Dreams can be a very important source of intuitive guidance. They often
provide a preview of upcoming events and advise you as to what step to take
next. Often I don't hear my intuitive voice during the day, but rather in
the still of the night, when I am receptive. Then my intuitive voice may
speak through a dream to provide direction, guidance or a warning. A dream
can put me in direct touch with my subconscious, the source of intuitive
wisdom and home of my inner physician. The relationship of dreams and the
intuitive mind has always fascinated me. I'll never forget a story I heard
at a dream conference in Virginia Beach. A woman with stomach cancer had
exhausted all the traditional remedies. One night during a dream, she was
visited by a long-deceased uncle who came to give her a healing remedy for
her cancer. He simply said, "Eat a can of hearts of palm for the next thirty
days." The woman was amused and bewildered, as she had never even heard of
hearts of palm. However, she followed her dead uncle's advice and astounded
everyone thirty days later, when her cancerous condition slipped into
Here's an example of how my inner physician alerted me to a potential crisis
through my dreams. I dreamed that a doctor gave me a diagnosis of cancer. In
my dream I was astounded by the cancer pronouncement, and I called the
doctor a fake and quack for trying to make me believe I had this dreadful
disease. Months after the dream, I made an appointment with a skin doctor to
have him a red bump on my nose examined. As I lay on the table, I felt a
surge of pain in my nose from a deep incision. I looked up to see the doctor
sewing my nose with a needle and thread. I was appalled! After all, I had
just come for an opinion about the bump. The doctor explained that he needed
to cut a piece out of my nose for a biopsy to ascertain if I had skin
cancer. He was already convinced I had it, and urged me to prepare myself
for a series of cancer treatments.
My head was spinning. Then I recalled my dream and realized his
pronouncement mirrored the dream scenario, suggesting to me that this
doctor's claim was erroneous. As it turned out, the bump was benign, yet the
doctor insisted I have the series of cancer treatments anyway. My intuitive
mind told me the doctor was wrong. Guided by my inner physician, I refused
the treatments despite the doctor's recommendations. Weeks later, I received
a second opinion from another doctor who gave me a clean bill of health.
This dream alert from my intuitive mind foreshadowed the first doctors
fraudulent diagnosis, and prepared me to choose wisely in the face of
misguided medical authority. And it brought home an important lesson: no
matter what any "outer" doctor says, get a second opinion from your inner
Here's another example about intuition and healing dreams from Nancy, a
woman in mid-life, who recently had her uterus and ovaries removed after
doctors spotted a cancerous growth in that area. Still alert to any vestiges
of cancer returning, the doctors kept Nancy under strict observation. This
vigil was enough to agitate anyone, but Nancy managed to calm herself after
her inner physician came to her in a dream in which she received a gift
certificate for a tank of gas. In her dream, she drove over a hill, and at
the bottom on the other side, noticed her gas tank was empty. She filled up
the tank in the nick of time. The meaning was obvious and reassuring to her.
She literally felt like she was "over the hill" with her health crisis and
was once again going through life with a "full tank."
Do you want to read more about intuitive dream interpretation? You can go to
any of my books: Dr. Marcia Emery's Intuition Workbook, The Intuitive
Healer, and PowerHunch! Or, you can come to my workshop on Intuition and
Dreams at the 23rd Annual Conference of the International Association for the Study of
Dreams, June 20-24,2006 at Bridgewater State College in Bridgewater,
Massachusetts. For more information log on to www.ASDreams.org/2006.

Marcia Emery, Ph.D., has pioneered applied intuition practices for
decades and has developed intuition-enhancing techniques based on her many
years of experience as a psychologist, intuitive consultant, college
lecturer, and media personality. Marcia was one of the three dream experts
on the Dream Decoders miniseries which aired on The Discovery Health
Channel last November. Her website is www.drmarciaemery.com
