Reverse Speech is the discovery of David John
Oates, an Australian therapist presently residing in San Diego, California. His
novel research has led to growing recognition within the medical and scientific
communities, as well as the creation of occupational titles for Reverse Speech
professionals through the US Department of Labor. His popular website (
contains hundreds of audio examples culled from client therapy sessions,
political investigations, assessments of criminal personalities, and
explorations into unexplained phenomena of science and personal discovery.
Within the sounds of normal speech, meaningful statements and phrases are
embedded backwards. These expressions, called Speech Reversals, are located by
playing recordings of human speech in reverse. Reversals portray relative
honesty, motivation, and attitudes, as well as describing deep processes
occurring within the personality.
Determining honesty is crucial to the success of those involved in fields
such as criminal investigation, business negotiations, and employee screening.
Reversals can reveal "incongruities" within speech, conflicts between
what is being thought and what is being said. Imagine recording a meeting with a
prospective business partner only to find them giving the reversal, "I am a
In the arena of counseling and therapy, speech reversals provide the means to
connect deeply with the innermost Self. By listening to another person's
internal dialogue, we can gain enormous empathy and understanding of their
condition within a very short period of time. The need for a long, drawn-out
discovery process is eliminated. Our most profound needs are revealed and can be
addressed directly.
My background in exploring sound and consciousness through music and Tantric
sadhana have prepared me well to undertake the practice of Reverse Speech
analysis as taught by David Oates. I currently serve clients throughout North
America using this technique. The following excerpt portrays the drama and
intensity of interpreting client reversals from a typical session.
When asked, "Why are you seeking counseling", one client responded
with the reversal, "Give me a verse to aspire."
In the metaphoric language of Reverse Speech, "verse" implies a
sacred statement or belief by which one determines behavior. "Aspire"
is from the Latin root aspiro, meaning, "to breathe." Breath in
Reverse Speech implies a new energy or idea. In this sense the client is asking,
"Give me that statement whose idea will uplift my spirit and guide my
In Tantric tradition, a mantra is that sound, practiced in conjunction with
the breath, whose ideational characteristics can elevate the mind and guide the
behavior of one who recites it. Given during initiation, it is a "statement
to breathe", a "verse to aspire." In this sense, the client is
literally asking, "Give me a mantra." Therefore, this reversal
expresses a readiness to abandon an old way of life in order to embrace a new
Whether your needs are for rapid transformational change or simple truth in
communications, I invite you to consider the potential benefits that Reverse
Speech has to offer. Call me at (604) 273 7438 or send email to
