Apologies to all readers of the View for several months of silence.
Dreaming on the Peace Bridge has gone on, but the author of the View from
the Bridge has been writing a book (See below.)
During the month of June, however, the Peace Bridge invites your
participation in a very special event. On Thursday, June 15, members of the
Peace Bridge will be "Dreaming With the Ancestors" on the day of our regular
DaFuMu Dreaming for World Peace. Dreamers worldwide are invited to join us
as we ask the ancestors for assistance in solving, at an individual and
global level, the need for peace and a sustainable future for the planet.
This theme was suggested by Mary (Whitefeather) Joyce, who will facilitate a
special summer Solstice ceremony on Thursday, June 22 at the annual
conference of the International Association for the Study of Dreams at
Bridgewater State College in Massachusetts. Mary, who is a member of the
Peace Bridge online discussion group, as well as IASD, invites all dreamers,
whether or not they can attend the conference, to join in the celebration
online at http://www.asdreams.org/
at the IASD Online Bulletin Board.
During this time, there will be dreaming for IASD as well as for the planet,
and people are invited to record their dreams and comments on the Bulletin
The Native American theme for this entire event derives from the fact that
the Solstice Celebration will be held on Indian Hill on the Bridgewater
State campus, where Conference attendees will be invited to watch the sun
set through an ancient Algonquin sighting stone, discovered by Conference
host Curtiss Hoffman last summer during his regular archaeology field
school. For more on this interesting story go to
Mary Whitefeather will lead a drumming meditation at the Solstice
Celebration with her pau wau drum. All Conference attendees are invited to
bring hand drums, and those at home can join in the meditation by either
drumming alone or with their drumming circles, or simply by meditation on
planetary peace between 7 and 8 p.m. EST. Twelve Native American drumming
groups will join the event at various locations on the North American
Group Dreaming: Dreams to the Tenth Power
The following is a brief excerpt from Jean Campbell's new book on the
history of group dreaming research. An entire section of the book is
dedicated to the accomplishments of the World Dreams Peace Bridge, and a
percentage of each book sale will be donated to the Aid for Traumatized
Children Project of the World Dreams Peace Bridge. For more on the book,
including a special prepublication discount offer, good until June 18, 2006,
go to
Chapter 11
In the Wake of 9/11
On the morning of September 11, 2001, I awoke from a strange dream:
I am standing in the doorway to an air traffic control tower. This is a
major airport, maybe Kennedy in New York, and there are a number of
employees monitoring air traffic. One African-American man stands up from
his chair with a microphone in his hand. He is obviously shouting and
This was at 5:30 a.m., my usual wake-up time. I rolled over in bed,
took a look at the clock, and thought, "Strange dream. I never dream about
airplanes." Thinking no more about it, I went on with my morning routine.
I walked in the park near the river down the street from my house, had some
breakfast, then sat down at the computer to check the messages on the IASD
Bulletin Board, as I did every day.
This morning, I had barely sat down when I received an email from a friend.
"Turn on the television," was all it said. Given such a cryptic message,
who could resist? I quickly stepped over and turned on the television, to
see a twenty-one inch image of what looked like the World Trade Center
towers in New York City. An announcer was saying, "There has been an
explosion at the World Trade Center. An aircraft, maybe a private airplane,
seems to have flown into the...."
As he spoke, the commentator's voice trailed off. We all watched in horror
as a second plane, obviously a commercial jet, flew into the other World
Trade Center tower, shearing off parts of the building, creating a fiery
explosion. The stunned commentator was saying, "Its another airplane. A
second airplane has flown into the Tower."
As the story of the day's tragedy began to unfold, I heard in my head, as
clearly as if someone had said it out loud, "This day will change the
world." My next thought was about the Boarders on the IASD Bulletin Board.
What would they think? What would they be hearing? And then, oh my word!
I wondered how many hundreds of people around the world had dreamed
precognitively about this event, and how they must be feeling, seeing it
unfold before their eyes. I knew I needed to back online to tell people
they could discuss their premonitions on the Bulletin Board.
Precognitive dreams are not synonymous with group dreaming. However, we
have seen from several cases how precognitive dreamers will tune in on mass
events such as the O.J. Simpson trial. In these cases, the group focus
seems to produce the immediate appearance, in the dreams of multiple
dreamers, the upcoming, emotionally charged event. Watching the events of
the Twin Towers on September 11, I had a feeling for what might follow.
If you would like to download and read the rest of this chapter, and the
following chapter about the creation of the World Dreams Peace Bridge, go to
