I once awoke from a dream of an oil rig platform.
The skyline of the buildings on the platform was eerily familiar. I just knew I
had seen it the day before. So I walked around the house, looking for a clue. I
finally found it out in the garage: it was the electric table saw. The outline
of the machine was exactly the same as the platform.
Now, one could argue that I took a memory clip of the table saw and
transmorphed it into the oil platform. I prefer to think that my astral body was
cavorting around on the table saw during the night. (Interesting enough, to do
this, my dream self would have had to shrink to a smaller size, like Alice in
Wonderland did.) Perhaps because it was during dark of night, perhaps psychic
sensing is not as vivid and coherent as physical eyes, my dreaming self could
only "see" the outline and not all the identifying details.
In either case, memory clip or astral trip, my dream psyche was acting like a
child with a coloring book. She took the outline as is, and filled in the
blanks. She "colored" the structure with ideas from her own
imagination. This dream-creating process is quite similar to how remote viewing
is reported to work. The "best" RVers are considered to be those that
fill in the blanks closest to the literal picture. Dreaming selves are much more
When dreams are compared with original stimulus in telepathic experiments,
the items that "come through" the best are the simple elements and
outlines. That is, it's far easier to pick up via psychic means: general theme,
primary colors, shape and form than say, whole sentences, pictorial detail or
identifying object. It's the strong edges that tend to get perceived, rather
than the subtleties. Because this is demonstrable in terms of physical objects,
I highly suspect that the same process is operable in terms of non-physical
Dreams don't use physical eyes. They use psychic sensing. Thus, they not only
have the ability to tune into the physical world, they can also perceive on the
inner planes: what's been called astral, ethereal, etc. In general, this level
has been perceived by psychics in terms of light, mist and color. For those
folks (like lucid dreamers and dream incubators) who focus attention for
extended periods of time, I believe that the mist can coalesce and form
structure. This may or may not include the infamous astral chord. The astraland
ethereal levels respond to thought and tend to create what we anticipate
However, underneath the variegated imagery, there does seem to be consensus.
It's as if we all produce different computer programs on the Star Trek
Enterprise holodeck, but the gridwork underneath is similar for all of us. Our
gridwork is the physical body and brain as well as the bodies of the
non-physical level.
I created this theory as a result of viewing my own dreams and hundreds of
dreams dreamt in groups. I think few folks actually perceive the grid system as
is; most are entranced by the holodeck program which overlays the grid like the
white paint on Tom Sawyer's fence. But sometimes the fence peeks through. One of
those instances, is, I believe, the case of the wires that have been found in so
many flying dreams. They might be seen singly, in multiples or as part of a
The typical dream goes like this: I am flying; I encounter wires; I try to
fly underneath them. Sometimes the dreamer gets caught in the wires; sometimes
the wires form an insurmountable barrier. Some dreamers climb the wires; others
walk the wires like a tightrope.
Another variation is wider than the wires. It's the window or mirror. Trying
to go through glass, dreamers can get stuck, half in-half out or wrapped up in
the material. I'm not the first to hypothesize that this sort of experience is
the dream equivalent of astral separation.
Besides similar form, the common bond seems to be kinesthetic. We may not all
see the same details, but the visual outline plus tactile sensations can alert
us to the fact that, underneath the covers, we are having the same sort of
dreaming experience.
(Fly-By-Night Club)
