Here's a selective report for psi dreamers. March 2007 the Rhine Research
Center organized a conference with the title "Consciousness Today: Where
Scientists and Psychics Meet at Myrtle Beach". The meeting of scientists and
psychics gave the conference an exciting edge, forcing researchers to keep
an open mind, and psychics to keep their feet on the ground.
The conference opened with a keynote by star psychic Joe McMoneagle. He
spoke about his experiences as a remote viewer with the Stargate project.
Joe shared a wide variety of insights into the workings of psi, and funny
anecdotes about working as a psychic in the context of intelligence
agencies. Joe once worked together with Stephan LaBerge to try remote
viewing from lucid dreams, but never really got to like remote viewing from
Dale Graff presented the results of his personal dreaming project. Dale
incubated precognitive dreams for striking pictures on the front page of the
newspaper. He showed his sketches along with the found matching photos as
published by newspapers. Dale also speculated on how dream images work
towards displaying a photo from the future.
Stefan Kasian presented nine examples of dreamers who bought new homes with
the help of dreams. Stefan also shared some preliminary results on how such
dreamers score on scales for absorption and creativity. Obviously, the
purchase of real estate should make for a fruitful area to research psi, as
it involves so many very strong emotions. Stefan looks forward to hearing
more experiences from dreamers. For more information, see Stefan's member
page at the IASD website.
Other presentations among others told about the similarities between
sensitivity for subliminal messages and psi information (James Carpenter),
and similarities between "flow" experiences and psi abilities (Jean
Hamilton). The conference concluded with a keynote by Joseph Chilton Pearce
about the connection between the heart and the mind. One of the findings he
mentioned was that the heart knows about events before the brain or the mind
does. The main theme of his talk could perhaps be summarized with saying
that we should change our society to live more from the heart.
Harry Bosma

Electric Dreams issn # 1080 4284 Edited for online from first publications by Janet Garrett Copyrights © held by individual authors, all rights reserved For reprint information contact the publisher, Richard Wilkerson, E-mail: 

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