Electric Dreams

A View from the Bridge
February 2007

Reflections from the
Full-Moon Nights When the Mirror is Not Enough

Jean Campbell and Joy Fatooh

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Campbell, Jean and Joy Fatooh (2007February). A View from the Bridge. February 2007:
Reflections from the Full-Moon Nights When the Mirror is Not Enough. Electric Dreams 14(2).

I was wondering how to communicate in this month's View From the Bridge the response that came to last month's very stressful communication on The World Dreams Peace Bridge about the execution of Saddam Hussein. How could I say that the response was, for many, to return again to the image of the child? My question was answered with this spontaneous, poetic, summary from Peace Bridge member Joy Fatooh.

Reflections from the Full-Moon Nights
When the Mirror is Not Enough

Anna to the Bridge:

"The images of a Baby in so many dreams have made me notice that a Baby is the blessed mingling of 2 very different beings - something New, of each one, yet unto itself. Maybe as we continue to share with one another our deepest longings - who knows what new life we will create? So important that we do - from Love, in its deepest, highest, most intense expressions."

Rita to the Bridge:

"The way I related to the baby in your dream (which was not at all what it had to say to you yet was a gift to me) found its way in a dream of mine last night - as I was dreaming with Joy - I was looking in the mirror at myself when I was in my early 20's - after a long dream that reflected my courage and my faith - and told myself how much I loved myself."

David to the Bridge:

"That sounds like an amazing dream. I really enjoy dreams of mirrors. It is so interesting to see what is reflected back to you, and love for yourself is about as good as it gets. Thank you for sharing."

Rita to Joy:

"all I remember... is the end scene where I am looking at myself in the mirror and find that I love myself very deeply and at the same time Chip [the cat] is waking me up and licking my face:)) I wake up light and happy."

Joy to Rita:

"Connecting with the mirror fragments in my dream, and my waking up light and happy.... Now why did my mirrors cover multiple containers of food? Many opportunities for self-nourishment beneath the protective cover of self-love? So cold, though! - all floating in cold water. Needed to be warmed."

Ken to the Bridge:

"Hi Victoria, sorry to hear you are feeling that way about the romance side of life, hope things turn around for you ( big full moon out there and as I look at it the words 'wait for Henry' keep coming to mind, might be nonsense but ya never know! When the right chemistry is there everything will go well for you i'm sure."

Joy to Rita:

"Gradually lost recall while I lay between waking/writing and drifting back to sleep - all I recall is having access to a big compartmented stainless steel thing as if in a restaurant kitchen that has multiple wells for prepared ingredients, ready to be used, floating in their liquids; one would expect the wells to be rectangular but they're parallelogram-shaped, and covered with parallelogram fragments of broken mirror than simply rest atop the foodstuffs, tofu and mushrooms and so on, pale and wet and cold to touch. Later while drifting the association 'while Suzanne holds the mirror,' last line of a song I'd been thinking of, comes drifting in....

Joy to the full moon, same moon shining on us all:

Suzanne by Leonard Cohen

Suzanne takes you down to her place near the river


(editor - including link to Suzanne lyrics, I'm not sure they aren't copyrighted - RC )

And Jesus was a sailor
When he walked upon the water.

...And you want to travel with her
And you want to travel blind
And you know that you can trust her
For she's touched your perfect body with her mind.

...for the tune, history and commentary see
which maybe answers, what has all this to do with peace?

Leonard Cohen quoting Irving Layton:

"A poet is deeply conflicted and it's in his work that he reconciles those deep conflicts. The place is the harbor. It doesn't set the world in order, you know, it's the place of reconciliation. It's the consolumentum, the kiss of peace."

Joy to Rita:

"Felt myself waking - looked up and found myself in the pale blue sky in the presence of the Sun and the Moon, and that was enough! I rose up toward them, and woke."

The Moon is the mirror of the Sun and reflects its light with serene impartiality over all the world. The Moon is the mirror of all who look up at it and wonder who else is looking at it now.

...sometimes one must indulge in reflective poetics before starting work in the morning! Anyone who has read this far was in the mood to do so; bless you all,


Electric Dreams issn # 1080 4284
Edited for online from first publications by Janet Garrett
Copyrights © held by individual authors, all rights reserved
For reprint information contact the publisher,
Richard Wilkerson, E-mail: rcwilk@dreamgate.com

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