The validation criteria for psychic dreams is
clear: find a dream that corresponds to the waking state. The psychic dreaming
equation is dream-to-waking reality. Since physical reality is comparatively
stable and can be described using literal English, we seek the same sort of
verification when it comes to the land of dreams. It's true that dreams can copy
the waking world and the dreaming self can mimic the behavior, attitude and
appearance of the waking self, especially under the compulsion or request of the
waking ego to serve its practical needs.
The validation criteria for mutual dreams looks similar: find a dream that
corresponds to another dream. But because mutuality is dream-to-dream, that
correspondence need bear no relation to the waking world. When the necessity to
link with physical reality is broken, the dreaming selves are released to act
beyond the constraints of space, time and stability. Freed from domesticated
behavioral patterns, they can go native.
The question is-can we follow our dreaming selves back to the wild to observe
and appreciate them in their native habitat?
In terms of mutual dreaming, the dreaming selves can and do play the
extremes. They can empathize. They can walk in one another's moccasins, peering
out through each other's eyes, seeing things more or less from the other guy's
point of view. Voila, the meshing dream. Or they can individuate and separate to
such a great extent that my dream has no relation to yours at all. No mutual
dream. One both/and version is the meeting dream: agreement to mesh the
landscape and events, but retain individual body sense. That's the trick we
perform out here in physical reality, with little appreciation of just how
complex the procedure is. It's the one we learn through acculturation: the
illusion of a common landscape, a common waking reality, hidden behind a common
You and I agree that there is a "chair" sitting in the middle of
the room. But your association with the word chair and your inner picture of a
chair is a conference room chair and my inner picture is of a Queen Anne
highback. This is despite the fact that the physical chair is actually a rocking
chair. In waking life, we ignore our inner pictures in favor of the same word.
When we compare dream reports, we can't ignore the fact that I dream of Queen
Anne while you're dreaming of a conference room chair, as a result of a common
stimulus of rocking day residue.
If our dreaming selves decide to meet in the dreamscape, do they drag along
the rocker, the Queen Anne or the conference chair? How about "none of the
above"? Remember, in dream space, our dreaming selves sit on
symbols-illusions, when they bother to sit at all. And when they fly beyond the
constraints of physical time, space and solidity, they fly into a world that
more closely resembles the morph of virtual reality, the wave of quantum physics
than the particulate form of physical matter.
Unless we become aware of the rules of dream reality, finding evidence of a
mutual dream may elude us. When we insist that the dream act exactly like the
waking state, we become the dreamland equivalent of the "Ugly
Americans." You know, the tourist who demands in a loud voice, "How
come these foreigners don't speak English!?!" A courteous visitor might be
wiser to follow the advice, "When in dreamland, do as the dreaming selves
Can you "go native," just for a little while? Here's a quick
exercise to help you see things from the dreaming selves point of view. Remember
your last dream. Become the self of that dream. Now think for a moment: you are
a native of dream reality. You can fly, walk through walls and suddenly
transport into an entirely new scene. What do you think of waking reality? Can
you prove that waking reality even exists?
