The Waves is a newsletter reporting on the explorations of the Sea Life
community. Sea Life, the main web forum at Dreampeace, aims to bring
together a circle of dreamers from around the globe, collaborating in
dreaming adventures, and 'dreaming with and for the earth itself'
This moon, we'll be looking at our dreams of Sirius, and the system's
relevance to life on Earth; From ancient knowledge of the system to key
themes that arose in our adventures. Furthermore, we'll be reporting on our
dreams as a way of a communicating on a galactic or transdimensional level.

Sirius is over 20 times brighter than our Sun, and over ten times larger.
In fact, it's the brightest star in our sky. It's probably drawn your
attention many a time. First find the constellation Orion, and locate the
three bright stars in a row which form Orion's Belt. Then follow an
imaginary line through these stars to Sirius. It is situated in the jaws of
the great dog, Canis major constellation - and is thus known as the Dog
Star. Sirius A: Sothis is also known as the blue-white star.
This moon at Sea Life, we opened a new section of the forum 'Dreamspell',
for discussion and dreams relating to the 13 Moon Calendar. In the first
issue of The Waves, 'Dreaming Our Way to 2012', we touched very briefly on
this topic, but failed to go into any significant level of detail. I was
reminded of the important relationship the 13 Moon Calendar has to Sirius,
in a recent dream, asking for guidance as to what to write in this issue.
Did you know that the moon circles the Earth 13 times in one year?
Strangely, enough our global standard calendar doesn't correspond to one
natural cycle. Instead, we have a 12 month calendar, made of months of
unequal measure. Confusing, isn't it?
If you were to build a house, wouldn't you use a ruler of equal measure?
Science, aims to model the world as best it can, yet we seem to have
forgotten the science of time. Time, the atmosphere of the mind, a mentally
perceived phenomenon, surely has a great impact on our day-to-day lives.
What if, we were to replace this irregular system, with one that was found
to be inherent within nature itself. The 13 Moon Calendar is based around a
simple system of 13 moons of 28 days each, followed by a 'Day Out of Time',
for global celebration, universal forgiveness, and artistic expression.
It may sound radical but, in fact, such a reform was proposed by the League
of Nations (forerunner of the United Nations) early in the 21st century,
which considered three of 500 suggested entries. The 13 Moon, 28 Day
calendar was by far the most popular - 98% of 1,300 businesses polled
supported it. Unfortunately, the movement was met with strong resistance by
the Vatican Church, and the project later distracted entirely by the
outbreak of World War II.
"This is not the first time people have used the 13 Moon Calendar. The
Druids, The Incan's, Ancient Egyptians, Mayans, and Polynesians all kept a
13 moon, 28 day count. The Lakota Indians based theirs on the keya, or
turtle since the turtle has 13 scales on it's back. Modern science has even
discovered that dolphins keep time with 13 sets of 28 grooves along their
One night, I decided to do a little dream incubation exercise, through
visualisation of a magazine called "Shaman's Drum". The resulting dream
gave me unexpected first hand experience of the phenomenon.
"I'm on a road, which leads up a hill to my home. At some point my
perspective changes. I am able to experience perception, as though I am the
Earth itself. I see a 3-dimensional vector, running up across the contours
of the hill. I immediately become aware that the land itself is understood
to be an illusion by the earth, but is also a kind of focusing device. I
become aware that 13 senses or dimensions are accessible at any point along
the vector.
It seems one is already selected. I see an image of a series of 13 tabs,
and the name of the choice that is selected. Each of these has a unique
energy attached to it, and I get to experience one selection for myself,
within the dream. Afterwards, I am walking up the hill, and I get the
feeling people are wondering how I could possibly hope to succeed in
changing the calendar system."
Obviously, at this point I still felt a little uncomfortable with how
people might react to my efforts to enhance people's awareness of the
significance of the calendar system we use. However, I also felt a genuine
belief in the importance of moving to this new system. I couldn't deny the
wise words of Mahatma Gandhi, "one must be the change we wish to see in
this world".
To literally resonate according to a standard of harmony, synchronized with
the Moon, the Earth, the Sun, the Galaxy, is taking a conscious
evolutionary step into what is called "galactic culture". This is where
Sirius comes into the calendar. On July 26th of every year there is a
heliacal rising of the star, Sirius (meaning it rises with the sun in the
morning). The 13 Moon Calendar begins on this day, so it synchronizes with
a galactic event that actually happens every solar year.
Reading through the messages from the World Dreams Peace Bridge, I was
surprised to find that the dream of Jeremy's that gave birth to the
magnificent Peace Train project, which now travels the world, occurred on
July 26th 2002 (the new year). Using the Harmonic Module, a key component
of the calendar, we can discover the unique energies attributed to this
date: "Galactic Tone: 10. Planetary: Perfect, Produce, Manifestation",
"Solar Seal: 09. Red Moon: Purifies Universal Water." Fitting, aren't they?
Once you began writing down the events and feelings of each day, the
energies at work pretty quickly make themselves evident.
Dallas had come about the Sea Life forum through the Planetary Art Network;
a forum all about the 13 Moon Calendar. He could barely wait to dream about
shooting himself out to Sirius:
"I had a dream that I was walking through what seemed to be a community
center and it was crowded. There were people standing around talking and
some laying on the floor napping. I was handing out 13 Moon Calendars with
purple covers. I remember having the feeling that I wasn't going to be able
to get many people to take these calendars and before long people started
accepting them with no problem and in fact coming to me and asking for
Obviously, this wasn't just an ordinary community center Dallas had
entered. It was a community of dreamers! His dream seemed to suggest, that
despite all his initial concerns, it wouldn't be long before people would
begin to recognise the value of the calendar system, and in fact begin to
seek out knowledge about it.
We need to remember that "Time is the universal factor of synchronisation."
In the words of Jacob, who's been working with the 13 Moon calendar
movement, "To synchronise is to be within one's Time, like being on your
game, feeling good, going with the flow." For some of you, the following
information has been synchronised to reach you now:
The Dogon Tribes of Northern Africa, have maintained a system of knowledge
about the Sirius Star System for over 5000 years. Without the aid of any
advanced instruments, the Dogon have known that Sirius A: Sothis has an
invisible companion. Their name for Sirius B, consists of the word for
star, tolo, and po, the name of the smallest seed known to them.
"The Dogon claim it to be the smallest thing there is, yet also so heavy
'that all earthly beings cannot lift it'. The Dogon, thus attribute to the
star it's three principal qualities as a white dwarf, it's smallness,
heaviness, and whiteness. They go on to say that the star's orbit is
elliptical, with Sirius A at one internal linkfocus of the ellipse, that
the orbital period is 50 years (the actual figure is 50.04 plus or minus
.09 years), and that the star rotates on its own axis."
(Robert Temple - The Sirius Mystery)
What makes this story all the more fascinating is that Sirius B was only
discovered by the scientific community a mere 50 years ago! How did they do
it? The Dogon say that their astronomical knowledge was given to them by
the Nommos, amphibious beings sent to earth from the Sirius star system for
the benefit of humankind. The name comes from a Dogon word meaning 'to make
one drink'. This is part of their oral tradition, and they have even made
paintings showing Sirius as a double star. Simply put, the Dogon have long
made a practice of worshipping Sirius.
The Dogon claim that they learned of these things when they resided in the
land of ancient Egypt, roughly 5000 years ago. Interestingly, the Ancient
Egyptians also held Sirius to be of especially sacred significance.
Initially, I knew very little about this connection. It wasn't until
information that I received, upon waking from an incubated dream, that I
was stunned into researching it further. In my dream, I had been introduced
to someone with a very unique name. Upon waking, my mind came together for
a moment with what appeared to be a higher being. I could feel the
presence of these thoughts, as though a page in a book.
Beginning with the words "Grandfather" and "Isis", it read like an
invitation, "As you exist on the sixth level, you can certainly do more
there than anywhere else". Though the page continued, I chose to wake,
since I wanted to retain what little I had been told. Bewildered, I resumed
my sleep.
The next dream seemed to make the meaning of the sixth level quite clear. I
found myself walking up my driveway. Arranged along the driveway were a
series of books, with titles like 'fourth level', 'fifth level', ascending
until I reached the top. There was a certain feeling attached to noticing
them there at my feet; a recognition that these 'levels' were states of
mind which one could not simply understand by reading a book. In fact, the
recognition came through with such clarity, that I was shocked into
The next morning, I found to my amazement that to the Ancient Egyptians,
Sirius was astronomically the foundation of their entire religious system.
It was the star of Isis, sister and consort of the god Osiris, who appeared
in the sky as Orion. Further, I discovered that their Grandfather went by
the name of Ra (the sun god)
Though, I don't believe I managed to reach the 'sixth level', this short
experience opened me to a much wider source of information about the
system. In his wonderful article 'Dreaming Like An Egyptian', Robert Moss
details the relationship between both the Egyptian's worship of Sirius, and
their advanced conscious dreaming practises:
"The dream guides of ancient Egypt knew that the dream journey may take the
traveler to the stars - specifically to Sothis or Sirius, the "moist land"
believed by Egyptian initiates to be the source of higher consciousness,
the destination of advanced souls after death, and the home of higher
beings who take a close interest in Earth matters"
Another thing I'd noticed in my early attempts to visit Sirius in dreams,
was the presence of a black dog. This of course seemed important, given the
connection between Sirius' name as the 'Dog Star'. As it turned out,
Anubis, most often portrayed by the Egyptians as a human figure with the
head of a jackal or black dog, is in fact the watchdog of Sirius.
During the project, I began to use the image of 'Anubis' as a visual
gateway for my own journeys to Sirius. In one experience, I was awoken by
the middle of the night by vibrations which began at the top of my head.
This was then followed by an announcement from above, by a female narrator,
who advised me to 'Visualise a red and orange car". I was assured that
using this technique, I'd have no need to worry about shady or creepy
entities guarding the paths. It felt as though a special gateway to the
star system had been set up. Unfortunately, once again, I was unsuccessful
in my attempt to enter it.
Another theme that quickly became apparent in our adventures to Sirius, was
the significance of a vibrant blue energy. From glowing blue clouds to
Albert's dream of flying an X32 (a prototype spacecraft) with a blue belly
and white top, the blue energy certainly seemed to make it's importance
felt. It began with Kate's dream, in which she decided to visualise the
words Sirius Star System on a piece of paper.
"First I dreamed about an object that had figured in my mundane life today;
a blue propane cylinder with a gas cooking ring attached to the top. In the
dream someone is showing me one of these, it turns out there were 2 when I
thought there was only one. The one I am shown appears very sharply defined
and is a very vivid blue. I comment to the person that it is a much
improved model to the one I have in mundane life. Next I am walking up a
hill, following 3 people from my ordinary peace group".
I was instantly reminded of an especially powerful dream from roughly a
year ago, in which I'd received what I felt to be a very special
transmission from the stars. Walking along a path, in the night sky, my
attention had been suddenly drawn high up in the sky. There I saw a huge
blue and white 'spaceship', which gave off a powerful ray of blue energy.
The energy itself was so rich, that I had immediately been awoken into
lucidity. Attached to the back of the spaceship, were the words '2012 it is
their last superstar'. Upon focusing on this, I witnessed the message
change to '2012 it is their next superstar'. The message seemed to be
directed at all the people of Earth. The ship disappeared onto the horizon,
and I was left with an incredibly overwhelming sense of hope.
With regards to the blue gas cooker, Kate added, "I thought if it was on
and you turned it sideways it could symbolise a spaceship." This type of
contact is perhaps best expressed by the words of Jimmy, a shaman whom I
know online:
"Suppose, that communication on a galactic or transdimensional level was
not physical and not based on radio or TV transmission, but was instead a
mental or astral experience. To those of us who have the experience, this
makes sense; but to researchers who do not, it's total BS. I do believe
that galactic contact is of this type, and that shamans are traditionally
the people chosen to communicate beyond this world, with real beings in
other worlds and times, in the shamanic ways.
Suppose then, that instead of creating cover memories we are instead using
natural human methods to try to confront and understand a strange
experience of contact. This contact is with energy, in astral terms or even
in other terms, and because of the way our minds work we tend to interpret
this energy visually. We see strange things and we know they are not
precisely accurate, but behind those visualizations is only something
strange and new, and not something terrible. We simply haven't seen it
before so we give it shape that is new and different."
In a later dream, I was shown a picture, with a large black background,
that I assumed to represent outer space. "There is a whole area with these
colourful orange bead like shapes - which seem to represent other stars. On
the right I am directed to another area. I am told this is what lies
"beyond the known universe". The shapes I see on this part of the page were
of a vibrant blue colour." I felt that by the 'known universe', my helper
was referring to our physical reality. It seemed to suggest that our
experiences, related to an intelligence present in a deeper reality.
As those interested in the Mayan calendar might know, the years surrounding
2012 were believed to be a time of global change. 2012, the end of a
5125-year cycle of time, signified to the Maya, the birth of a new world.
However, it wasn't until very recently that the meaning to my dream could
be further decoded. By chance, I'd ventured into a trash and treasure shop
in a small town, while on holiday. Noticing a friend rifling through the
record collection, I decided to have a look myself. And there was the
connection, a record labelled "Jesus Christ: Superstar". I've never
followed any specific religion, but I couldn't help feeling that therein
lay the hidden meaning to my dream of 2012.
Interestingly, the star itself is well known for it's blue-white
appearance. Furthermore, the Hopi name for Sirius is 'Blue Star Kachina'.
An ancient Hopi Indian prophecy states, "When the Blue Star Kachina makes
its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge".
Blue energy wasn't the only important them to arise from our adventures to
Sirius. The first sign came with a conscious dream from Mekenzie.
"I look up at the sky. It's night-time and the sky shows a lot of galaxies
and planets. It looks so cool. Also there are strange glowing blue clouds
with only one openingā a triangle-shaped opening. "Guides, I ask you to
allow me to do the project," I ask mentally. Suddenly the triangle-shaped
opening moves toward me, opening a warp-like tunnel toward me so I start to
fly. All of a sudden, WHOOSH! I'm moving at an extreme speed.
"WHOOOOOOAAA!" I think as I let the warp-like tunnel to guide me. I feel
the winds against me and I become a light traveling faster than light. My
vision, unfortunately, starts to fade into hypnogogic-like imagery, but I
still can feel everything vividly. I feel myself hitting the black holeā
the end of the warp tunnel. I sense that I'm there in the "dog" system."
Unfortunately, Mekenzie's dream didn't remain stable, and eventually she
ended up waking. What makes this interesting however, is that the Dogon
believed the Nommos (the intelligent beings who provided them with
information on Sirius) to have arrived in a ship with three legs. In
combination with Mekenzies description of triangular-shaped opening, it
seems to reference the number three.
The next night, I went to sleep thinking about this connection. In a light
meditative state, I began to visualise the 'triangular gateway' to assist
in my dream incubation. Slipping into a light trance, I suddenly received
the impression that the triangular gateway and the design of the pyramids
were in fact connected. This was made obvious by the instantaneous emerge
of a cross-sectional view of the pyramids. The next morning, I woke up, and
began chatting about this event to Mekenzie. She seemed very surprised.
Though, we're on different sides of the earth, she had witnessed exactly
the same thing, as she lay awake about 12 hours earlier. Eager to discover
more about this phenomenom, I was happily surprised to find an internet
resource with information about the Winter Triangle:
"Sirius is also connected to two other stars, Procyon, in Canis Minor and
Betelguese, in Orion. These stars represent a triangular gateway, the
ancients referred to as Heaven's Gate (not the cult, and was thought to be
the place where souls enter this dimensional reality). According to The
Pleiadian Agenda, by Barbara Hand Clow, "Sirius holds the 6th Dimensional
geometrical light body of Earth in form." The book further indicates that
the ancient Egyptians came from Sirius teaching temple technology to
earthlings for the express purpose of also teaching us about sacred
geometry. She goes onto describe the Sirians as "magnificent feline gods"
responsible for building the Great Pyramid and Sphinx as geometric portals
to the stars. These portals have been primarily dormant for a long time.
However, several major Celestial events over the past several years alert
us to the reactivation of these portals."
(Shamanic Astrology)
Meanwhile, Mekenzie had another conscious dream to report:
"I see a strangely glowing dark-blue landscape so I glide down and land. I
look around, seeing how humanoids (they looks exactly like humans, but
their aura and everything is different somehow) are working together to
make an obstacle for someone. Perhaps a game? I walk around, noticing that
they're staring at me. I try to pretend not to notice. All of a sudden, I
get a vivid painful burning sensation on my right palm. I scream in pain
while I look at my palm and there is a new scar shaped like a triangle.
When the burning sensation fades out, it is very sensitive to touch. I
realize that I'm supposed to do the Sirius project, but I get a bit annoyed
by this scar so I try to heal it by focusing my green energy toward it. All
I can do is making a green lightening coming out from my left hand. No
matter how hard I try, I can't seem to make my scar disappear. Suddenly, I
thought, "Maybe there is a higher being trying to tell me something?"
Awaking from a series of dreams after these earlier events, I found
imprinted into my mind the knowledge of a similar triangle to be found here
on Earth. I immediately understood one of these points to be a mountain. It
also appeared that these three points were to be found in North America,
and in some way correlated to the individual stars of the Winter Triangle.
Hopefully we can discover more about this 'triangle' as time passes.
In many of my journeys, I was very interested to explore knowledge of
intelligent life connected with Sirius. Though I understand that it tends
to discredit those who mention such experiences, I thought I would go on
and do it anyway, in the hope that is of value to somebody out there.
I'll begin with a dream in which I found myself on a train, which followed
the path of a river:
"I'm looking out through the window, and see two Aboriginal boys walking
along the riverbank. They seem to be going off to school. I see the older
brother, perhaps of 7-8 years old, helping his younger brother along. They
look really cute together. I see them climbing up a wall, and just as they
are about to edge over it, I seem to continue their ascent. I feel
vibrations echoicing through my head, reminding me of my physical body, but
I'm now lucid.
I climb higher into the sky, moving with the vibrations, I announce my
intent, saying something like "I wanna meet Sirian intelligences" - hoping
to meet beings from another star system. I feel myself emerging from
blackness into a new scene, where I find myself atop a computer desk-chair,
bobbing in the water. I'm in a kind of rectangular tank. Everything's still
a bit blurry, and I'm trying to find someone to speak to. I see letters
roll out through the darkness, one by one, reading 'Dictionary'.
I initially assume this to mean that what I'm saying is not being
understood, by anyone around me. I decide to venture out through the murky
waters, noticing other computer chairs in the water too. I'm even a little
scared, since I'm concerned that some creature could leap out from below.
It's a bit eery. Then the dream starts fading."
Upon waking from the dream, I was left with an impression that the tank
itself was very similar to my initial dream of the 'Sea Life' forum, in
which I'd seen sea life mutating and evolving in a tank. It occurred to me
that perhaps the word 'dictionary' was an indication, that the scene was
quite symbolic in it's appearance. Was this dream suggesting that 'Sirian
Intelligence' is already present at the Sea Life forum? It seemed so. After
all, our members probably would spend a significant amount of their time on
computer chairs communicating online.
I wasn't only the one who started dreaming of similar themes. Albert, a
member of my personal dream team, reported on his own experience:
"There is this book in my hands, and I turn the pages. I know it is about
aliens and I don't want to look through it. I see a diagram of a person and
an alien superimposed, but it's a simple stroke of a paintbrush
representing a person's back and arm extended, while the aliens' is a limb
extending from below in another color. I get the information that our
(genetic?) makeup can be found in some distant star system. It then
explains how aliens originally came down, and I see a picture of some small
spaceship landing out near a forest, but one of 'our antennas' changed
frequency and 'immobilized' the ship on earth (causing the aliens to
retreat I think). The change of frequency was just a person standing out
near a field."
Finally we had Mekenzie's experience, which read alot like an amazing
sci-fi story. Finding herself on a snow mountain, Mekenzie was soon
reminded of her goal:
""Will you, my guide or whoever, draw the triangle for me so I can stand
on it in order to be transported to Sirius or Sirius-related places?" To my
surprise, a young girl walks over and then draws the triangle in the snow.
"I could have done that myself if I had thought of that." I think while I
watch her walking away as if nothing has happened. "Umm" I think, just
shoving it off and walking into the drawn triangle. I look up into the sky
and announce, "May the triangle take me to where it wants me to be!"
Nothing happens. I look around patiently, having a lot of faith in the
drawn triangle that I'm standing on.
Suddenly, I pass out, finding myself in the spacecraft. I'm the driver. I
inspect what I feel is the earth way before we, humans, were born. I see a
lot of high-technology buildings being destroyed because there is a HUGE
war going on between the 'aliens' and the first generation humans (super
humans). I continue to steer, trying to find out more about it because it's
really unexpected.
I arrive at the huge camping ground that is the aliens' side. I enter,
noticing that there are many guards there so I tell them, "I come in
peace." To my surprise, they trust me. I meet the Queen. Their faces are
painted in green and purple colors. They appear like humans, but I have a
feeling that they're doing that to confuse the super humans because they
don't know that the 'aliens' are actually aliens who are trying to help
them. Anyway, the Queen asks me about my intention and why I am here. I
tell her that I am attempting to learn more about Sirius and that I ended
up being here. I promise her that I come in peace. In fact, I offer to do
the swearing ritual (I don't know how I already knew about it) so they'll
be assured that I come in peace.
The Queen agrees and a guard handles me the sword. I have to do the sword
in the order of left, middle, and then right while I state, "I come in
peace, I swear." After I do that part, I am to walk on the broken gems (you
can compare it to glass) and coals except that they're not like coals that
we have now. I walk and then I approach the hive with angry bees, yet they
don't bite me. I finish my ritual and it appears that the Queen has already
been killed by one of the super humans. The guards are looking at me in a
weird way like they're trying to decide if I should be a leader. I'm like,
"No, don't look at ME!" The dream eventually blurs into nothing.
Well it's nice to know that the 'aliens' insisted on peace in any case.
While I certainly can't confirm any of the details offered by any of our
dreams, I find it very interesting that all three seemed to relate that
humans did in fact have a connection to Sirian intelligence.
However, our experiences appear to have raised more questions, than they
answered. My hope is merely that they can act as a small piece of the
puzzle, for those interested in exploring the Sirius mystery further.
Rather than assuming that 'alien' cultures will only communicate to us
through our known physical methods, let us consider for a moment, that they
may use a means not as well recognised, yet equally accessible; our very
own minds.

Stay tuned next moon for the results of our research from our 'Journey to
Mt Shasta'. In the meantime dreamers are invited to contact Nick (Explora),
with their dream experiences of any of the themes mentioned in this piece.
We're always looking for new people to join us in our adventures, so if it
sounds like fun, please consider the offer.
