The Waves is a newsletter reporting on the explorations of the Sea Life
community. Sea Life, the main web forum at Dreampeace, aims to bring
together a circle of dreamers from around the globe, collaborating in
dreaming adventures, and 'dreaming with and for the earth itself'

This moon, the people at Sea Life, took a journey to a mutual dreamspace
known as the Lucid Crossroads. The Lucid Crossroads, was originally created,
by Russell (Pantalimon), a dreamer from the UK, using 3-dimensional
graphics, to form the basis of a meeting place for dreamers from around the
Complete with some groovy looking couches, two receptionists by the names of
Clem and Glad, an 'Am I Dreaming?' sign, and even a guest book, the Lucid
Crossroads is also a place for the 'dream traveller to reflect before
choosing a new dream via the dream doors'. Set in a calm, tranquil, desert
landscape, it's a great hub for dreamers to meet at, and accessible by a
large variety of vehicles. Dreamers can even visit by hot-air balloon!
When Pantalimon, decided that "Sea Life, with its emphasis on mutual
dreaming and the 13 Moon Calendar" would become the homebase for the Lucid
Crossroads, I suggested that the Lucid Crossroads project would also become
an annual event for the dreamers at Sea Life. The mutual benefits of
collaboration, were immediate, with greatly increased visitors to both
During the project, many of the dreamers at Sea Life reported spontaneous
dreams of travelling to the Crossroads in their sleep, though there were a
large number of conscious attempts to visit too. A particularly interesting
part of the project revolved around determining whether a visit to the
crossroads were merely a creation of one's subconscious mind, or whether the
Lucid Crossroads existed on the astral planes. Timeless Soul's dream gave us
some interesting insight, into the phenomenon.
A few years ago, Timeless_Soul had created a ring called DreamWeaver, to
give him good dream recall, and greater stability in lucid dreams. "My
brother and I made it by thinking 'if the dream is done by belief, than if
we create items that make us do certain things, it will be easier to do
things in a lucid dream. Ie. fly, transform, shared dreaming etc.' We made a
few items in our mind and I went looking for dreamweaver, but never found
it. For two years I never thought of it again"
I am standing in what feels like an alcove in a wall or in front of a big
throne. The walls are stone. In front of me I can see a rather large room,
with columns that raise to the roof. They rise into darkness. There are
people standing in a semi circle maybe 10 meters away. Standing forward from
the group is a man wearing rich blue clothes. He steps forward & has a very
big smile on his face. "Hello Richard". Somewhat confused and rather amazed
I say "Hello...." He walks up to me. " I have something for you Richard". He
opens his hand and produces a ring. "Remember this". My eyes burn with joy
"DreamWeaver!". He laughs. He takes my right hand and puts it on my finger.
I don't bother trying to control my emotions. My view changes to further
away and I can see myself standing in the alcove. I yell "YES!" the world
shakes and a blue energy wave shoots out from me. The man in blue steps back
but is not really affected. The others, the spectators, fall over when the
beam hits them. My view returns.
The man in blue laughs "your strength and power increases greatly with
DreamWeaver, be careful". I nod. He looks at me and says "don't go yet
Richard, you have questions don't you" I nod again and feel as if I am In
the little alcove for a reason and it would be out of place for me to step
out. I speak
"Is shared dreaming/mutual dreaming possible?" The man laughs "of course,
you have had one too" I nod "OK. Places like the crossroads, how are they
created; in the astral world, or are they just in our minds?" He doesn't
even hesitate with the answer "If they are created for the purpose of mutual
dreaming, than, even subconsciously, they are created in the astral world
and people can go there. Your world, Richard, even though you have thought
it doesn't, exists, and a few people have already gone." I smile & think,
then say "thank you". He nods. "But who are you?", to which he replies, "You
need not worry, we will meet again". I smile and wake.
What made the experience even more interesting, is that the same night, he
also had an experience of meeting another dreamer at the forum,
waterstarrainbow (Alana). Waterstarrainbow is a close personal friend, and
when Timeless_Soul described the conversation he'd had with her, I couldn't
help but laugh. It sure sounded, a lot like her, especially his mention of
her earrings; which are certainly a recognisable element of her appearance
at times.
Other dreamers seemed to pick up on the nature of the Lucid Crossroads being
'under development'. MeKenzie (DM7) reported her experience of meeting the
receptionist Glad, who told her that the crossroads weren't yet completed.
Soon after, MeKenzie, passed through one of the 'dream doors', and found
herself in 'wizard school'.
Similarly, EynKiora's dream indicated slight alterations to the design,
including the appearance of three 'large, black ladies' as the
receptionists. When EynKiora asked what had happened to Clem and Glad, one
of them replied that "they've been released". As it turned out, at the time,
Pantalimon was in the process of restyling the receptionists, building
Clem's features from photos of an afro carribean male.
One of the other fascinating stories, came from CCHawk, a member of the
'Universal Wheel' dream team:
Upon realizing I'm dreaming I rub my hands and everything gets moderately
clearer... I'm about mid to mid/high in lucidity at this point. I think
about what I want to do and easily think of the crossroads. I take another
look in the mirror, and it now looks like an aquarium... and many fish are
swimming about inside. I think of Sea Life, and even out loud say, "Sea
Life...". The fish get startled and start scurrying around, I notice they
assemble themselves to spell something. It reads, "Is There More". I am
puzzled as to what it means.
I get back on track and remember the crossroads, and start wondering how I'm
gonna get there. I look at my bathroom door and imagine the crossroads being
behind it. I open it to see a long hallway in front of me... and all the
walls, floor and ceiling are black and white checkered, like a chess board.
I am not satisfied, because this is not the crossroads... and close the
door. I try imagining once again and open the door. This time there is
another door directly behind it, and I open it too. As soon as it's opened,
my vision seems to fade and I feel like I'm going to wake up... but soon
enough, things start fading back in. When the dream comes back into focus, I
happily find myself to now be right in the middle of the crossroads. I'm
standing right in front of the couches, and like the website, notice blue
cushions on them and the floating table... but the table seems to be made of
steirofoam or something. I look around and notice that there's no doors
around the crossroads, but the well is there. The receptionists are missing
as well. I feel the heat of the sun on my neck, and look up to see a bright
sun above, but no balloons floating.
I look back at the crossroads themselves, and feel totally aware at this
point... I am at high lucidity. I notice the piece of paper on the floating
table and that there is something written on it in green writing. I run up
and read what it says; here's what I see:
I hope and want you to come see this, friend. (Some weird words here...)
(A sentence I can't make out.)
Soon enough, we will be here at one time.
I smile knowing that this message was from Valter (Strawin). I hear
something behind me up in the sky; it sounds like a chinese gong or
something. When I turn around and look up, all I see is the sun like before.
The brightness of the sun is blinding, and it easily causes me to wake up.
CCHawk was overjoyed with the dream, and expressed some further amazement at
the message given by the fish in the aquarium. Meanwhile, some powerful
tingles rushed through my head, as I read this latest account from CCHawk.
I was pretty stunned. Only hours before, I'd come online to discover the
message, I'd had a dream involving the very same two members, CCHawk and
Valter (Strawin)! Both happen to be part of the 'Universal Wheel' dream
team. In my dream, CCHawk had written a letter to Valter (Strawin); part of
it speaking about how he happy he was to be part of a team. It seemed, in my
dream, I'd picked up on his letter of reply.
The 'Lucid Crossroads' project will continue to be a big part of the Sea
Life forum, especially with new plans from Pantalimon, to build a 'Sea Life'
area into the design of the crossroads. What's great is that teams can also
use the Lucid Crossroads throughout the year, as the basis of smaller
projects run exclusively within a single team.
In Pantalimon's words, "If someone is aways trying to get there that means
that someone is constantly attempting to construct the place in their mind.
As the months and years go by this "must" strengthen the stability and
"realness" of the Crossroads, and the intense dreaming by the groups on this
forum will accelerate that four fold"

Stay tuned next moon for the results of our 'Journey to Antarctica'. We
welcome new dreamers to join us in our adventures.