This feature provides an unusual lucid dreaming task for LDE readers with each new issue. Participants agree to accept personal responsibility and all risks should they choose to undertake these tasks, which may possibly bring about mental, emotional, and even physical changes. We invite those of you who attempt these tasks to send your dream reports to LDE.

The Lucid Dream Information Technique
In a lucid dream in May of 1985 I finalized a Lucid Dream Information Technique (LDIT) that has worked quite well for me, as well as for others, in obtaining clear and easily understandable information on a variety of topics (Kellogg III, E. W. (1986). "A lucid dream incubation technique", Dream Network Bulletin, 5(4), 16).
"In a lucid dream I demonstrate an incubation technique using a silver bowl to a group of other [dreamers]. Basically the technique consisted of the following - First the lucid dreamer decides on a question, in which he or she asks for the information most needed at that time. After deciding on a specific question, the dreamer inverts the silver bowl and consciously focuses on the question. After waiting a few seconds for the answer to materialize, the dreamer then turns over the bowl to find a materialized note with the answer written on it. I took a number of my fellow [dreamers] through this incubation technique, and each received a clear and discrete answer. For myself I asked for a message from an official in a government agency about the possibilities of future research grants, and received the answer "Good bye!" , which I clearly understood meant that I would receive no further funding from this agency (note: which incidentally, proved quite true). "
Since that time I've experimented with variations of the LDIT, which one can break down into four steps:
- Finding a medium for the materialization of the answer (such as a closed drawer, or blank piece of paper);
- Asking the question, waiting a few seconds (important!);
- Opening the drawer (or turning over the paper, etc.) and seeing what has materialized, and finally;
- Memorizing what you see, waking yourself up from LDR (Lucid Dream Reality) and then accurately and completely recording the information in WPR (Waking Physical Reality).
If I open a drawer, sometimes I find a written note or drawing, at other times an object or objects symbolizing the answer appears. And as for reading, I need to read it clearly the first time through, as rereading messages usually doesn't work very well for me. Some materializing mediums work far better than others, and the best give discrete, specific, answers, easily remembered in the transition from LDR to WPR.
One can for example, ask the question and then turn over a piece of dream paper, open a dream book, turn on a dream television, or even type the question into a dream computer and press Enter to display the answer.
Finding a suitable medium may require some ingenuity on your part - not every dreamscape has empty drawers, blank pieces of paper, or silver bowls lying about! In order to use the LDIT I need to maintain a clear headed lucidity throughout the incubation process, and then consciously retain and clearly recall the answer on returning to WPR.
As an oracle of information I've found the LDIT very useful, and the information received usually of a very high quality. This does not mean that I always get usable answers to the questions I ask! In one case, where I had requested investment information, I received my answer on a clay tablet in what looked like cuneiform! I've used the LDIT as a kind of dreamtime search engine to successfully access information of all kinds, from remote viewing targets to investment advice. However, to begin I suggest that you first use the LDIT to obtain information on improving health and healing, either for yourself, of for someone you care about.
Lucid Dreaming Task
Using the LDIT to Obtain Healing Information
Before performing this task: incubate dreams for guidance on how to accomplish this week's task - what to ask about, which medium to use, etc.
Record your experiences and / or the answers that you get in your dream journal in as much detail as possible - use illustrations to depict your experiences if appropriate. Use this information to better focus on the task for this week. Use different magical spells to incubate both lucid dreams, and dreams on specific topics that interest you. Keep a record of how well different procedures work.
When you next gain lucidity in a lucid dream (where you know that you dream while you dream) use the LDIT (Lucid Dream Information Technique) to generate an answer to one (or all) of the following questions:
1. Why do I have ____?
2. What can I do to cure _____?
2. What can I do (or take, or eat) to optimize my health?
Alternatively, you can use the LDIT to ask for healing information for a friend who needs help, and who has given you permission to do so. Record your experiences and / or the answers that you get using the LDIT in your dream journal in as much detail as possible - use graphical illustrations to depict your answer if appropriate. Also, look for health and healing information in all of your dreams. Often, after rehearsing the LDIT as you go to sleep, the answers will show up in your dreams whether you become lucid in them or not.

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