"To live is to Dream, to die is to Awaken", this thought has always
fascinated me for as long as I can remember. As a child my dreams were very
vivid, full of prehistoric creatures, vivid past life recollections, flying
dreams all in vivid colors. These dreams fuelled most of my waking
imagination and my creative process was informed from these surreal images.
I remember as I grew older my dreams became more lucid, things were
happening in my dreams that later appeared in my waking life on a rather
consistent basis. Some may call these Déjà vu, to me it seemed like these
dreams were trying to show me glimpses of the future before it actually
happened which I found rather eerie yet completely mind boggling.
As I got deeper into the creative process that included
painting, music, filmmaking and writing, dreams continued to be a major source
of inspiration and influence on my waking life. At times I preferred the
dream state than the waking state of mind. In the dream world possibilities
are endless where as in the waking state there are so many restrictions
placed upon us by questionable governments, societies, organized religions
and expectations as to where we should be within our aging timelines.
A lot of my art work (about 90%) arises from visions I witness during my
dreamtimes. I always pay close attention to my dreams. Some are much more
vivid than others as I try to be as lucid as possible during them. In the
particular case of
"Enlightment Garden" that appears in this months Electric
Dreams cover I had this vision during a particularly vivid dream. I was
walking in an incredible garden where the trees were whispering
conversations to each other. As they carried on with their conversations the
trunks of the trees were turning into these stunning stained glass mosaics.
Blooming from their branches were these stunning purple hearts and scattered
eternal flames burning intensely. A further walk through this garden led me
to an interdimensional portal that transcended time, space and the material
world. I was greeted by 2 intensely glowing spirits whom communicated with
me telepathically.
They told me that our "so-called world leaders" were drawing humanity closer
to the end of times unnecessarily. Due mostly to ignorance, greed and the
need to control the masses under a dark cloud of deceptions. If humanity was
to evolve over the next 100 years we the people of this world need to place
extra close attention to the way we are being governed. I remember asking
them what would be the best non-violent manner in which to create these
changes to affect positive change for our world. The answer was surprisingly
simple yet rang so true. They said humanity needs to "AWAKEN" from a long
slumber caused by mass brain washing and historical deceptions. To realize
we are purposely distracted daily by outer influences that keep us away from
our true evolutionary potentials therefore keeping all of us oppressed by a
minority few.
With that said these spirits embraced me and then proceeded to walk through
the portal hand in hand until they assimilated and became one with eternal
space. The portal imploded, the garden morphed into a ravaged war torn city
with body parts strewn all over wreckage of what once were homes and
businesses. A crying child with half a torso crawled toward me shedding tears of blood and said,
"Will we ever have PEACE?"... I woke up in tears, sketched out the garden scene on a
pad and proceeded to paint the dream that very day.

About the Artist; J. Myztico Campo is a Cuban born, NYC raised self taught
Visionary Surrealist whose work has been displayed in various galleries in
the U.S. He has a variety of creative passions besides painting that
involves music, filmmaking, murals, poetry & photography. To see and hear more
of Myztico’s work visit his website: http://myztico.mosaicglobe.com
