... sitting on his throne supported by Deer, having on his lap a bag of coins which expresses his perennial function as a provider and as a God of prosperity and good fortune.
Very interestingly, Cernunnos, in this last mentioned relief, is flanked by both Apollo and Hermes who are two of the Riders of the Chariot of the Sun God or Pegasus. So, this is again a link between my Revelation Dream and my Deer Social dream.
The Japanese Shinto god of longevity and a happy old age. He is one of the Shichi Fukujin, the seven gods of luck. Jurojin is accompanied by a crane and a tortoise. He is painted riding a white stag, smiling like a friendly old gentleman.
The Roman goddess of nature, fertility and childbirth. She is closely identified with the Greek goddess Artemis. Diana is also a moon‑goddess and was originally worshipped on the mountain Tifata near Capua and in sacred forests (such as Aricia in Latium). Her priest lived in Aricia and if a man was able to kill him with a bough broken from a tree in this forest, he would become priest himself 1. Also torch‑bearing processions were held in her honor here. Later she was given a temple in the working‑class area on the Aventine Hill where she was mainly worshipped by the lower class (plebeians) and the slaves, of whom she was the patroness. Slaves could also ask for asylum in her temple. Her festival coincided with the idus (13th) of August.
Diana was originally a goddess of fertility and, just as Bona Dea, she was worshipped mainly by women as the giver of fertility and easy births. Under Greek influence she was equated with Artemis and assumed many of her aspects. Her name is possibly derived from 'diviana' ("the shining one"). She is portrayed as a huntress accompanied by a deer. Diana was also the goddess of the Latin commonwealth.
ARTEMIS (by Ryan Tuccinardi)Artemis is the twin sister of Apollo and the daughter of Leto and Zeus. Artemis is the goddess of virgins and the hunt and night, and she guarded women during childbirth. She turned the legendary huntsman Actaeon into a stag and had him torn to pieces by his own hounds.
Cynthia is an epithet of Artemis, referring to her and Apollo's place of birth on Mount Cynthus on the island of Delos. She is also associated with the moon. Her attributes are the bow and arrow, while dogs, deer and goose are her sacred animals. Her most elaborate temple was in Ephesis.
Isis (Aset, Eset)
One of the most popular goddesses in Egypt. Isis belongs to the Ennead of Heliopolis, and according to the Heliopolitan genealogy is a daughter of Geb and Nut, sister and wife of Osiris. Possibly she was originally the personification of the throne (her name is written with the hieroglyph for throne), and as such she was an important source of the pharaoh's power. In the Hellenistic time Isis was the protectress of sailors.
In the Osiris myths she searched for her husband's body, who was killed by her brother Seth. She retrieved and reassembled the body, and in this connection she took on the role of a goddess of the dead and of the funeral rights. Isis impregnated herself from the Osiris' body and gave birth to Horus in the swamps of Khemnis in the Nile Delta. Here she raised her son in secret and kept him far away from Seth. Horus later defeated Seth and became the first ruler of a united Egypt. Isis, as mother of Horus, was by extension regarded as the mother and protectress of the pharaoh's. She was worshipped as the divine mother‑goddess, faithful consort of Osiris, and dedicated mother of Horus.
Isis was depicted as a woman with the solar disk between the cow horns on her head (an analogy with the goddess Hathor) or crowned with a thrown, but also with the child Horus sitting on her lap. A vulture was sometimes seen incorporated in her crown. Also she was sometimes depicted as a kite above the mummified body of Osiris. Isis' popularity lasted far into the Roman era. She had her own priests and many temples were erected in her honor. On the island of Philae in the Nile delta her largest temple was situated (it was transferred to the island Agilkia in 1975‑1980).
NOTE: I read somewhere that she was transformed in the shape of a deer and roamed about for a year and a half in that form, looking for Osiris (but I can't locate the reference at the moment. Also, there is a good representation in the second shrine of Tutankh‑Amon (1375 BC) in a relief incised into gold foil in thin layers of gesso called "Gods of the Underworld" where we can see a Deer headed God. You can see this representation in the "New Encyclopedia of Mythology" by Larousse on p.32)
On Buddhism......
Godly Bliss. The bliss of the gods is depicted by an assembly of be‑jeweled gods and goddesses basking in sensuous enjoyment in splendid palaces in the midst of a charming garden enameled with flowers, of which they make their wreaths. Gay birds warble in the foliage, and noble animals peacefully roam together there. Amongst the quadrupeds are deer, lions, elephants....with jeweled heads. Amongst the birds are the peacock, parrot, cuckoo, and the "Kala‑pinka", which repeats the mystic "Om mani padme, Hum!" for the language of the gods is the Deva‑nagari or sacred language of India. One of the blissful conditions of godly life especially dwelt upon, is that the most dainty morsels may be eaten without sense of repletion, the last morsel being as much relished as the first."
(Tibetan Buddhism by Waddell p.87‑88)
From the story of "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight"
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight make a bet about a fight. Sir Gawain cuts off the Green Knight's head, which the Green Knight catches and rides off with, after making a request of Sir Gawain that they meet a year from now at the chapel of the Green Knight, so that the Green Knight may take Sir Gawain's head in return.
A year passes and Sir Gawain sets out on his task. Arriving early he stops and rests a few days at a castle. Several days later, thinking he'd better leave and be on his way, he asks his host if he knows where the chapel of the Green Knight is located. His host tells him it's only a few hours ride from here and that he should continue to stay at the castle.
His host tells him that he has to leave on a hunting trip the next day, but that his wife will entertain him while he's gone.
The following morning, the host's wife goes to Sir Gawain's bedchamber and asks for a kiss. Sir Gawain tells her that a knight asks for nothing, should it displease the lady. She again asks him for a kiss. Sir Gawain responds, "But if you wish, I shall ask you for a kiss." She leans forward and kisses him sweetly and leaves.
That evening the host returns from hunting and presents the spoils of the chase to Sir Gawain ‑ a splendid red deer.
The host said, "You must now give me whatever you have won here today."
All Sir Gawain could think of that he had won, was the kiss from the host's wife. He then went over and kissed his host on the mouth.
The host laughed. "I shall not ask who you got that from."
The following morning the host was off hunting again.
The hostess and Sir Gawain flirted and talked of love. She then kissed him twice and left.
That evening the host returned and presented Sir Gawain with a boar and asked him for whatever it was he had won that day.
Sir Gawain went over and kissed him twice.
The host is also the Green Knight, the Lord of the castle.
On the third morning, the host was gone yet again. His wife entered Sir Gawain's bedchambers and offered herself to him. Being a knight, he could not accept. She then offered him a green girdle and told him it would bring him luck when he was in battle. She then kissed him three times and left.
That evening the host returned and presented his spoils once more to Sir Gawain. Sir Gawain, kept the truth about the green girdle a secret, but kissed the host three times.
The host asked who had kissed him thrice. "It was your wife," he replied.
The following day, Sir Gawain reluctantly rode off with his ax in search of the chapel of the Green Knight, ready to seal his fate.
The Green Knight showed up. He took one swing at Sir Gawain's neck, missing him. Then he took a second, missing again. The third time, he drew blood. Sir Gawain was shocked to find himself still alive. The Green Knight explained who he was and why he let him live (though Sir Gawain said he was unworthy to be a knight of the Round Table). The Green Knight was impressed with his honesty and honor in protecting the secret of the green girdle. It was a test he had given his wife to give to Sir Gawain. The only reason he had cut Sir Gawain, was because he didn't divulge the whole truth (about receiving the girdle).
"The Green Knight can also be taken as another appearance of Cernunnos, the color of his costume associating him with his forest habitat. If, as seems probable, this story and the incident in 'Bricriu's Feast' are related, then it would suggest that (the Druid Uath mac) IMOMAN, too, is Cernunnos. (Celtic Mythology by Ward Rutherford ‑ pgs 84 & 112)
On page 386 in the Chinese Mythology section, Lu‑hsing is mounted on a Deer Spirit and remembered as the God of Salaries... which is similar to the Celtic God with the bag of Coins (Cernunnos). There is a beautiful representation of Lu‑hsing in the Guimet Museum in Paris. (New Encyclopedia of Mythology" by Larousse on p.32)
SARRADDHEVI ‑ Autumn Goddess of the 4 Seasons
#1 "The Iconography of Tibetan Lamaism" by Antoinette K. Gordon, 1914 and #2 "Iconography of the Hindus, Buddhists and Jains" by Dr. Ramesh S. Gupte (1972) who was the Head of the Department of Ancient Indian Culture of the Marathwada University in Aurangabad in India.
From these 2 books, I have found a few interesting things...
One of the Four Goddesses of the Seasons (something cyclic) by the name of Saraddevi is represented in bronze figurines and paintings in both India and Tibet... riding a Deer. She is classified as a Lesser Deity who is invoked for the granting of superhuman powers or Siddhi and accompanies Sridevi... the Glorious Goddess. Saraddevi is shown or mentioned in both Books.
(#1 pg 82. illustrated on plate between p.80 &81) & (#2 pg 148)
#1 "The Iconography of Tibetan Lamaism" by Antoinette K. Gordon, 1914 #2 "Iconography of the Hindus, Buddhists and Jains" by Dr. Ramesh S.
Gupte (1972).
There is also mention of VAYU... whose vehicle is a Stag... and is said to be an Ashta‑Dikpala...
or Guardian of the Quarters. The same male Hindu deity is also worshipped by the Jains as a Jain Dipkala
#2 "Iconography of the Hindus, Buddhists and Jains" by Dr. Ramesh S. Gupte (1972) (pg 105 & 185)
There is also KUSUMA or PUSHPA YAKSHA,
another male Jainist deity, represented with his sacred Deer with Antlers
#2 "Iconography of the Hindus, Buddhists and Jains" by Dr. Ramesh S. Gupte (1972) (pg 171)
And then there are 2 of the Jains' 24 Tirthankaras, which are associated to some (listen to the term) "Cognizance Animal" ... which are represented with a Deer...
who Cognizance is a Rhinoceros or Deer #2 "Iconography of the Hindus, Buddhists and Jains" by Dr. Ramesh S.
Gupte (1972) (pg 177)
#16‑ SANTINATHA..... Deer or Tortoise
#2 "Iconography of the Hindus, Buddhists and Jains" by Dr. Ramesh S. Gupte (1972) (pg 178)
"Even from so brief and simplified a description it is obvious that the shamanistic thread runs through the mythologies of all the Indo‑European peoples. Among other Hindu gods who play the part, SHIVA‑PRASUPATI is recognizable as a 'Lord of the Animals.'"(Celtic Mythology by Ward Rutherford ‑ pg 104)
And amongst them is one known as KALI...which is not the Kali of the Hindus, but one represented either sitting on a Lotus (symbol of spiritual birth)...
or riding her animal vehicle, which is a Deer.
#2 "Iconography of the Hindus, Buddhists and Jains" by Dr. Ramesh S.
Gupte (1972) (pg 183)
SABA (Tibetan Lord of the Stags) The Masks: 9. The Stag (Sa‑ba). Fawn‑colored. (Tibetan Buddhism by Waddell ‑ pg 537)
Not too much on him, but he is usually always associated with Cernunnos.
Some 2,500 years ago in India, a woman by the name of Khema, who was the consort of a wealthy Merchant... living in the Ganges valley somewhere, had the following stated in this story entitled "Buru‑Jataka" which is story #482 of the Jataka, or the Stories of the Buddha's previous lives...Vol.VI, Book XIII, p.161 to 165. Here are a few extracts:
"On the day, when the Bodhisattva reached Benares, the Queen Consort whose name was KHEMA, saw at morning in a dream how a Deer of golden color preached the Law to her...." (in Buddhism, when they speak about the Law...they always refer to the Law of Rebirth.)
"...and she thought, "If there is no such creature as this, I should I not seen Him in my dream. Surely, there must be such a one; I will announce it to the King."
Then she went to the king, and said, "Great King! I am anxious to hear the discourse of a golden deer. If I may, I shall live, but if not there is no living for me." The king comforted her saying, "If such a creature exits in the world of men, you shall have it."
Anyway, the story is rather long... but the King offered a big reward, 1000 pieces of money in a casket of gold, for anyone who could bring back the Deer.
But no one found the Deer of her dream... but then the Buddha came in, apparently to interpret the dream and said...
"Within yon clump of flowering sal and mango, where the ground is all red as cochineal, this Deer is to be found."
NOTE: cochineal is a berry color or scarlet, much like the square chromatic shades of pink in my 'Deer Social' dream which the deer danced before.
The rest of the story is distorted... but yet we know that Khema had a dream like mine. A Deer who speaks and teaches the Law of Rebirth... and actually the story says that it came from a herd...and that it was a Royal Deer.
So, this explains why some 1250 years later, in Tibet, the person who wore the Mask of the Precious Deer "Saba"... Saraddevi, was known as the reincarnation of Khema...and possibly many others.
However, in regards to Taygete, apparently she was being chased by Zeus...who wanted to make love to her, and she would have been saved from this "sacrifice"... by Artemis who would have transformed her into a Deer.
Following this, Taygete would have consecrated to the
Goddess Artemis, a Deer with gold Antlers...which reappears in the stories of Hercules. Apparently, Taygete would have made love to Zeus and bore a son by the name of Lacedaemon.
About Hercules and the Deer! The story begins when his older born cousin, Eurysthea (Eurysthée in French)...who was the one who gave him all the hard jobs to do... gave him the mission to bring back alive the Deer with the Gold Antlers and Hooves of Airain who lived on Mount Cérynie (sounds like Siren). Hercules followed the Deer of Artemis during a whole year and finally got to it on the side of the Ladon, a river with cleansing power, where Demeter had purified herself before she was admitted to the Olympus, and caught it alive. Unfortunately, I do not have the story.... but it sounds like a story of reincarnation of the Deer Spirit of Artemis. So, Taygete was the reincarnation of Artemis.