The World Dreams Peace Bridge is an international group of dreamers, working together to create world peace. The Bridge is open to all. Send an email to:
One current project on the World Dreams Peace Bridge is the Peace Train Project, which grew from a dream of Jeremy Seligson. Here is his report on Peace Train activities in Korea:
"Many new peace trains arrived today, brought in by my students. About six, varying in length from 10 to 30 cars, beautifully put together in various ways, with wheels, engines and cabooses, linked together by two rings on each car side, colorful plastic rings or metal ones. The art work and messages of peace were done by elementary and middle school students from cities around Korea.
"Also on Friday, I will present the Peace Train to the International School's Faculty Conference. I'll begin by singing my newly-composed Peace Trainsong. (This, by the way, has been slightly revised, and I just talked to my Peace Corps friend in Austin who is a part-time Blues musician. He has agreed to write the music and record it with his group in a professional studio. I've sung it to three classes so far, and they really like it.)
"Then I will present the call for trains, explaining the dream origin of the train and its evolution in brief. I will ask them to go back to their own classes and make trains for us. Focusing on children, we avoid the political overtones which might turn some people away in these volatile, divisive days. However, I will also distribute colored paper to all the participants and ask them, while I am talking, to draw a picture of peace for a teacher's peace train, to be collected at the end of the session.
"I will also ask the teachers to talk to their neighbors and answer these questions for themselves:
1. What could be a good purpose of a Peace Train?
2. What could be drawn and written on a Peace Train
3. What good can a peace train do for a child helping to make one?
4. How can the peace train help other children, and adults too?
"This is just about as far as you can get from Washington, D.C., so it's a good place from which to start the ride across the world."
Members of the World Dreams Peace Bridge have discussed both having Peace Trains sent from people in one part of the world to people in another, and collecting Peace Trains for a book or other publications.
Dreams from members of the World Dreams Peace Bridge were used the first weekend in November at the Association for the Study of Dreams regional conference at JFK University in Orinda, California. Peace Bridge members, Fariba Bogzaran and Steve Smith presented these dreams along with others in the Awakening Project created by Fariba and her students in JKF's graduate studies program in Dreams.
And finally, the World Dreams Peace Bridge and Peace Train stores are now open for business. A great range of products from teddy bears to note cards, shirts, bags and stickers are available, bearing Peace Bridge and Peace Train logos. We encourage you to stop by at for Holiday Shopping. Each purchase brings an automatic $5 donation, which will be used to aid women and children in Afghanistan.
