In this article I use the term
"metaphysics" in the sense of using some kind of mental or spiritual
technique to create a desired reality. The desired reality can be losing 10
pounds or finding our life mate. This metaphysical technique can include prayer,
mental affirmations and treatments, and various rituals. The prayer,
"Please, God" is a metaphysical technique. It goes on from there.
In my opinion, a powerful tool in manifesting one's reality is Dreamworking.
Dreamworking is the conscious effort to utilize the unconscious forces of the
heart, mind and spirit. It includes dream interpretation and techniques to
induce lucid dreaming. There are many different forms of dreamworking and
they're all valid. One's dreams are intensely personal, and the only possible
barometer of a form of dreamworking, is whether it works for you. What follows
is a list of possibilities that you can try.
Discovering blocks to manifestation Inducing dreaming to strengthen
motivation Acting Out manifestations Discovering blocks to manifestation of your
Increasing the power of our manifestations is generally considered to be a
good thing in metaphysics. There is always the little "trip wire" in
the works however, which is that we can only deal with what our conscious mind
knows. We may consciously desire a particular outcome of something with, what we
think, is everything in us. If the outcome isn't occurring, there is only one
reason for it. Although we may deny it, the truth is that is that there is
something within us, which is reluctant to have that outcome occur. This is a
proven metaphysical principle, which is easily rationalized away, because the
practice of metaphysics is such a subjective experience. We needn't rationalize
however, if there is a way to overcome the apparent limitations of ordinary,
waking consciousness.
Adding the power of our unconscious mind can give an additional boost to the
process of manifesting our preferred reality. Frequently the real
"heart" of the matter is in our deepest feelings, desires and
instincts. It's not unusual that these forces are more knowledgeable about our
real needs and wants than our conscious mind is allowed to be. There can be
innumerable reasons for this, most of them having to do with early conditioning.
So many of the restrictions that we place on ourselves were relevant to a 5 year
old child, but have nothing to do with who we are here and now. Getting more of
that knowledge conscious can add another dimension of fulfillment to our lives,
enriching them.
Sometimes, it's just trash in the unconscious, but that can be helpful as
well. Let's say that you just cannot seem to manifest that new job. Wouldn't it
be helpful to realize that you would have to cross a railroad track in your
commute and that you hate railroad noise because you heard it when you hurt your
foot at age 3? That's the sort of thing that can throw a major monkey wrench
into your plans, and you would have no idea why. The unconscious is a storehouse
for everything; the good, the bad and the ridiculous. There are definitely
pearls amongst the garbage though.
If we are working on a specific metaphysical treatment, prayer or ritual, our
attention is clearly focused. Since many metaphysical activities rely upon
repetition, those concepts embed themselves deeply in the mind. That's what we
want. The more deeply embedded the fulfillment of our metaphysical activity is,
the easier it becomes for Universal Energy to move into alignment with it.
Whether this is working or not, your mind is full of it. This focus inevitably
shows up in dream content, as does anything that you pay a lot of attention to
in your day. For this reason, it can be very helpful to interpret a dream in the
context of the metaphysical activity you're working on.
In this dream for instance:
"You're walking down a crowded city sidewalk. Inexplicably, you keep
having these rough encounters with others; you trip and bump into someone,
somebody else steps on your toes, there's an elbow to your chin, you just can't
seem to make it even a full city block without someone getting hurt. You finally
retreat to the doorway of a small shop and huddle there, breathing hard. You're
relieved to be out of all that chaos, yet wondering why it was so difficult. Are
you always this clumsy? Are people always this rude?" You wake up.
What reality are you trying to manifest at this time? Let's look at two
interpretations for the same dream, but within the context of different people
with different metaphysical goals. We'll call Joe's goal, "Getting Ahead in
Life". The dream clearly indicates that he feels some opposition to his
progress. However the possibility exists that a lack of coordinated activity may
be the cause of it. Was he trying to move against the flow? Is the dream trying
to inform him that there is a better route to what he wants?
Jane's goal is "Preparing for a Committed Relationship". Evidently,
Jane senses competition. There's a struggle involved as well. Would she have
made it through the crowds with greater ease if a partner accompanied her? Is
the dream telling her that she needs additional protection?
You can easily see that the interpretations would be quite different, but
either has the potential for enlightenment. Either Joe or Jane could have a
clearer idea of their unconscious messages to the environment and what they were
doing that was inhibiting gratification.
Inducing dreaming to strengthen motivation for fulfillment:
Self-hypnosis for dreaming is a powerful technique. If you place yourself in
a light trance as you're going to sleep, you can give yourself a suggestion to
dream on a specific topic. Dreaming for enlightenment is an ancient tradition,
used in many belief systems. Self-hypnosis or a purposefully generated trance
state is also used in many mystic and shamanistic traditions. The trance state
is directed to practical use in dreamworking as well, providing an additional
outlet for visions, omens and signs.
For metaphysical purposes, you can work out the pros and cons of an important
manifestation, like changing jobs. In the dream state, the entirety of the mind
can be used to evaluate an important decision. This is also a beautiful method
for strengthening your connection with the Divine. Working out any
"spiritual communication blocks" in the dream state can bring about
lasting gain. Since most traditions rely upon a Higher Power of whatever
definition, increasing your personal certainty of being "tuned in"
can't help but be good. Something else that can be done is to induce lucid
dreaming, wherein you know that you're dreaming during the dream. This is
considered desirable in every dreamworking system I've heard of. The greater the
frequency and quality of lucid dreaming you experience, the better off you are
health-wise, in relaxation and metal clarity.
All of these techniques have been tested and most people take about 3 nights
to get them to work. Depending on your personal inclinations, these or some
variation on them, should certainly strengthen your inner motivation. This isn't
the place for a treatise on self-hypnosis, but there are tons of books on the
subject and probably many resources available on the net.
Acting Out manifestations
An affirmative suggestion would be "I'm experiencing all the positive
benefits of (my current metaphysical treatment) in my dreams tonight. I can
feel, hear, taste, touch and smell all the activities of this new part of my
life in my dreams tonight and I clearly remember all of it." This creates a
situation known as "embodiment". To embody a metaphysical goal, you
need to experience yourself within the goal, living it. Dreams are great for
that. Lucid dreams pretty well guarantee manifestation.
This suggestion may also bring up unconscious barriers to the fulfillment of
the manifestations. We may find ourselves living out a situation that is
uncomfortable for us. Personally, I appreciate that, because then I can work out
whether it's a valid objection to manifestation or not, and consciously work
with it from there. Perhaps there's a modification required in my goal to make
it completely fulfilling. This "rehearsal" provides an opportunity to
work out potential "bugs" in the plan.
Most practicing metaphysicians (of any belief system), sometimes find it
necessary to overcome inner inhibitions, obsolete beliefs or negative habit
patterns. Additional tools that lead to the speedy resolution of these barriers
to manifestation can be very helpful.
Just a suggestion, of course.
Jeri Noble
Circles of Light
