The dream world of nightmares has been fascinating me since I was a child of
five. Some of my earliest recollections of these nightmares were a recurring
dream of being in a very exotic lost land with some of the most magnificent
plants I had ever seen. I would wander this land and witness incredible
natural beauty. But then it would turn dark and I would be chased by man
eating prehistoric creatures most notably a T-Rex. I would run for dear life
until suddenly I would find myself at the very edge of a cliff and I had to
decide my fate quickly. Would I prefer to take a chance at survival and jump
off the cliff or face being eaten alive by a very hungry T-Rex. I would
always choose to jump off the cliff always waking up or shifting into
another dream before I hit the ground. These childhood dreams inspired me to
draw T-rex and other nightmarish creatures on blackboards at school.
Fast forward to my adult years as nightmares became more of a source of
constant inspiration artistically. They serve as portals into the
imagination of fear, shining a light onto the dark corners of the psyche.
Exposing parts of oneself that one may need to confront during their waking
lives. We are living during a time in history that governments and the media
collectively use to exploit the sense of fear to project onto the masses a
sense of insecurity. To give us the illusion that the only way that we as a
society can be safe from all of the “evil” surrounding us is by allowing
governments to continue eroding our rights and pry deeper into our private
affairs. When in effect in my humble opinion I instinctly sense that these
governmental entities are not only staging many of the events that are
sensationalized in screaming headlines but are reaping the rewards that come
with more control of the masses. This to me is like a recurring nightmare
that we as humanity must be aware of and ultimately wake up to, otherwise
the nightmare will progressively get more sinister and we as sentient beings
will only become institutionalized numbers and chattel for the wealthy to do
with as they see fit.
On the cover of this months issue of Electric Dreams my painting "Secret
Hand" (see
"Secret Hand") is based on a recent nightmare of a secret society of bankers and
militaristic men hell bent on governing the world with their influx of debit
based currency and death dealing devices creating their nightmarish agenda
upon humanity to only benefit their secret society. The hand is symbolic of
behind the scenes deal making, pacts with the devil selling out their souls
for temporary earthly gain of wealth, power and control. I am currently
working on a series of hand gesture art that will help me manifest
humanities need to openly communicate in a more productive and creative way
to help benefit all and not just a few... We can all evolve quicker and more
effectively without these secret societies obstructing the intellectual and
spiritual evolution of humankind. Let us all end this NIGHTMARE...

About the Artist; J. Myztico Campo is a Cuban born, NYC raised self taught
Visionary Surrealist whose work has been displayed in various galleries in
the U.S. He has a variety of creative passions besides painting that
involves music, filmmaking, murals, poetry & photography. To see and hear more
of Myztico’s work visit his website:
