November 8th & 9th, 2006
After the Conference on Naive "Outsider Art" in Chandagarh, and a visit to
the famous Camel Fair in Jaipur, I Returned to Delhi to co-lead a 2 day
workshop with our good friend Anjali Hhazarika who has often been to the
IASD conferences abroad.
While Anjali was working for Oil India in Pune she introduced Dream Work to
the business managers and wrote a book about it called Daring To Dream:
Cultivating Corporate Creativity. We had become good friends at several
IASD Conferences and she was able to set up a joint workshop in Delhi where
she is now Director of National Petroleum Management Training Programs. In
India. Anjali reserved a hall at the Delhi Habitat Convention Center for
our 2-day workshop entitled Life Changing Strategies Through Art, Dreams
and Creative Problem Solving.
Corporate men and women came from companies like Oil India, National Thermal
Power Corporation, Times Internet, Life Positive Magazine. We introduced
them to the concept of Dreams As Metaphor; we took turns teaching the
shorthand of dreams, strategies of failure and success, and my "Paper Stage"
method of Creative Problem Solving and how this method can be useful in
business management and Goal setting. This was a new way of thinking for
these Indian men and women. We felt it a grand success, at least we'd put
them in touch with a new tool for problem solving.
Next I flew to Pune. I was met at the Pune airport by a couple that belongs
to Francis Menendez dream group, an India spin-off of the Association for the
Study of Dreams. I was the guest of Arvin Gupta a scientist at the University Of Pune Campus who is
translating my book Making Things: The Handbook of Creative Discovery into Hindi. He
intends to put it in all the schools of India. (He has a wonderful Educational
Website: be sure to see his books:
Dr. Francis Minendez, lives in Pune, now retired, is another old IASD friend
who has attended many of our Conferences abroad. Francis invited me to
speak to his big India Dream Group. I gave my slide-talk on Art, Dreams and
Creative Problem Solving. There was much interest and one woman asked to
work a dream with me there and then and the group agreed. It was a dream
that had been recurring and haunting her for years about giving birth to a
baby girl that was perfect in every way but left her feeling dissatisfied
and incomplete to such an extent that she was afraid to have a baby. No
matter how many times she inspected it she knew it was unsatisfactory. She
was so distressed she was afraid when she married she would disappoint her
husband or not be able to have a perfect baby. She had decided she was "A
LOST CAUSE." It took a while for her to find the metaphor. Apparently she
had not connected the fact that being a girl she was an unsatisfactory baby
herself. Francis's group asked me to run a workshop the following day and
Arvind Gupta offered space in his Science Lab at the University. About 40
people came. It was such an enthusiastic crowd I wish I could have stayed

Ann Sayre Wiseman will be giving her slide talk and workshop on Art,
Dreams and Creative Problem Solving at the Bridgewater IASD Conference June
21st. Her books are Dreams As Metaphor: The Power Of The Image, and
Nightmare Help: A Guide for Parents and Teachers.
Her cover art for the June 2006 issue of Electric Dreams, "The Dream 06," can be found at
