We feature all types of lucid dreams in the LDE, but we also like to set
aside some room for particular dream themes. Below is a selection from
readers who shared their techniques and experiences with the current theme,
Flying Lucid Dreams.

Robert Waggoner, Many Kinds of Flying....
August 5-6 02
(Note: There has been some research done on the sensation of rocking and its
effect on the vestibular system and a subsequent increase in lucid dreaming.
At the beginning of this dream, please note that the "rocking" is occurring
"in" the dream and then leads to lucidity. I have noticed this in many of my
lucid dreams. It may suggest that as far as our vestibular system is
concerned, "mental rocking is just as good as physical rocking". So the next
time you want to make another character in the dream lucid like you, then
rock 'em.)
Wendy and I are in a small plane -- the pilot is horrible -- we are coming
in for a landing in a thunderstorm, so we swoop and swerve all over, dodging
electric lines and trees! Finally we land and get out. As we begin to walk
in the dusky night, I sense that the setting is just "too dreamy". Then I
become convinced. I tell Wendy, "Let's fly! I'll show you how," and I grab
her arm and we fly about 50'. We do this a few more times. She keeps getting
better each time. I finally tell her that to fly well when lucid, you have
to "see yourself where you want to be." I point to a car, and say, "see
yourself there and then fly, it's easier." I joke with her and we laugh
about it. We go through a gate and into a beautiful garden -- it is almost
like a mini-paradise. I wonder if this scene is a reflection of my happy
mood or has some other meaning.
We walk into a scene of some guys setting up something by a wall. I decide
to try an old trick and so I announce, "All of those who are mental forms,
disappear!" But I am surprised that they don't disappear since this has
worked in times past. Instead they look at me over their shoulders. I keep
We go farther. I tell this one guy who looks like Robin Williams that I want
to know all there is about flying in dreams. He says dryly, "Not that
Superman kind of flying stuff." I say, "Yes." He shakes his head and
explains, "You have got to understand that there are many different kinds of
flying." He pauses. "There's jungamon, hugamon, and tagamon flying and
there's...." (he continues with about four more odd names). He tries to make
a point that different types of lucid flying are required for different
types of lucid environments, and that it is best to use the most appropriate
one. Superman flying seems to be a very modest level. He goes on with more
information about using thoughts, mental mentations, and flying. He has a
helper who looks a bit like Craig Webb.
We walk into a banquet area. I see some nice dishes and yogurt and
strawberries, etc. The Craig-guy grabs some. A young wait staff woman looks
at me and then says to another, "Is he the one?" The other gives her a look
as if to say, "Don't spoil it." Then the Robin-looking guy says that he has
some very interesting things for me - that he will reveal more than ever
before. He keeps announcing his 'mystery' in different ways until I begin to
wonder, if he really has any knowledge to share. (Gets a bit fuzzy here.)
Somehow I fly off or begin to see a small electrical device with cords, and
there are two people lying there nearby. They seem to be sleeping or
unconscious. As I wonder what to do next, I can hear our cat in 'waking
reality' - it keeps pushing on the door, and I begin to have a false
awakening of writing this dream down - then it bangs again and I awake.

Shirley Hadley
Flying Dream
I was standing with these two women looking at this house. It was night-time
and the house was dark. They were talking about wanting to go into this
house. They were afraid to. So I spoke up and said, "I am not afraid, I will
go in there and see what is going on." So in I went. The house was empty,
except for this one room. As I approached the doorway I saw this brilliant
glowing light. Hanging from the ceiling was this most amazing spiraling
light form of energy. I went up to it and merged myself with it. I felt
myself expanding. I grew and grew, so huge that my energy flowed out of the
house and into the surrounding landscape. I spoke these words, "We all
create our own realities". My voice was so loud and booming that it sent
reverberating echoes out over the land. Then I withdrew from the spiraling
energy form and walked back outside. I was so excited that I went over to
the two ladies and picked them up in my arms and flew them all over the sky.
I was singing to them and just so joyful to be able to comfort them and to
be flying with such ease and playfulness. Once again there was not one
particular part of the experience where I suddenly became lucid. I knew from
the beginning of the dream that I was creating it. Once you grasp that full
realization, that you indeed not only create your life, but also every
aspect of your dreams, then you understand that there really is no part of
you that is unconscious or not aware. You are always in a lucid state of

Craig Webb
Vibrant Senses
At home in what seems it might be my childhood home yet the window on the
room I'm in is like the room where I am sleeping, yet I don't really wait
around long enough to tell for sure because I spontaneously begin to go
lucid. To confirm it's a dream, I lean partially out through the front wall
and window, tentatively knowing that if I don't pass through the wall/window
then it's not a dream, but if I do, I won't have to worry because I can fly
(interesting logic). Obviously, the latter happens and it feels great to be
fully lucid and flying. I swoop down to feel the grass with my hands and
feet and enjoy the visual clarity of these black and red pots or pieces of
cookware that are there in the green grass. I take in the colors. I even
stick my face down into the grass and feel it against my cheek, and breathe
in and enjoy the fresh smell of it. The scent is not super strong but I can
definitely smell it. I leap up and fly again, wondering how much time before
the dream ends as I fly around over the community. Then I notice a woman
flying in the opposite direction and so I think that it would be great to go
and meet or call in a friend or two to the dream. But first, I decide to
meet whoever it is who went by. It's someone I vaguely recognize and she's a
pretty young woman, maybe even with slight elements of old friend Janet R.
from where I used to work in my teens. We meet and embrace a bit and there
is a slight composite character element with my new friend C. Anyway, she
tentatively starts to sit on my lap, and there doesn't seem to be any sexual
energy. I encourage her to go ahead and sit down, and we feel a lot of joy
to be hugging and hanging out together as the dream fades.

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