Ever since the first donation was made to The iMAGE Project for the Aid for
Traumatized Children work of The World Dreams Peace Bridge, I have been
trying to explain the relationship between the two groups and help people
feel comfortable with the idea of sending money to an unknown nonprofit.
The iMAGE Project is not the Red Cross. It's not even Save the Children,
but just a small, relatively unknown nonprofit organization.
And there is not even a logical reason that donations for The World Dreams
Peace Bridge should go to The iMAGE Project, aside from the fact that
donations to charitable organizations in the United States are tax
deductible. And the fact that I am active in both The Peace Bridge and The
iMAGE Project, whose ideals are most compatible.
But the impetus to make The iMAGE Project visible enough for people to
donate toward the work with children in Iraq has produced first an
exceptionally beautiful web site, designed by Liz Diaz; and now Life's
Little Book of Magic.
Life's Little Book is an idea that came to me many years ago. At first, I
wanted to keep the idea to myself, write a book that was just about my own
experiences of magic, or the I Mage. Every once in a while though, I would
bring out the title and run it past someone whose eyes would light with
pleasure as they heard the words, until finally I realized that we all have
magical tales to tell.
So this week I sent out several hundred invitations to people to join the
Open House at The iMAGE Project
and to write in Life's Little Book of Magic, which will be an ongoing,
inspirational activity of The iMAGE Project.
I'd like to invite you to write your own, true tales of magic. I'd like you
to invite your friends to do the same. Two things will happen if you do.
One is that one day The iMAGE Project name will be connected in the minds of
many people with hope and dreams. And the other is that we will all be able
to see how magic operates through us to move into the world, even as we
dream the world into existence.
Lend your account to the annals of personal magic.

If you would like to know more about the work of The World Dreams Peace Bridge, take a look at our web site at
http://www.worlddreamspeacebridge.org, and if you would like to join us in discussion, just send a post to
